Chinese English Sentence:
  • 哮喘多在孩子们中间流行,但在美国已变成最普通常见的儿童慢性病了。其发病率是成人的二倍。
    Although asthma is more prevalent among children -- it is now the most common chronic childhood disease in the U.S. -- twice as many adults have it.
  • 而今天,由于研究dna的方法迅速发展,涉及主要遗传疾病的有缺陷基因大量地被发现,(如包括导致糖尿病、癌症以及哮喘病的基因)几乎每周都会发现一种致病基因。
    Today, however, thanks to the deve1opment of powerful new ways for studying DAN, there is a flood of information about the faulty genes implicated in virtually every major human disease, including diabetes, cancer and asthma. Every week or so a new disease gene is discovered.
  • 父母中一方,或情况更糟,双方均患哮喘会增加下一代的患病风险,但好像舆论一致同意:此病流行分布的不同,主要不在于基因因素而是环境及生活方式所致。
    Although having an asthmatic parent -- or, worse still, two asthmatic parents -- increases a child's risk, there seems to be a consensus that differences such as those depicted on the map result not primarily from genetic factors but from environment and lifestyle.
  • 他突逝世,使我们惊骇。
    His sudden death astonished us.
  • 她突去世的消息使我们震惊。
    We are astonished at the news of her sudden death.
  • 她突去世的消息使我们震惊。
    We is astonished at the news of her sudden death.
  • 我觉得很惊异/不一般/令人难以置信他们竟拒绝了我们提供的帮助。
    I find it astonishing/extraordinary/incredible that they should turn down our offer.
  • 他竟这样对你说话,实在让人吃惊。
    That he shall speak to you like that is quite astonishing.
  • 他们愕然注视。
    They watched with astonishment.
  • 不知不觉、突感到惊奇或惊讶的。
    taken unawares or suddenly and feeling wonder or astonishment.
  • 在截至一九九八年三月三十一日为止的上一个财政年度,我们的财政盈馀达到本地生产总值的5.8%,成绩斐
    For the past fiscal year ending March 31, 1998, our budget surplus was at an astounding 5.8% of our GDP.
  • 在截至一九九八年三月三十一日为止的上一个财政年度,我们的财政盈馀达到本地生产总值的5.8%,成绩斐
    For the past fiscal year which ended March 31, our budget surplus was at an astounding level of 5.8% of GDP.
  • 迷失偏离真实、正确的或自的路线;迷路
    To turn aside from a true, correct, or natural course; go astray.
  • 我当是不会相信「星相学」上那类的见解,可是我见了朋友,就问他们是否相信人的生日,跟每个人的性格、个性有关?
    Although I haven’t the foggiest bit of faith in astrology, I began by asking the other party whether he believed the date of one’s birth has anything to do with character and disposition.
  • 而,在1959年前,西藏的医疗机构仅有拉萨“门孜康”(即藏医星算学院)和药王山医学利众院两所,门诊建筑面积总共才500平方米,从业人员不足50人,条件十分简陋,日门诊量30-50人次,主要是为贵族、领主和上层喇嘛服务的。
    However, there were only two medical organs in Tibet before 1959--the "Mantsikhang" (Institute of Tibetan Medicine and Astrology) and the "Chakpori Zhopanling" (Medicine King Hill Institute for Saving All Living Beings) in Lhasa, the conditions at which were very simple and crude. They had a combined floor space of only 500 square meters for the outpatient clinics and a total staff of fewer than 50. They handled 30-50 outpatients a day, and mainly served the nobles, feudal lords and upper-strata lamas.
  • 一名宇航员将试着离开停着的宇宙飞船,后再回到里面去。
    An astronaut will attempt to leave the stationary spaceship and then return to it.
  • 宇航员无法理解,为什么太空船出了事故他还能安返回地球。
    The astronaut couldn't get over the fact that in spite of the accident to the space vehicle he had returned safely on Earth.
  • 宇航员布尔施喜欢玩一个游戏,他从房间的一端向另一端扔出一个物体,后试着按该物体飞行的方式飞行,就好像两个飞行器一道飞行。
    Astronaut Bursch liked to play a game.He would throw an object across the room and then try to fly in exactly the way it did,like two aircraft flying together.
  • 詹姆斯,詹姆斯·霍普伍德1877-1946英国天文学家、物理学家和数学家。以气体动力学的研究和探索数学同自界之间的关系著称
    British astronomer, physicist, and mathematician noted for his work on the kinetic theory of gases and his investigations into the relationships between mathematical concepts and the natural world.
  • 观测所,气象台,天文台一座建筑或一个机构,用以观测天文的、气象学的或其它自现象
    A building, a place, or an institution designed and equipped for making observations of astronomical, meteorological, or other natural phenomena.
  • 天文学中研究太空中自物体与人造物体的运动的分支。
    the branch of astronomy that studies the motion of natural and artificial bodies in space.
  • 科学(物理学、化学和天文学)的研究对角是物质,即无生命系统。这篇论文论及机器人的机体操作。
    The physical sciences(physics, chemistry, and astronomy) deal with material, inanimate systems.
  • 当这位门卫偶提及他有一个天体物理学的学位时,我十分惊奇。
    You could have knocked me down with a feather when the doorman casually mentioned that he had a degree in astrophysics.
  • ,聪明的奥古斯汀在这个问题上帮不了什么忙。
    The astute Augustine obviously wasn't much help on this matter.
  • 红军革命军事委员会特慎重地向南京政府诸公进言,在亡国灭种紧急关头,理应翻改悔,以‘兄弟阋于墙外御其侮’的精神,在全国范围、首先在陕甘晋停止内战,双方互派代表磋商抗日救亡的具体办法。
    The Revolutionary Military Commission of the Red Army hereby solemnly advises the gentlemen of the Nanking government at this critical juncture, when our country and people are threatened with imminent destruction, to make a determined effort to atone for past misdeeds and end the civil war in the whole country, to join forces against attacks from without in the spirit of brothers quarrelling at home, and first of all end the civil war in Shensi, Kansu and Shansi, whereupon both sides should appoint delegates to discuss specific measures for resisting Japan and saving the nation.
  • 奶油面糊在一层甜水果上边,后翻一下锅,甜水果就在上边了。
    batter baked atop a layer of sweetened fruit then turned upside down so fruit is on top.
  • 腔静脉把血从身体的上部和下部抽光后流入心脏的右心房的两支大静脉之一
    Either of two large veins that drain blood from the upper body and from the lower body and empty into the right atrium of the heart.
  • 西洋的游历者并没有可以责难的地方,因为假山多数造得趣味很低,不能表现大自的庄严和宏伟。
    Western travelers are not to blame because most of the rockeries are done with atrocious taste, and fail to convey the suggestion of natural grandeur and majesty.
  • 她很自地依恋这个地方。
    Naturally she is attached to the place.
  • 那个著名的游泳健将突抽筋,不得不退出比赛。
    The famous master swimmer had an attack of cramp and had to give up the contest.
  • 急风暴雨式地进攻;突进攻。
    attack by storm; attack suddenly.
  • 而不可控制的爆发。
    a sudden uncontrollable attack.