  • 我盼望这辆车明早能好。
    I'm sweating on the car's being repaired by tomorrow morning.
  • 技师们马上就来理电话交换机。
    The technicians are coming to fix the telephone switchboard.
  • 技师们马上就来理电话交换机。
    The technician is coming to fix the telephone switchboard.
  • 我目前在悉尼读学士学位。
    I'm now studying for a bachelor's degree in Sydney.
  • ·作者目前在悉尼读学士学位。
    (The writer is a Singaporean undergraduate studying in Sydney.)
  • 用以饰或说明电气或电子技术中的对称性,它与接地或其它一些特性有关。例如,两个信号发生器并行工作,当每个发生器上的负载相等或说两个发生器的负载相同时,则称它们的负载处于平衡,也称为对称;这样的描述也可适用于各种电子管、传输线等。
    Pertaining to electrical or electronic symmetry concerning ground, or to some specific characteristic, for example, the loads of two parallel-operating generators are balanced when each is loaded equally or if they identical, similarly applied to tubes, transmission lines, etc.
  • 用以饰或说明电气或电子技术中的对称性,它与接地或其它一些特性有关。例如,两个信号发生器并行工作,当每个发生器上的负载相等或说两个发生器的负载相同时,则称它们的负载处于平衡,也称为对称;这样的描述也可适用于各种电子管、传输线等。
    Pertaining to electrical or electronic symmetry concerning ground, or to some specific characteristic, for example, the loads of two parallel operating generators are balanced when each is loaded equally or if they identical, similarly applied to tubes, transmission lines,etc.
  • 辞学)被称为句法不一致的一种句法的不连贯或与之相关的。
    (rhetoric) of or related to syntactic inconsistencies of the sort known as anacoluthons.
  • 定语指一个词或短语,在句法上从属于它所饰的词或短语;如:在句子我姐姐的棕色的狗中,我姐姐的和棕色的
    A word or phrase syntactically subordinate to another word or phrase that it modifies; for example, my sister's and brown in my sister's brown dog.
  • 合同不进一步改,我们便不签订,最后又加上了一项条款。
    We would not sign the contract without further modification. Another clause was tacked on at the last minute.
  • 这些课程对他很有好处。
    Taking those courses profitted him.
  • 因此,我觉得新加坡或可在大学华文专业水准之下,中学华文水准之上,开设高级语言学院,让有志于双语的学生或在职人士多读相关语言课程(也包括马来文、淡米尔文等),并举行相当程度的语言考试,合格者可授予证书,以证明其双语能力。
    Therefore, it is necessary for Singapore to set up an advanced language institute, perhaps at a level between tertiary and secondary standards, so as to enable students or working adults to study and become effectively bilingual (it may including Malay and Tamil languages as well). Examinations should be held and those who passed, their bilingual abilities should be fully recognised.
  • 他们凭什么擅自改比赛规则?
    Who are they to tamper with the rules of the game?
  • 完整性——确保信息在传送给接收者的过程中没有被
    Integrity – ensure that information is not tampered with in transit to the recipient
  • 以某些国家的所谓导弹威胁作为要求改《反导条约》的借口是根本站不住脚的。改《反导条约》的文本内容,即是破坏这一条约,必将引发一系列消极后果。主张改这一条约的国家必将对此承担全部责任。
    Emphasizing that it is totally untenable to press for amending the ABM Treaty on the pretext of socalled missile threats from some countries, the Presidents point out that to amend the text of the ABM Treaty is tantamount to an act of undermining the ABM Treaty and will inevitably bring about a series of negative consequences, and that the country which presses for amending this treaty will have to bear the full responsibility for all these consequences.
  • 在英国东南部,上一年的水管和龙头就能挣到7万英镑。
    Many in the South East earn £70,000a year for fixing pipes and taps.
  • 小偷们捏造口实,说是来理水龙头的,藉以闯入住宅。
    The thieves got into the house under false pretences, by saying they had come to repair the water taps.
  • 建现代公路多用焦油沥青。
    Tar is much used in making modern roads.
  • 短期来说,我们集中於引进石油气的士,并要求汽车车主加强机器的维保养。
    For the short term our attention is on introducing LPG for the taxis and requiring better engine maintenance.
  • 类别信息是使用categorybag元素来指定的,其中包含了具备命名空间饰的对分类法键值和描述的引用。
    Categorization is specified using the element named categoryBag, which contains namespace-qualified references to taxonomy keys and descriptions.
  • 只有通过校验的合法的keyvalue数据将以”已进入注册中心”的数据而保存,如果没能通过校验,该校验服务将把这一分类数据加上”unchecked”(也就是说是不合法的)命名空间饰。
    Only valid keyValue data will be stored as entered unless the taxonomy specified by the tModelKey reference represents an unchecked (e.g. non-validated) namespace.
  • 杰夫:为此,1969年国际羽毛球联合会改了比赛规则,由口个区的优胜队和上后冠军队及本后举办国的队共六个队进行淘汰赛,决出冠军。
    Jeff: Therefore, the IBF changed the competition system in 1969, which let the four winning teams from the four areas, and the champion team of the previous Thomas Cup as well as the host country team compete for the championship through the elimination series.Then, the final winner will be the champion.
  • 杰夫:为此,1969年国际羽毛球联合会改了比赛规则,由四个区的优胜队和上届冠军队及本届举办国的队共六个队进行淘汰赛,决出冠军。
    Jeff: Therefore, the IBF changed the competition system in 1969, which let the four winning teams from the four areas, and the champion team of the previous Thomas Cup as well as the host country team compete for the championship through the elimination series. Then, the final winner will be the champion.
  • 金融学。涉及的课程有如下几门:银行业务,89分;银行与计算机,90分;贷款,92分;信用证,90分;储蓄,88分;外汇兑换,92分;电汇,90分;汇款,94分;西方金融制度,92分。
    Majored in banking. Courses covered are as follows: Banking operations,89; banking and computers,90; loans,92; letters of credit,90; savings,88; foreign exchange,92; telegraphic transfers,90; remittances,94; financial systems in the west,92.
  • 据不完全统计,1980年以来,从中央财政拨给寺观庙堂的维补助费(包括专项补助费)就达1.4亿元以上。
    Since 1980, financial allocations from the central government for the maintenance of temples, monasteries and churches have reached over 140 million yuan.
  • 临时装上去的在筑过程中为支撑而临时建立的
    Erected temporarily, as for support during construction.
  • 租户负责对房屋的所有理。
    The tenant is responsible for all repairs to the building.
  • 种植或修整花园
    To plant or tend a garden.
  • 这家公司对建一个新旅馆的合同投了标。
    The firm tendered for the contract to build a new hotel.
  • 据说已有好几家大公司为建这个新的飞机场投了标。
    Several major firms are known to have tendered for the construction of the new airport.
  • 徐:这仅是一个初步计划,可以随意改。
    It is only a tentative plan. We may make any changes as we like.
  • 大家知道,中央有许多重要的指示,是先用草案的形式发给地方,要求各地在讨论和试行中加以正,在几个月甚至一年多以后,才根据各地的意见正发布的。
    As we all know, many important directives of the Central Committee are first sent in draft form to local organizations, which are asked to suggest revisions after they have discussed them and put them tentatively into practice; the directives are issued in official form only after being revised in the light of the opinions received--a process that takes several months, and sometimes even more than a year, to complete.