  • 破产管理署署长亦就违反《破产条例》和《公司条例》的事项进行检控,申请取不适合作为公司董事人士的资格,监督外间清盘人及受讬人的工作,以及监管强制及自动清盘案中由清盘人保存的款项。
    The Official Receiver also prosecutes certain offences set out in the Bankruptcy and Companies Ordinances, applies for disqualification orders against unfit company directors, supervises the work of outside liquidators and trustees, and monitors the funds held by liquidators in both compulsory and voluntary liquidations.
  • 7.弹劾案的判决,不得超过免职及取其担任合众国政府任何有荣誉、有责任或有俸给的职位之资格;但被判处者仍须服从另据法律所作之控诉、审讯、判决及惩罚。
    Clause 7:Judgment in Cases of Impeachment shall not extend further than to removal from Office, and disqualification to hold and enjoy any Office of honor, Trust or Profit under the United States: but the Party convicted shall nevertheless be liable and subject to Indictment, Trial, Judgment and Punishment, according to Law.
  • 该队已经被取参赛资格。
    The team has been disqualified from the competition.
  • "他获得了金牌,但后来因查出有作弊行为而被取名次。"
    "He won the gold medal, but was later disqualified because of his cheating."
  • 在某一特定案件中,以持有偏见或与案件有个人的利害关系等为由取或要求取某人(如法官)参与决定的权力。
    disqualify oneself (as a judge, for example) in a particular case.
  • 裁判员可以出示黄牌或者判其停赛两分钟,甚至可以取其参赛资格。
    He can hold up a yellow card to warn the player or give him a suspension of 2 minutes or even disqualify the guilty player.
  • 我得说那坏息使我非常不安。
    I must say that bad news disquiet me a great deal.
  • 过去取民运部门,是因为当时对地方工作成绩估计过高,加上军队干部有些工作方式生硬,影响到有些地区要求军队不要打乱了地方工作的步调,今天看来这是不妥当的。
    In the past, mass movement departments in the army were removed, because the achievements of local authorities were overestimated and army cadres were so rigid in some of their working methods that some local authorities asked the army to keep out of their work in order to avoid disruption. It now seems this decision was inappropriate.
  • 防处在五月展开的"防安全大使"计划,旨在为社会人士提供防安全训练,然后由他们将防火知识及技巧传授给市民大众。
    The 'Fire Safety Ambassador' scheme launched in May aims to provide fire safety training to members of the community, who will then disseminate such knowledge and skills generally.
  • 假情报、假息的传播
    Dissemination of such misleading information.
  • 政府鼓励各部门利用互联网发布政府息。
    The government encourages use of the Internet for the dissemination of government information.
  • 服从海陆空三军权限的息(包括所以故意分发给公众的息或材料)的安全审查。
    security review of news (including all information or material intended for dissemination to the public) subject to the jurisdiction of the armed forces.
  • 一九九四年,政府新闻处开始推行新闻系统电脑化计划,加快向外发布息,并提高通讯联系的效率,从而改善服务素质。
    In 1994, the ISD began to implement an information systems strategy to improve the quality of its services through the quicker dissemination of information and more efficient communication links.
  • 1.全体成员一致认为:与知识产权有关的某些妨碍竞争的许可证贸易活动或条件,可能对贸易具有极影响,并可能阻碍技术的转让与传播。
    1. Members agree that some licensing practices or conditions pertaining to intellectual property rights which restrain competition may have adverse effects on trade and may impede the transfer and dissemination of technology.
  • 第二是掩饰,是极的;
    The second dissimulation, in the negative;
  • "勤杂工打开窗子,试图使会议室内烟散。"
    The office boy tried to dissipate the smoke by opening a window of the meeting room.
  • 他打开窗子,试图使房中的烟散。
    He tried to dissipate the smoke by opening a window.
  • 我们必须除他们那种反对制订专门规章制度的枉费心机的守旧行为的影响。
    We must dissipate their influence in relatively ineffective rear guard actions designed to prevent particular regulatory measures.
  • 她儿子的来信除了她一切恐惧和焦虑.
    Her son's letter dissipated all her fears and anxiety.
  • 太阳升起时雾很快就散了.
    The mist quickly dissipated as the sun rose.
  • 乌云最后消散了
    The dark clouds finally dissipated.
  • 这条息驱散了我的恐惧。
    The news dissipated my fear.
  • 不是的,甲曾有一万镑资本,但这已经失——被丙浪费挥霍掉了。
    A had a capital of ten thousand pounds, but this has been extinguished --dissipated and destroyed by C's prodigality.
  • 任何假设的能推动或拉动大洋板块的力,会很快因克服在其下静态的热体地幔上滑动的摩擦力而被散。
    Any hypothetical force postulated to either push or pull oceanic plates would be quickly dissipated overcoming the friction of sliding over a static fluid mantle beneath.
  • 新儿的母亲,因为新儿多病,想把他寄名给一个贫苦人家做干儿,解一些灾厄。
    Xin-er's health had not been very good. His mother decided to allow him to be taken as a god-son by someone who was really poor so that some of his ill luck could be dissipated.
  • 水跃消能
    hydraulic jump energy dissipation
  • 锋消气象锋的消失
    Dissipation of a meteorological front.
  • 法律上取一桩婚姻。
    the legal dissolution of a marriage.
  • 第十八条 国家鼓励科研、生产单位研究、生产易回收利用、易处置或者在环境中易纳的农用薄膜。
    Article 18 The State encourages research institutions and production units to research and manufacture agricultural film that is easy to be recycled or treated, or easy to dissolve or be absorbed in the environment.
  • 融其他物质的液体物质。
    a liquid substance capable of dissolving other substances.
  • 在最初的24小时或36小时内只饮用水或果汁,由于机体不会分散过多的精力用来化,治疗感染的效果就会提高。
    Stick to water and juice for the first 24 or 36 hours and because the body is not distracted by the digestive process, you will fight the infection more efficiently.
  • 毕加索的艺术并非只是一种供人赏心悦目的遣作品。
    Picasso's art was not just a pleasant distraction.