  • 肉质无干的块状植物,有灰绿色的叶子,结构酷似岗岩;南非。
    highly succulent stemless clump-forming plants with gray-green leaves similar in texture to lumps of granite; South Africa.
  • 东亚多年生地下茎草本属,具长在光裸葶上的,丛生;世界性种植;黄菜;有时归入萱草亚科。
    east Asian rhizomatous clump-forming perennial herbs having flowers on long leafless stalks; cosmopolitan in cultivation: day lilies; sometimes placed in subfamily Hemerocallidaceae.
  • 我打碎了这个瓶,我真是愚蠢/笨/粗心。
    How stupid/silly/clumsy/careless of me to break the vase.
  • 所有的瓶都蒙上一层灰尘。
    All the vases are coated with dust.
  • 我想我可以说服父亲增加我的零钱。
    I think I can coax Father into increasing my pocket money.
  • 虽然朋友们和姐姐们也像母亲当初哄我出厨房那样,尝试着各种样让我放弃一些计划,可总是以失败而告终。
    My friends and sisters try to pry me away from my plans in much the same way that my mom tried to coax me out of the kitchen, but they're hardly ever successful.
  • 了半天功夫就草草做成了这把椅子。
    The chair took him half a day to cobble up.
  • 它很精致、丝质、手工缝制,周围有一圈密密的边。
    It was exquisite, silk, handmade and trimmed with a cobweb of lace.
  • 他歪戴着帽子,挥舞着手杖。女郎们称他是个不折不扣的公子。
    He cocked his hat and twirled his stick. And the girls they called him quite the kick.
  • 与白丹科同延;通常归于报春目。
    coextensive with the family_Plumbaginaceae; usually included in order Primulales.
  • 好冷嘲人生者,是个当他闻到香之时就会四处找寻棺材的人。
    A cynic is a man who, when he smell flower, looks around for a coffin.
  • 好不容易才把棺材打了开来,一股恶臭迎面扑来,尽管棺材四周都是芳香扑鼻的草。
    The dampness of the earth had rusted the screws, and it was not without considerable effort that the coffin was opened. A foul odour emerged, despite the aromatic herbs with which it had been strewn.
  • 一只忧郁的鸟儿的刺耳的哭泣;涩口的白兰地;刺眼的白光弄了你的眼睛;走廊里满是刺鼻的烟雾。
    the harsh cry of a blue jay; harsh cognac; the harsh white light makes you screw up your eyes; harsh irritating smoke filled the hallway.
  • 粉块由有粘性的粉粒形成的块,常见于兰和马利筋
    A mass of coherent pollen grains, found in the flowers of orchids and milkweeds.
  • 能够产生火的感应线圈。
    an induction coil used to create sparks.
  • 我们慢慢地绕过一桶桶钉子,一捆捆浇水管,和丝网,来到一个角落。
    We edged past kegs of nails,coils of garden hose and rolls of screen wire over to a corner.
  • 与此同时,由于选民们情愿大量钱与犯罪率上升做斗争,各州建立了更多的拘留所和监狱。
    Coincidentally, with voters willing to spend freely to fight rising crime rates, states were building more jails and prisons.
  • 英镑的硬币轧有花边.
    English pound coins have milled edges.
  • 我买一杯可口可乐和一爆米
    I but a cup of coke and some popcorn.
  • 顺便问一下,在哪里可以买到爆米和可乐?
    By the way, where can I buy the popcorn and cola?
  • 秋水仙果秋番红的脱水的成熟种子或其球茎,二者都产秋水仙碱
    The dried ripe seeds or corms of the autumn crocus, both of which yield colchicine.
  • 一个矮簇生的常绿灌木属,叶苔藓状,白色或粉色,下垂,生长于北温带较冷的地区。
    low tufted evergreen shrubs of colder parts of north temperate regions having mosslike foliage and nodding white or pink flowers.
  • 科林怎么啦?他在无止境地乱钱!
    What's wrong with Colin? He is spending money like it's going out of fashion.
  • 厄恩斯特,马克斯1891-1976出生于德国的艺术家,达达主义和超现实主义的创始人,他以直接在纸上擦出不同形状和基本纹的作画方法和抽象拼贴画法著名,并且通过多种形式的作品探索潜意识,如他的绘画老人、女人和(1923年)
    German-born artist and a founder of Dada and surrealism. Noted for his use of frottage and collage, he explored the subconscious through his stylistically varied works, such as the painting Old Man, Woman, and Flower(1923).
  • 板坍塌了, 碎砖破瓦掉落到了屋里.
    The ceiling collapsed and rubble poured into the room.
  • 这位负责人和他的同事大卫·莫斯利了近两年时间考察“信息与通讯技术”(ict)的教学效果。
    He and his colleague David Mosley spent almost two years examining the effect of Information and Communications Technology in lessons.
  • 八门的聚合种类众多的集锦或收集物
    A diverse assortment or collection.
  • 这个瓶成为收藏家所争取的珍物。
    The vase turned out to be a collector's item.
  • 大丽一种大丽属植物,产于墨西哥、中美洲和哥伦比亚的山上,长有块茎状的根和各种颜色的艳丽射线状
    Any of several plants of the genus Dahlia native to the mountains of Mexico, Central America, and Colombia, having tuberous roots and showy, rayed, variously colored flower heads.
  • 拥有块根和亮色冠的任何一种大丽属植物;原产墨西哥、中美和哥伦比亚山区。
    any of several plants of or developed from the species Dahlia pinnata having tuberous roots and showy rayed variously colored flower heads; native to the mountains of Mexico and Central America and Colombia.
  • 布鲁斯特,威廉1567-1644英国清教徒殖民主义者,乘五月号航行至美洲(1620年),是普利茅斯殖民地的宗教领袖
    English Pilgrim colonist who sailed to America on the Mayflower(1620) and was the religious leader of Plymouth Colony.
  • 终年草本植物,有形似驴蹄的大圆叶,在长叶子之前开黄色的;原生于欧洲,现已在世界范围内生长;原作医用。
    perennial herb with large rounded leaves resembling a colt's foot and yellow flowers appearing before the leaves do; native to Europe but now nearly cosmopolitan; used medicinally especially formerly.