  • 烤鸭,当地特产,刚炉时味道最鲜美。
    It's the roasted duck, a local speciality. It tastes best when taken piping hot.
  • 浓咖啡,爱斯普利索咖啡把粉末状的咖啡豆用蒸汽加压煮来的浓咖啡
    A strong coffee brewed by forcing steam under pressure through darkly roasted, powdered coffee beans.
  • 由适配器发送的一种帧,指示现了严重的环路问题,如电缆断开。如果适配器正发送这样的帧,就说它正处于警报状态。同beaconmessage。
    A frame sent by an adapter indicating a serious ring problem, such as a broken cable. An adapter is said to be beaconing if it is sending such a frame.
  • 如果摄像机带有s视频输,你便无需适配器。
    If the camera provide S video output, you will not need the adapter.
  • 如果摄像机带有s视频输,你便无需适配器
    If the camera provides Svideo output, you will not need the adapter
  • 油滴,汁滴从烤肉上渗的油脂或汁滴,常用于做肉汁
    The fat and juices exuded from roasting meat, often used in making gravy.
  • 鸽子的肉,适合于烤或蒸;鸽子(刚孵来的)的肉,可以烧烤。
    flesh of a pigeon suitable for roasting or braising; flesh of a dove (young squab) may be broiled.
  • 经过八次进一步改进鸭子的烤法,其味道更加鲜美。当然,全聚烤鸭店很快就了名。
    After further improvement of the way of roasting ducks, his ducks became all the more tasteful and of course, his restaurant soon earned its fame.
  • 而且在大壁炉里我并没看烧煮或烘烤食物的痕迹,墙上也没有铜锅和锡滤锅之类在闪闪发光。
    and I observed no signs of roasting, boiling, or baking, about the huge fireplace; nor any glitter of copper saucepans and tin cullenders on the walls.
  • 罗布第一个来为他的朋友辩护。
    Rob was the first to take up the cudgels for his friend.
  • 他向那强盗拔了刀子。
    He drew a knife on the robber.
  • 那盗贼挥霍金银,露了破绽。
    The robber gave himself away by spending so much money.
  • 为一次抢劫谋划策的人
    The mastermind of a robbery.
  • 1993年她在一部低成本的小片“爱情之地”(lovefield)中演角色,且第二次获得了最佳女演员提名奖:菲佛1992年在timburton的“蝙蝠侠归来”(batmanreturns)一片中扮演紧身皮衣的性感“猫女”及演1993年martinscorsese根据edithwharton的“纯真年代”(theageofinnocence)改编作品而赢得了观众的喝彩。
    1993's underrated LoveField, for which she received her secondBest Actress nomination, Tim Burton's 1992 adventure Batman Returns, in which she starred a lethally sexy cat suit, and the acclaimed 1993 Martin Scorsese adaptation of Edith Wharton's The Age of Innocence.
  • 贝宁后来的运气要好得多,她的下一个角色是在罗勃·雷纳尔的《美国总统》一片中饰演总统(迈克尔·道格拉斯饰)的爱人。紧接着她又开始探究另一种形式的政治,因为她要演理查德·伦科瑞恩1996年的改编电影《理查德三世》。
    Bening had more luck with her subsequent role as Michael Douglas' presidential love interest in Rob Reiner's The American President (1995), and then went on to explore politics of a different sort with Richard Loncraine's 1996 adaptation of Richard III.
  • 她震惊得说不话来。
    The shock robbed her of speech.
  • 他震惊得说不话来。
    The shock robbed him of speech.
  • allstate保险公司向新泽西州官员申报撤该州的次日,罗宾斯到她当地的[保险]代理人那儿去问几个问题,并且有一种旧事重演的感觉。
    The day after the Allstate Insurance Company filed a plan with New Jersey officials to pull out of the state, Teresa Robbins went to her agent here with some questions and a sense of déjà vu.
  • 有些条例需要作适应化修改,以符合《基本法》和反映香港作为中华人民共和国特别行政区的新地位。
    The ordinances require adaptation to bring them into line with the Basic Law and to reflect Hong Kong's new status as a Special Administrative Region of the PRC.
  • 这一天,老约翰不太忙。当他正"叮当叮当"地打制工具时,一个身着白色长袍的身影现在他眼前。
    One day when John was not very busy, a figure in a long, white robe appeared beside him as he clanged away making tools.
  • 罗伯特气得说不话来。
    Robert was choking with anger.
  • 婚礼之后罗伯特已是醉态百
    Robert was well away after the wedding.
  •  表演者使用改编、翻译、注释、整理已有作品而产生的作品进行营业性演,应当按照规定向改编、翻译、注释、整理作品的著作权人和原作品的著作权人支付报酬。
    A performer who for a commercial performance exploits a work created by adaptation, translation, annotation or arrangement of a pre-existing work shall pay remuneration both to the owner of the copyright in the work created by adaptation, translation, annotation or arrangement and to the owner of the copyright in the original work.
  •  第三十四条版改编、翻译、注释、整理、编辑已有作品而产生的作品,应当向改编、翻译、注释、整理、编辑作品的著作权人和原作品的著作权人支付报酬。
    Article 34 When publishing a work created by adaptation, translation, annotation, arrangement or compilation of a pre-existing work, the publisher shall pay remuneration both to the owner of the copyright in the work created by adaptation, translation, annotation, arrangement or compilation, and to the owner of the copyright in the original work.
  • 他的舌头发同情的啧啧声-肯尼思.罗伯茨。
    made commiserative clicking sounds with his tongue- Kenneth Roberts.
  • 但他又重新崛起,同朱莉娅·罗伯茨共同演了《新娘百分百》,在伍迪·艾伦的影片中饰演角色受到奖励,在国际巨片《布里奇特·琼斯的日记》中扮演主角,后又拍摄了由畅销书改编的电影《关于一个男孩》。
    And yet he rose again, alongside Julia Roberts in Notting Hill. He received the accolade of a part in a Woody Allen film, he starred in the international hit Bridget Jones' Diary, and then came About A Boy, another adaptation6 of a best-selling paperback.
  • 乐曲改编为其他乐器或歌者或另外一种风格的演而对作品进行的改编
    An adaptation of a composition for other instruments or voices or for another style of performance.
  • 但公司发言人罗宾·蒂滋说,没有一种颜色能够脱颖而,相反地,顾客们普遍期待蓝色番茄酱的诞生。
    Instead, customers called for blue, Heinz spokesman Robin Teets said.
  • 罗宾是一名杰的新闻工作者,他确实很擅长文字工作。
    Robin is an excellent journalist, he really has a way with words.
  • 这位鸟类观察者一直在寻找现在春天里的第一只知更鸟。
    The bird watcher has been looking for the first robin to appear in the spring.
  • 罗宾不加思索地从小屋里冲了来,爬上栏杆,一头扎进水里。
    Without pausing for thought, Robin dashed from the cabin, clambered onto the handrail, and plunged in.
  • 对手的技巧高超,迫使罗宾使浑身解数。
    The skill of his opponent caused Robin to call into play all the tricks he knew.