  • chōng mǎn xuán niàn de fēn
    An atmosphere electric with suspicion.
  • yán zhe chuán xiàng shàng yǐn dǎo de háng xíng fāng xiàng zhì de liú gěi zhè zhǒng cháng yòu chì bǎng de niǎo chōng fēn de zhī chēng qián jìn
    The currents of air that the walls of the ship direct upwards, as well as in line of its course are enough to give the great bird with its immense wings sufficent sustenance and progress.
  • yǎn zhōng chōng mǎn liǎo xìng de lèi shuǐ
    Her eyes swam in happy tears.
  • tīng dào zhè hǎo xiāo hòu nèi xīn chōng mǎn liǎo yuè
    When I heard the good news, my heart swam in joy.
  • zhǎo shì chōng mǎn shā shā shēng de fāng
    A swamp is a whispery place.
  • chōng chì zhe yìng yòng ruǎn jiàn de zhuō miànjué bèi gōng zuò yān méi liǎobèi yānmò 'ér nán zhù debèi kǒng yānmò liǎo de nán rénbèi gōng zuò yān méi liǎo
    a desk flooded with applications; felt inundated with work; too much overcome to notice; a man engulfed by fear; swamped by work.
  • zhǎo bān de chōng mǎn liǎo de huò zhǎo de zhǎo de
    Full of or resembling mire; swampy.
  • nín de míng de tián chōng zhe de xīnér wàng diào liǎo dejiù xiàng nín de zǎo chén de tài yáng shēng shí biàn xiāo shī liǎo
    Sweetness of thy name fills my heart when I forget mine- like thy morning sun when the mist is melted.
  • nín de míng de tián chōng zhe de xīnér wàng diào liǎo dehéng héng jiù xiàng nín de zǎo chén de tài yáng shēng shí biàn xiāo shī liǎo
    Sweetness of thy name fills my heart when I forget mine - like thy morning sun when the mist is melted.
  • zài zhí xíng zhè xiàng jìhuà shí men xiǎng yòu chōng fēn de xíng dòng yóu
    They have free swing in carrying out this plan.
  • 9 yuè 13 měi guó wǎng shàng chōng chì zhe zhǒng rén men tuán jié lái de diàn yóu jiànyòu de yóu jiàn zhōng rén men diǎn rán zhú ( wéi yùnàn zhě dǎo ), yòu de yóu jiàn zhōng rén men shàng xiàng zhēng měi guó guó de hóng bái lán sān de zhè xiē yóu jiàn zhōng yòng zhè yàng de huà lái rén men: " ràng kǒng fènzǐ kàn kàn men měi guó rén shì jǐn jǐn tuán jié zài de
    From lighting candles to wearing the red, white and blue colors of the American flag, several e-mails swirled around the country on Thursday, urging readers to, in the words of one, ''show those terrorists that we Americans stick together''.
  • xiǎo nán hái de yǎn chōng mǎn liǎo lèi shuǐ
    The boy 's eyes were swollen up with tears.
  • mendōu jiāng men jiāng 'ài de rén tóng zhǒng de rén chōng shí 'ér liè de men yān xià de wèi dàojiāo huàn de shēn yóu 'ài zhī shàngkǒng shí men duǒ cáng láizhèng zhè liáng de dòng xué yào suǒ yòu zhè xiē juān zài de shēn shàng men cái shì zhēn shí de guó jiābìng fēi huà zài shàng de biān jiè suǒ shì de zhǎng quán zhě mìng míng de guó jiā zhī dào dìng huì huí lái bào zhe fēng zhōng jiù shì suǒ yào de -- màn zài de shàng péng yǒu menzài méi yòu de qiú shàng。                       -- englishsick《 yīng guó bìng rén
    We die, we die rich with lovers and tribes, tastes we have swallowed, bodies we have entered and swum up like rivers, fears we have hidden in like this wretched cave. I want all this marked on my body. We are the real countries, not the boundaries drawn on maps with names of powerful men. I know you will come and carry me out into the palace of winds, that's all I've wanted- to walk in such a place with you, with friends, on the earth without maps.
  • 'àn xíng yún liú shuǐ xié shēng dòng chōng mǎn yùn dòng gǎnxiàng zhēng shì jiè rén mín tuán jiéxié zuòjiāo liú zhǎnxié shǒu gòng chuàng xīn shì biǎo 'ào lín gèng kuàigèng gāogèng qiáng de jīng shén
    It also resembles a person doing Taiji shadow boxing. The graceful, harmonious and dynamic design of the emblem symbolizes unity, cooperation, exchange and development of the people all over the world.
  • shì hōng hōng de shí dài shì chōng mǎn zhèng zhì jìn de shí dài
    That was a time full of steam and stir, and full of political taboos, too.
  • xiāo chú qiē chōng mǎn xìn xīn zhuóshǒu jìn xíng zhè xiàng gōng zuò
    You must cast aside all doubts and tackle the job with confidence.
  • wáng píng : zhuān jiā rèn wéi guó jiā xiāo fèi de xīng yòu sān fāng miàn de yuán yīn : xiāo fèi zhě yòu chōng de kòngxián shí jiānguó mín shōu dào dìng shuǐ píngzhèng de chàng
    Wang Ping: The experts think that there are three reasons for the rising of the sports consumption fever of a country. They are: the con-sumers have enough spare time, the national income has reached a cer-tain level and the govermnent gives energetic supports for the people's participation.
