  • 那天夜裏的氣溫衹有華氏40度,可她衹穿一件褪色的印花連衣裙,一件薄薄的淺米色毛衣,小得連扣子都扣不上;腳上穿剪掉後幫的黑色塑料便鞋,露出了長滿硬繭的腳後跟;
    On a forty?degree night, she was wearing only a faded print dress, a thin, light?beigs sweater too small to button, and black vinyl slippers with the backs cut out to expose calloused heels.
  • 那時候我已雙目失明,所以不知道那少女的容貌如何,不過我知道她穿拖鞋,因為兩衹拖鞋拍打她的腳後跟。我很喜歡她說話的聲音。
    As I had become blind by then, I could not tell what the girl looked like, but I knew she wore slippers from the way they slapped against her heels, and I liked the sound of her voice.
  • 他們沿滑溜溜的山脊慢慢前進。
    They were inching their way along the slippery ridge.
  • 我期待新年過後,再上您的課。
    I look forward to your class after the new year.
  • 瑪格麗特把手從加斯東手裏抽回來,請他坐在她右面,我坐在左面,接她對納尼娜說:
    And, slipping out of Gaston's grasp, Marguerite sat him on her right, me on her left, and then said to Nanine:
  • 小鯨魚和小海豚實際上是當它們的母親在滑流中拖它們嚮前遊動時休息、進食和睡覺的,形成一個遊泳梯隊的陣形。
    Young whales and dolphins actually rest, eat and sleep while their mother swims, towing them along in her slipstream -a placement called echelon swimming.
  • 騎手的夾剋後背上開長叉,使他騎在馬上穿更舒服。
    The rider's jacket is slit up the back to make it more comfortable to wear when riding.
  • 他身上覆蓋的碎冰片在陽光下閃光,仿佛撒落在墳墓中的花朵。
    Broken splinters and slivers of ice, sparkling in the sun, covered him like flowers scattered in a grave.
  • 為什麽女人閉嘴就不能上睫毛膏?
    Why women can't put on mascara with their mouth closed?
  • 學生們一遍一遍地吟詠一樣的標語。
    The students chanted the same slogan over and over again.
  • 穿沒有係緊鞋帶的運動鞋蹣跚的孩子們。
    teenagers slopping around in unlaced sneakers.
  • 山前侵蝕平原,麓原一種由侵蝕引起的在另一陡的傾斜底面上的寬而緩緩傾斜的岩石層面,其上通常覆蓋衝積土
    A broad, gently sloping rock surface at the base of a steeper slope, often covered with alluvium, formed primarily by erosion.
  • 他喘着氣走上陡坡。
    He puffed up the steep slope.
  • 車子搖晃衝下斜坡。
    The car careened down the slope.
  • 汽車順着坡開去。
    The car rolled down the slope.
  • 反應強烈如帶怒氣或激情等強烈地反應
    To react strongly, as with anger or enthusiasm.
  • 我們順着草坡滑下去.
    We slid down the grassy slope.
  • 後部有一個傾斜的門的汽車,此門可以舉打開。
    a sloping rear door that is lifted to open.
  • 修造船衹的坡道,此坡道斜伸入水中。
    sloping way down to the water where ships are built or repaired.
  • 為了學習,學習為了更好的活
    To live is to learn,to learn is to better live.
  • 斜棚附在建築物邊緣或墻上的棚或斜頂
    A shed or sloping roof attached to the side of a building or wall.
  • 不是為了吃飯,吃飯為了活
    live not to eat,but eat to live.
  • 富勒先生老是穿邋遢,不是嗎?
    Mr. Full's always such a sloppy dresser, is not he?
  • 這個小村望而卻步的農民整天在街角慵散地走動
    The farmers in the small village slouch about at street corner all day.
  • 自從他兒子死後,他整天就是憂傷忡忡地圍房子轉,什麽也不幹。
    Ever since he lost his son, he's done nothing but slouch sadly about the house all day.
  • 我仍舊試想和你發展到‘第二階段'(在美國,first base 指拉手,接吻,second base 指撫摩等,third base指做愛)
    I'm still trying to get to second base with you.
  • 那個疲憊的人垂頭彎腰地走
    The exhausted man slouched along.
  • 我和博走進她的房間時,床邊的小燈亮,遮陽窗簾拉,她背朝我們,低頭垂肩坐在輪椅上,對看不到任何景色的窗子。
    When Beau and I walked into her room,a small light was on next to her bed and the shades were pulled.She was sitting in her wheelchair,her back toward us,slouched over,facing the viewless window.
  • 在外貌上他像一個黑皮膚的吉普賽人,在衣和風度上他又像個紳士——也就是,像鄉紳那樣的紳士:也許有點邋遢,可是懶拖拖的並不難看,因為他有一個挺拔、漂亮的身材;
    He is a dark-skinned gipsy in aspect, in dress and manners a gentleman: that is, as much a gentleman as many a country squire: rather slovenly, perhaps, yet not looking amiss with his negligence, because he has an erect and handsome figure;
  • 樂隊演奏慢華爾茲舞麯。
    the band played a slow waltz.
  • 正當我們面對高利率和商業活動放緩所帶來的影響,本港的物業價格大幅下跌,不斷有機構裁員和削減工資。
    Our property prices have fallen substantially and lay-offs and wage adjustments are continuing as we respond to the effects of high interest rates and a slowdown in business activity.
  • 其後,由於市場憂慮美國經濟顯放緩,美元兌日圓及歐元轉弱,港匯指數輕微下跌。
    Thereafter, the EERI decreased slightly, along with the weakening of the US dollar against the Japanese Yen and the Euro, amid concerns on a marked slowdown in US economic activity.