  • 标准纯银币或银币的国货币制度,标准纯度为银币0。500,金币0。91666
    British coinage of silver or gold, having as a standard of fineness0.500 for silver and0.91666 for gold.
  • 诗行中音步尾部和词的最后音节相符时的小休止诗句行末的停顿或暂停,一般出现在词尾和韵律音部重合的情况
    A break or pause in a line of verse that occurs when the end of a word and the end of a metric foot coincide.
  • 英镑的硬币轧有花边.
    English pound coins have milled edges.
  • 国)伪造假币的人。
    (British) a maker of counterfeit coins.
  • 我的硬币是美国的,她的是国的。
    My coins are American, Hers are English ones.
  • 据悉,美国国务卿鲍威尔在联合国安理会上发言时,还对国政府的这份报告赞扬有加呢。
    The dossier had been praised by US Secretary of State Colin Powell in his speech to the UN Security Council.
  • 福特,约翰1586-1639国剧作家,作品包括可惜她是妓女(1633年)和与他人的合著,其中尤以与托马斯·德克尔及约翰·韦伯斯特的合作而闻名
    English playwright whose works include'Tis Pity She's a Whore(1633) and collaborative efforts, notably with Thomas Dekker and John Webster.
  • 堂兄弟姊妹表兄弟姊妹是旁系亲属;国斯图亚特王室的旁系后裔。
    cousins are collateral relatives; an indirect descendant of the Stuarts.
  • 我为伦敦无家可归的人们募集了50镑。
    I collected £ 5 0 for homeless people in London.
  • 芒罗,赫克托耳·休1870-1916国作家,以其诙谐间或伤感的短篇小说著称,这些短篇小说刊登于小说集如克洛维斯记事(1911年)
    Canadian writer noted for vivid novels and short stories of life in rural Ontario. Her collections of stories include Dance of the Happy Shades(1968) and Something I've Been Meaning to Tell You(1974).
  • 人民解放军积极学习和贯彻“三个代表”重要思想,组织官兵学习党的基本理论、国家宪法法律和科学文化知识,开展爱国主义、集体主义和革命雄主义教育,团以上单位设立军史馆,连队设立荣誉室。
    The PLA has actively studied and implemented the important thought of the "Three Represents," organized the rank and file to study the Constitution and other state laws, the Party's basic theories, and scientific and cultural knowledge, and conducted education in patriotism, collectivism and revolutionary heroism by establishing military history museums in units at and above the regiment level, and honor exhibition in companies.
  • 我们要大力在青少年中提倡勤奋学习、遵守纪律、热爱劳动、助人为乐、艰苦奋斗、勇对敌的革命风尚,把青少年培养成为忠于社会主义祖国、忠于无产阶级革命事业、忠于马克思列宁主义毛泽东思想的优秀人才,将来走上工作岗位,成为有很高的政治责任心和集体主义精神,有坚定的革命思想和实事求是、群众路线的工作作风,严守纪律,专心致志地为人民积极工作的劳动者。
    We should strive to inculcate in our young people the revolutionary style of diligent study, observance of discipline, love of labour, pleasure in helping others, defiance of hardships and courage in the face of the enemy. In this way they can become fine and competent people loyal to the socialist motherland, to the proletarian revolutionary cause and to Marxism-Leninism and Mao Zedong Thought. Thus, when they finish their schooling and take up their jobs, they will be workers imbued with a strong sense of political responsibility and collectivism and a firm revolutionary ideology; their style of work will be to seek truth from facts and follow the mass line, and they will observe strict discipline and work wholeheartedly for the people.
  • 耶鲁,伊莱休1649-1721生于殖民地的国商人和慈善家,曾向康涅狄格的学院做过一系列捐献,为纪念他更名为耶鲁(1718年)。
    Colonial-born English merchant and philanthropist who made a series of contributions to the Collegiate School in Connecticut, which was renamed in Yale's honor(1718).
  • 但是国饮食协会的凯瑟琳·考林斯却认为:很难断定是我们的体形决定了我们所喜爱的食物,还是我们喜爱的食物决定了我们的体形。
    " But Catherine Collins, of the British Dietetic Association said:" It is difficult to dictate whether our bodyshape dictates the food we like, or the food we like dictates bodyshape.
  • 科林斯同时预测,到2030年,人们会像国物理学家斯蒂芬·霍肯现在正在做的那样来宣称人类可以通过改变基因、改善物种来掌控自身的进化。
    Collins also foresaw that by 2030, people would be arguing, as British physicist Stephen Hawking already is, that humans could start to take charge of their own evolution by altering their genes to improve the species.
  • (通俗语)不倾向交谈的。
    (British colloquial) not inclined to conversation.
  • 国)伞的一种通俗说法。
    (British) colloquial terms for an umbrella.
  • 她以通俗的风格写信;会话体语不规范的语法和随便的发音。
    wrote her letters in a colloquial style; the broken syntax and casual enunciation of conversational English.
  • 梅塔哥伦比亚东北部的一条河流,流程约1,102公里(685里),部分沿着委内瑞拉的边界流淌
    A river, about1, 102 km(685 mi) long, of northeast Colombia flowing partially along the border with Venezuela.
  • 阿劳卡河发源于哥伦比亚北部的一条河流,流程约805公里(500里),向东注入委内瑞拉中部的奥里诺科河
    A river rising in northern Colombia and flowing about805 km(500 mi) eastward to the Orinoco River in central Venezuela.
  • 奥里诺科河委内瑞拉流域的一条长度超过2,414公里(1,500里)的河流,其一部分沿哥伦比亚-委内瑞拉边界入大西洋。其入海口可能由哥伦布在1498年发现。
    A river of Venezuela flowing more than2, 414 km(1, 500 mi), partly along the Colombia-Venezuela border, to the Atlantic Ocean. The mouth of the river was probably discovered by Columbus in1498.
  • 英国成为殖民帝国
    Great Britain growing to be a colonial empire
  • 领殖民地时期的美国殖民地时期的或与这相关
    Of or relating to the colonial period in the United States.
  • 在殖民地时期法国人武装印度人去抗击国人。
    In colonial days the French armed the Indians to attack the British.
  • 百多年殖民地统治又确立了语的官方地位。
    More than 100 years of colonial rule also inevitably made English its official language.
  • 国的殖民主义政策使其建立起幅员辽阔的大帝国。
    British colonialism led to the establishment of a large empire.
  • 这个国家从多年的国殖民主义统治下独立出来。
    This country become independent after many year of british colonialism.
  • 先是经历国殖民统治,后经国家的独立,这几十年来和本地社会融合,已经使到这里的华人和其他地方的华人有所不同了。
    Through decades of colonialism, first under British colonial administration and then as an independent country, they have distinguished themselves from the Chinese elsewhere.
  • 正是这一革命观点的体现,我们于1776年推翻了国的殖民统治。甚至在我任欧洲盟军最高司令时,我亲眼目睹了美国革命的观点仍在改变着东欧。
    With the embodiment of the idea of revolution,we threw off British colonialism in 1776 and even when I was the Supreme Allied Commander Europe I watched the ideas of American revolution still changing Eastern Europe.
  • 国在非洲开拓了许多殖民地.
    Britain colonized many parts of Africa.
  • 殖民地的人们拿起武器反抗国统治者。
    The colonists took up weapons to rebel against the British ruler.
  • 布鲁斯特,威廉1567-1644国清教徒殖民主义者,乘五月花号航行至美洲(1620年),是普利茅斯殖民地的宗教领袖
    English Pilgrim colonist who sailed to America on the Mayflower(1620) and was the religious leader of Plymouth Colony.