  • men dǎng yào shǐ zhōng dài biǎo zhōng guó zuì guǎng rén mín de gēn běn jiù shì dǎng de lùn xiàngāng lǐngfāng zhēnzhèng xiàng gōng zuò jiān chí rén mín de gēn běn zuò wéi chū diǎn guī chōng fēn huī rén mín qún zhòng de xìng zhù dòng xìng chuàng zào xìngzài shè huì duàn zhǎn jìn de chǔ shàngshǐ rén mín qún zhòng duàn huò qièshí de jīng zhèng zhìwén huà
    To always represent the fundamental interests of the overwhelming majority of the Chinese people, our Party must, in all kinds of work including Party's theory, line, program, principle and policy, persevere in taking the fundamental interests of the people as the starting point and purpose, bring into full play people's enthusiasm, initiative and creativity, and enable the people to constantly obtain tangible economic, political and cultural benefits through continuous social development and progress.
  •   zài xīn běi jīngyòu duō duō jīng cǎi fēn chéng de shì qíng zài gōng hòu nínzhè shì zuò chōng mǎn huó de xiàn dài shì, 3000 nián de shǐ wén huà shì de fán róng xiāng jiāo zhì
    There are a lot more wonderful and exciting things waiting for you in New Beijing, a dynamic modern metropolis with 3,000 years of cultural treasures woven into the urban tapestry.
  • jiā zhèng tán lùn chē huò shí 'ěr chōng shuō miàn yīn bīng dòng 'ér hěn huá
    While the boys were discussing the car accident, Bill tart in that the road was icy.
  • suī rán gǎi men de xíng zhì bìng fēi chè jiě jué bàn shì zhè shì rèn jiě jué bàn quē shǎo de fēnzhè zhì chōng mǎn shù wèn shǐ chéng xùn yòu lòu dòng
    While reform of our criminal justice system does not offer a complete solution, it is an essential part of any solution. The system is riddled with loopholes and technicalities that render punishment neither swift nor certain.
  • shī xīn chū shēn pín hánshuāng qīn duì yào qiú yán dàn chōng mǎn 'ài xīngāng dào shí suìshī xīn jiù wàng tōng guò jiàn shēn chū rén tóu
    Raised in poverty by strict, yet loving parents, Schwarzenegger was barely into his teens when he pinned his hopes on body-building as his ticket to the top.
  • suī rán hào xìn lìng shí xiàn diàn huà de xīn gōng néngdàn zhǒng xīn shè xiǎng shì jié hào xìn lìng de zhì néng xìnggāi xié néng yòu zhù shǐ yīn wǎng gèng kàogāo xiào kuò chōng gèng shǐ yòngyīn 'ér yòu zhù diàn xìn gōng yīn wǎng gōng yìng shāng zuì zhōng yòng
    While SS7 has enabled new telephony features, an emerging idea is that by combining SS7's intelligent features, the protocol could help make the Internet more reliable, efficient, scalable and easier to use, thereby benefiting telcos, ISPs and end users alike.
  • měi xiàng zhòng yào gǎi fāng 'àn de zhì dìng shí shī chōng fēn kǎo guó jiā cái zhèng qún zhòng de chéng shòu néng chū tái de shí jié zòu bìng gēn shí shī guò chéng zhōng chū xiàn de xīn qíng kuàngxīn wèn shí jiā tiáozhěng wán shàn
    In conceiving and implementing a major reform, we will fully consider if the country's financial resources, the enterprises and the people are able to sustain its impact, weigh carefully its timing, tempo and intensity, and be ready to make timely adjustments as may be needed in response to new developments and problems in the course of implementation.
  • xīn cháng ruǎn dewēn róu de wēi xiào xīn de chōng mǎn shēn qíng de zhào qīnqiè de 'ài de qīn
    a tender heart; a tender smile; tender loving care; tender memories; a tender mother.
  • dǎo gào zhe , xīn zhōng chōng mǎn liǎo 'ài wēn róu
    She said her prayers, her heart full of love and tenderness
  • dǎo gào zhexīn zhōng chōng mǎn liǎo 'ài wēn róu
    She say her prayers, her heart full of love and tenderness.
  • zhè jiān fáng chōng mǎn liǎo jǐn zhāng jiāo
    The room was charged with tension and anxiety.
  • zhōng jié zhě》 (1984) suī rán xiàng de zhōng jié zhě ii》 (1991) me guǎng shòu huān yíngdàn duō shù yǐng píng jiādōu rèn wéi zhè liǎng huàn dòng zuò piàn zhōng qián zhě zhì zuò gèng wéi jīng liáng xiàng yàng chōng chì zhe jìng tóu me xuàn yào zuò zuò
    The Terminator(1984),the first of two science-fiction action-thriller films,is considered by most film reviewers to be a better-crafted film than its more popular sequel Terminator 2 --it is less dominated by special-effects and less pretentious.
  • xiǎng zhexīn zhōng chōng mǎn liǎo kǒng
    She thought,terror rising inside her.
  • jìn guǎn yán jiū rén yuán jīng zài dna suàn shù de yán jiū fāng miàn liǎo chéng gōngdàn shì zài zhōng de duō shù shì yàn zhōng, dna fènzǐ shì xuán zài chōng mǎn de shì guǎn zhōng de
    While other researchers have had success with DNA computing, in most of those tests the DNA was suspended in liquid-filled test tubes.
  • wéi fǎn dào shàng de wéi bèi zhèng cháng gǎn qíng huò dào deyòng zhǔ zhōng zhǔ rén méi yòu chōng fēn yóu jiù xiāo chéng rén de chéng quán
    Contrary to natural affection or moral duty. Used of a will in which the testator disinherits the rightful heirs with insufficient reason.