Chinese English Sentence:
  • 那斯达克指数再创新低在投资人对司盈余和美国经济看淡下下,星期三高科技类股重挫。
    Technology shares plunged Wednesday amid deepening concerns over corporate earnings and the slowing US economy.
  • 我父亲总是为了车行驶缓慢而生气。
    My father always fumed about the slowness of the buses.
  • 知识以一种缓慢的、无规律的方式在司内流动。
    Knowledge flows through the company in a sluggish and erratic manner.
  • 由于深恐消费者因经济依然不景气而搜购廉价货,结果出现竞相削价的激烈火竞争局面,投资者乃销售名牌产品的司股票保持距离。
    Fearing intense price competition as consumers search for bargains in an economy that remains sluggish, many investors are giving a wide berth to brand-name companies.
  • 根据式计算,那雌火鸡是纯种,没有沾上一丝家养火鸡品种不良的成分。为了拍照和保护那个窝不受捕食动物的侵扰,鸟类学家们在树林里扎营露宿。
    According to the formula, the hen was pure-strain wild--not a taint of the sluggish domestic bird in her blood--and the ornithologists were camping in the woods, protecting her nest from predators and taking pictures.
  • 生活在肯尼亚内罗毕基北拉贫民区的人民为一升水所花费用是美国普通民所花的五倍。
    S People living in the Kibeira slum in Nairobi, Kenya, pay up to five times more for a litre of water than the average American citizen.
  • 从第五大道起我浏览这座城市---到派克大道,到贫民窟,到工厂区,到儿童游乐的园去。
    From Fifth Avenue I make a tour of the city-to Park Avenue, to the slums, to factories, to parks where children play.
  • 我会宽恕她然诽谤我。
    I will not easily forgive her for putting that slur on me in public.
  • 这家航空司一直垂涎得到一笔1.45亿美元的横财。
    The airline has been smacking its lips over the prospect of a $145 million windfall.
  • 公事公办。
    Business is business.
  • 快些,否则你赶不上那辆共汽车了。
    Look smart or you'll miss your bus.
  • 反过来,如果司蓬勃发展,股息迅速升高(会带来不错的收益),带动股票价格上升(还会带来本金的大幅度增值)。
    On the other hand, if the company thrives, dividends rise smartly (which provides a good income), and as a consequence the share price soars (which provides a nice capital appreciation as well).
  • 这家司终于倒闭了。
    The firm has gone smash at last.
  • 那些破坏物的人把门撞瘪了。
    Vandals smashed the door in.
  • 人类对于不正的行为加以指责,并非因为他们愿意做出这种行为,而是惟恐自己会成为这种行为的牺牲者。(古希腊哲学家 柏拉图)
    Mankind censure injustice, fearing that they may be the victims of it and not because they shrink from commintting it. (Plato, Ancint Grek philosopher)
  • 这项有关贿赂的指控是对一个正直民的无耻诽谤。
    This accusationof bribery is a vile smear on an honourable citizen.
  • 他给所有有异议的人冠以“产主义者”的诽谤字眼。
    he used the smear word `communist' for everyone who disagreed with him.
  • 自从被赶出内阁,这位部长便成了造遥中伤活动的目标,似乎宣传工具及众舆论都同意喜欢使人雪上加霜。
    After his expulsion from the cabinet the minister became the subject of a smear campaign. It seems the media and the public alike take pleasure in hitting a man when he's down.
  • 若是没有众舆论的支持,法律是丝毫没有力量的。(美国废奴运动领袖 菲力普斯 W)
    Every law has no atom of stregth, as far as no public opinion supports it. (Wendell phillips, American leader against slavery)
  • 这个镇开始拥有工厂,炼铁炉和新房。
    The town began to boast of mills, furnaces for smelting iron, and new apartment buildings.
  • 在这条她喜欢散步的大道上尽管有很多熟人,她偶尔也对他们微微一笑,但这是一种只有爵夫人才有的微笑,而且也唯有他们自己才能觉察。
    And though there were many she knew along her favourite route, when she chanced to smile at them, her smile was visible to them alone. A Duchess could have smiled no differently.
  • 例如,许多俄国人认为当众对陌生人微笑是非同寻常的,甚至是可疑之举,而许多美国人却常在共场合无拘无束地向陌生人微笑。
    For example, many people in Russia consider smiling at strangers in public to be unusual and even suspicious behaviour. Yet many Americans smile freely at strangers in public places.
  • 正在闹离婚的(包括那些处于吵闹不停的痛楚中的)夫妻们很容易陷在对方的泥沼中不能自拔, 这种诋毁是尽可能开的,尽量频繁地进行。(美国作家 梅尔.H.)
    Husbands and wives in the process of divorce (and those in the throes of another argument )easily fall into the trap of denigraging the other, publicly if possible, and as often as possible. (Howards Mel, American writer)
  • 天公作美。
    The weather smiled on us.
  • 我们和史密斯司作买卖。
    We deal with Smith& Co.
  • ??烟尘,原先只不过是一桩使城市居民感到烦恼的事,现在则被认为危害健康的因素。汽车已被确认为损害健康的罪魁祸首。
    Smog, once an urban annoyance, is now recognized as a health risk, and the automobile has been pinpointed as the principal culprit.
  • 甘·帕尔姆夫人本人不抽烟,但由于和同一个办室抽烟人共处多年而患肺癌死亡。她的家人告到了法院。
    When Mrs.Palm, a non-smoker, died from lung cancer after having shared her office with smokers for years, her family took legal action.
  • 光滑的皮肤;平滑的桌面;上好的纺织品;平坦的路;像镜子一样平的水面。
    smooth skin; a smooth tabletop; smooth fabric; a smooth road; water as smooth as a mirror.
  • 斯托曼对商业司感到不满,他们用专利和版权将自己的软件捂起来,将源代码——以计算机语言,如c++,写出来的原始程序——作为严防死守的秘密。
    Stailman's beef was with commercial companies that smother their software with patents and copyrights and keep the source code -- the original program, written in a computer language such as C ++ -- a closely guarded secret.
  • 多少年业,我始终认为对国家有利的事对我们通用汽车司也有利,反之亦然。(美国通用汽车司总裁 威尔逊 C.E.)
    For years I thought what was good for our country was good for General Motors, and vice versa. (Charles E. Wilison American president of GM)
  • 司既没有灵魂可以被诅咒,又没有躯体可以被踢翻,难道你指望它有什么良心吗?(英国律师 瑟洛杉矶 .E.)
    Did you ever expect a corporation to have a conscience, when it has no soul to damned, and no body to be kicked? (Edward Thurlow, British Lawyer)
  • 洛杉矶不断地推出电影和电视节目,纽约使股市和司总部正常运转,但双方都可以指着对方自鸣得意地说:“看,我们不像东海岸那些人那样累得半死。”
    Los Angeles continues to produce films and television, and New York keeps the stock market and corporate headquarters going, but both have the smug satisfaction of pointing to the other and saying, "See?