  • 他没做完功课挨了老师通训。
    He get a rap over the knuckle from the teacher for not do enough work.
  • 他没做完功课挨了老师通训
    He got a rap over the knuckle from the teacher for not doing enough work
  • 种进攻的行为(当个人反对另个的反抗)。
    an act of aggression (as one against a person who resists).
  • 这件事很急,你最好跟她早点谈下。
    The matter is rather urgent, you'd better rap with her about it early.
  • 另外位著名的获奖者是jay-z,他获得了年度绕舌艺人奖。
    Another notable winner was Jay-Z, who was named the Rap Artist Of The Year.
  • 我们要做切可能的准备来应付侵略的威胁。
    We'll do everything possible to meet the threat of aggression.
  • 他填了张关于他过去历次被捕的表格。该表格称为刑事犯登记表。
    He filled out a sheet of paper for listing all his arrests. It is called a rap sheet.
  • 在该地区的国家签订了个互不侵犯的条约。
    The countries in the region signed a non - aggression pact.
  • 他挨了顿臭骂,但他觉得受了委屈。
    He was given a good dressing-down, but he felt he was getting something of a bum rap.
  • 个残酷地掠夺的人。
    a cruelly rapacious person.
  • 在该地区的国家签订了个互不侵犯的条约。
    The countries in the region sign a non-aggression pact.
  • 贪吃的秃鹫;贪婪的食欲;像狼样贪婪;贪婪的鲨鱼。
    edacious vultures; a rapacious appetite; ravenous as wolves; voracious sharks.
  • 个四处徘徊的贪婪的离婚者;贪婪的债主;交税给贪婪的政府。
    a rapacious divorcee on the prowl; ravening creditors; paying taxes to voracious governments.
  • 二十世纪八十年代的ceo是个贪婪的掠夺者的形象,他们鄙视和排斥他人,只是为了满足他们的贪欲。
    In the 1980s, the CEO was a rapacious plunderer, vilified for laying off honest folk just to acquire a more lavish jet.
  • 他强烈渴望并且愚蠢地期待着发现她独自人的时候。
    he had so rapaciously desired and so obtusely expected to find her alone.
  • 位遭到强奸的年轻姑娘顷刻成了世界注目的焦点。
    A young rape victim who would suddenly become the focus of global attention.
  • 林诺控诉他是决心要树个榜样,让其他遭强奸和凌辱的受害者也跟着做。
    She was determined to show the way for other victims of rape and abuse.
  • 受害者知道罪犯是谁的强奸案例(特别是当他们在起约会的时候)。
    rape in which the rapist is known to the victim (as when they are on a date together).
  • 向警方报告的强奸案仅仅是很小的部分,几乎可以肯定还有更多的案子没有报。
    The cases of rape reported to the police are only the tip of the iceberg; it is almost certain that many more cases go unreported.
  • 年内,谋杀、伤人、严重殴打、强奸、非礼、绑架、勒索、刑事恐吓、抢劫及纵火等暴力罪案,减少至13749宗,而九九六年则录得15191宗。
    Violent crimes, including murder, wounding, serious assault, rape, indecent assault, kidnapping, blackmail, criminal intimidation, robbery and arson, declined to 13 749 cases, compared with 15 191 in 1996.
  • 这场文明浩劫发生后,些被盗文物开始在西方的古董市场和伊拉克的黑市重现。
    Soon after this cultural rape, some of the stolen art objects began to appear in Western antique markets, as well as in the black markets in Iraq.
  • 当我脑海里方面不停地想象着可怕的强奸和谋杀景象,个新想法却在另面打开了片宁静而清新的天地。
    While one aspect of me was busy fantasizing horrendous scenes of rape and murder, a clear, quiet space opened inside that was intrigued by this new possibility.
  • 海甘蓝任种旧大陆十字花科两节荠属的某些年生植物,因其种子能榨出类似菜籽油的有用的油而被栽培
    Any of certain Old World annual plants of the genus Crambe in the mustard family, cultivated for their seeds, which yield a useful oil similar to rape oil.
  • 个自由的伊拉克,将不再会有对你们邻国的侵略战争,不再有毒药工厂,不再有对不同政见者的杀害,不再有酷刑室和强奸之所。
    In free Iraq there will be no more wars of aggression against your neighbors, no more poison factories, no more executions of dissidents, no more torture chambers and rape rooms.
  • ??日本警察厅的统计数据显示,1999年,日本的凶杀、强奸、纵火和暴力伤害案比前年增长11%。在过年的10年中,日本的犯罪率猛增了50%。
    The annual per capita incidence of murder, rape, arson and assault in Japan increased by l1 percent in l999, and has rocketed by 50 percent in the last decade, according to National Police Agency statistics.
  • “那当然,总统先生,”名内阁成员笑着说,“你令人信服地驳斥了原先的犯有诱奸罪的控告,但你又令人信服地证实了你犯有强奸罪。”
    "Of course,Mr.President,"one cabinet member said with a laugh,"You have convincingly refuted the original accusation of seduction,but you have convincingly proved that you have committed a rape."
  • 种黄色到棕色的可食用且轻的油,从油菜籽中榨取,用作润滑剂或照明剂。
    edible light yellow to brown oil from rapeseed used also as a lubricant or illuminant.
  • 钢、煤、水泥、化肥、电视机和谷物、肉类、棉花、花生、油菜籽、水果等重要工农业产品的产量已跃居世界第
    Now China leads the world in the output of steel, coal, cement, chemical fertilizer, TV, crops, meat, cotton, peanuts, rapeseed, fruit and other important industrial and agricultural products.
  • 你听说过个名叫拉裴尔的画家吗?
    Did you ever hear of a painter named Raphael?
  • 本周六,拉斐尔先生想请您和他起在国际饭店吃饭。
    Mr.Raphael would like to invite you to have dinner with him at the International Hotel this Saturday.
  • 因此,我们要求日方必须尊重中方的权利和关切。不要采取可能导致事态继续升级或者进步复杂化的行动。
    Given this, the Chinese side has requested that the Japanese side should fully respect the rights as well as concerns of the Chinese side and refrain from taking action that might lead to the aggregation and complication of the situation.
  • 组织形态上相似的细胞和相关的细胞间物质的集合,共同活动行使身体项或多项特定功能。有四类最基本的组织:肌肉组织,神经组织,表皮组织和结缔组织
    An aggregation of morphologically similar cells and associated intercellular matter acting together to perform one or more specific functions in the body. There are four basic types of tissue: muscle, nerve, epidermal, and connective.