  • 一九九七年对香港来说,是十美好的一年,也是我们引以自豪的一年。我们见证中国恢复行使香港的主权,香港政权交接非常顺利,安排可谓天衣无缝。
    1997 was a wonderful year for Hong Kong, a very proud year for Hong Kong, where we see the resumption of sovereignty by China over Hong Kong in a seamless and very smooth transition.
  • 此外,为了向本港的年青人提供持续的高等教育机会,该局将通过与海外着名大学达成衔接课程安排,在香港为该局的高级文凭毕业生提供全日制和部时间制的学位课程,让他们继续升学。
    Furthermore, in order to support the provision of a seamless higher education for young people in Hong Kong, the VTC will be offering both full-time and part-time 'top-up' degree programmes in Hong Kong to higher diploma graduates through articulation arrangements with reputable overseas universities.
  • 明年开始,所有携签证到达美国各个机场或者海港的外国人都要接受一系列安全检查,其中包括扫描旅行护照、提取指纹和照片同恐怖子名单对照以确认其身份。
    Foreign visitors arriving with visas at U.S. airports or seaports next year will have their travel documents scanned, their fingerprints and photos taken and their identification checked against terrorist watch lists.
  • 同时,我们也可以在上述的查询中减少指定的tmodelkey的数量,以实现更广泛的搜索,搜索目标是寻找那些实现了部uddi规范的web服务。
    At the same time, limiting the number of tModelKey values passed in a search can perform broader searches that look for any web service that implements a specific sub-part of the full specification.
  • 搜寻者头去寻找失踪的男孩。
    The searchers fanned out to look for the missing boy.
  • 大约10钟后,阿尔法不再找下去了。
    About ten minutes later,α gave up searching.
  • 他们考虑再三之後,决定开。
    After much heart-searching they decided to separate.
  • 在厨房里搜索几钟后,他才会把茶叶包拿来。
    It arrives after several minutes of searching in the kitchen.
  • 螺旋的成许多间隔的海贝壳。
    a spiral chambered seashell.
  • 公共小巴绿色和红色两类,从车顶的颜色可以识别。
    There are two types of PLBs: 'green' amd 'red' minibuses, whose roofs are coloured accordingly.
  • 因此,将政治经济学看作科学的一个支是最近的事。
    The conception, accordingly,of Political Economy as a branch of science is extremely modern;
  • 海边城市临海的部
    the waterfront of a seaside town.
  • 合由规定不可批装船,请修改信用证。
    Contract stipulate partial shipment unalloyed amend l/c accordingly.
  • 劳动因此而被成生产性的和非生产性的。
    Labour has accordingly been distinguished into Productive and Unproductive.
  • 多年生的由一个生长季持续到下一个生长季,常指过渡四季之间生长缩减式受抑制的时期。用于植物式植物体的部
    To survive from one growing season to the next, often with a period of reduced or arrested growth between seasons. Used of plants or plant parts.
  • 在一个赛季赢了30分
    Notched30 wins in a single season.
  • 各尽所能,按需分配
    from each according to his ability, to each according to demand
  • "有几个外来女临时工失踪了,令人费解,使大家十担忧。"
    The inexplicable disappearance of some nonlocal seasonal women worders worried everyone.
  • 根据种划的,根据类划
    Separated according to kind or class.
  • 按劳分配规律
    law of distribution according to work
  • 根据身高给孩子们
    Grouped the children according to height.
  • 然而,我们须知,需求可以为季节、周期或长期。
    However, it is important to note that demand can be categorised as "seasonal", "cyclical" or "secular".
  • 华南最大河流珠江所流出的河水,因受季节性的雨水影响,引致咸淡混合的水流,流入全年中大部时间水质都是清澈的海洋。
    Seasonal rainfall affects the outflow of the Pearl River, the largest river in southern China, causing brackish waters to extend into areas which for most of the year experience clear oceanic waters.
  • 一九九九年第三季按季节调整的失业率为6.1%,就业不足率3.1%,而去年的数字则别是5%和2.7%。
    The seasonally adjusted unemployment rate for the third quarter of 1999 was 6.1 per cent while the underemployment rate was 3.1 per cent, compared with 5 per cent and 2.7 per cent respectively a year earlier.
  • 各尽所能, 按劳分配
    from each according to his ability, to each according to his work
  • 图书馆里的藏书按科目类。
    The books in the library were distributed according to subjects.
  • 调味成的混合物,常常是肉和蔬菜。
    a mixture of seasoned ingredients used to stuff meats and vegetables.
  • 他们生活在一起十融洽。
    They live in perfect accord with each other.
  • 后部座位部一种早期汽车具有的车身后部的座位
    The rear seating compartment of an early type of automobile.
  • 边座,楼座剧院或大礼堂中为了增加座席,而从后面或侧墙突出的具有倾斜地板的上面部
    An upper section, often with a sloping floor, projecting from the rear or side walls of a theater or an auditorium to provide additional seating.
  • 文化中心内有3个主要表演场地,别为设有2085个座位的音乐厅、设有1734个座位的大剧院,以及设有534个座位的剧场。
    It has three major performing venues: the Concert Hall, the Grand Theatre and the Studio Theatre with seating capacities of 2085, 1734 and 534 respectively.
  • 西雅图不眠夜/缘的天空
    the Sleepless in Seattle