  • 那个按钮是来电显示功。它可以让您在接电话之前先知道是谁来电。
    That button is for our call screening function. It allows you to identify the caller before you answer the call.
  • 这个电话还有什么其它功吗?
    What else can you tell me about this phone?
  • 这个特殊的电话除了来电显示的特色外,还运用最新科技提供您几项独特的功
    This special phone utilizes state-of-the-art technology to bring you several unique functions in addition to the call screening feature.
  • 是什么独特的功呢?
    So, what are the unique functions?
  • 喔,功有很多。就算你在系统服务区外,这支大哥大还是可以收到讯息。
    Oh, it's loaded with them. If you are outside of your service area, this cell phone can still receive messages.
  • 除了这点之外,如果您不想让电话铃声打断重要会议,还有震动功可以通知你有来电。这是详细的产品简介。
    In addition to that, it has a vibration feature that will let you know when you have a call if you don't want the ringing sound to interrupt important meetings. Here is our brochure with all the details.
  • 太好了。那很重要。品质是广告活动的焦点。如果要让这些适配卡如我们所要的成为摇钱树的话,就不出乱子。
    Great. That's vital. Quality is the focus of the ad campaign. The boards must work well if they're going to be the cash cow we want them to be.
  • 是要最便宜,但仍要有完备的功。我们认为你们工厂需要采取措施来改善品管。
    The least expensive, but still fully functional. And we think that your factory needs to take measures to improve quality control.
  • 只要保证质量,售价高点都无所谓。
    As long as the quality is good, it hardly matters if the price is a little bit higher.
  • 你们否把价格提高5%?
    Is it possible for you to raise the price by 5%?
  • 你们否把价格提高5%?
    Is it possible for you to lift the price by 5%?
  • 你方若减价到2150港币,可成交。
    Business is possible if you can lower the price to hk$2150.
  • 我们最多减价百分之二。
    The utmost we can do is to reduce the price by 2%.
  • 我们最多减价百分之二。
    The best we can do is to reduce the price by 2%.
  • 我们不能再减价了。
    We cannot take anything off the price.
  • 我们的最低价是500美圆一公吨,不再低了。
    Our rock-bottom price is $500/mt, and cannot be further lowered.
  • 每个核子的结合能
  • 每个质子的结合能
  • 各尽所,按劳/需分配。
    From each according to his ability, to each according to his work/needs.
  • 然而,托利党下院议员纳丁娜·多瑞斯对这一建议提出批评,她说高跟鞋带来的额外高度在工作场所对女性有所帮助。
    Nadine Dorries, the Tory MP, however criticised the motion and said the extra height heels give women can help them when in the workplace.
  • 她说:“我的身高是5英尺3英寸,我需要借助我的克里斯提·鲁布托高跟鞋的高度才平视我的男同事,一寸也不少,如果高跟鞋在议会被禁,那就没人看得见我了。”
    I'm 5ft 3in and need every inch of my Christian Louboutin heels to look my male colleagues in the eye, " she said. "If high heels were banned in Westminster, no one would be able to find me.
  • “我现在就穿着5英寸的高跟鞋在工作,而且毫不费力。高跟鞋很性感,它让人感觉更自信,还赋予女人们力量。”
    I'm at work in five-inch heels and perfectly able to do my job. Heels are sexy, they boost your confidence and they are empowering to women.
  • “如果这些官员们在一起讨论男人的领带应该系多紧,我不想象那将是怎样的一番情景。穿不穿高跟鞋纯粹是个人选择。”
    I can't imagine these officials debating a motion about how tightly men should wear their ties. Wearing heels is a personal choice.
  • 不过我要给你一条最重要的提醒:很多人会选择咖啡因而不是小睡,他们完全不会打盹。喝杯咖啡可更容易、更快、而且在很多方面更容易让社会接受。工作的时候找个地方小睡一下可是个难题。研究还表明当决定是要小睡还是进行“吸引人的提神活动”的时候,人们会选择活动一下。
    But here's a big caveat: most people would probably choose caffeine over a nap, and ditch the nap entirely. Downing caffeine can be easier, quicker, and socially more acceptable in many ways. Finding a place to nap in the middle of the workday can be a challenge. And studies have also shown that when deciding between a nap and an "attractive wakeful activity, " they choose the activity.
  • 一个更为现实的做法是遵循一些策略来让自己平缓地步入职场,可许多人直到三十岁后才开始去尝试这些策略。学校也许教会了你许多东西,但却可没教你职场这套独一无二的法则。
    A more realistic challenge is to ease yourself slowly into the work world by following a few strategies that many people don't try until they're well into their 30s. School probably taught you a lot of things, but the business world's unique set of rules may not have been part of the story.
  • 随意找一份工作,只不过因为它与你的专业相关或感到工作内容有趣,那么你可会进入一个对你来说并没有真正吸引力的行业,不用多久你就得再去找工作。何不用战略的眼光来规划你的职业,就像曾规划你的学业一样?
    Looking for a job haphazardly, because you majored in something or because you saw a listing that looks somewhat interesting, you'll risk getting started in a career that holds no real appeal for you, and then you'll have to leave it to find something else. Why not plan your career strategically, just like you planned your education?
  • 你认为怎样才算是成功,什么样的工作会让你宁愿忍受几小时的交通堵塞、而仅仅为了出现在办公室?了解这些帮你决定哪些才是真正适合自己的职业。
    Start by doing a self-assessment that teaches you things about yourself that you might never have thought about--for example, what you like and don't like in a work environment, what defines success for you, and what type of work would make you want to sit in traffic for hours just for the privilege of showing up. Knowing these things can help you determine which occupations could be a good fit for you.
  • 你可以调查你所在行业的公司,或者,加入在线社交网站,或是问问父母的朋友和参加相关的职业组织。这些都帮你建立新的联系。可以先用电子邮件和别人取得联系,不要明确地提出想获得工作,这会使对方心生戒备。对他们的职业生涯表示好奇,然后,问一问是否同他们一起吃午饭或喝咖啡。
    Learn about new contacts by researching firms in your industry, joining social networking sites like LinkedIn, asking your parents' friends, and joining relevant professional associations. Approach individuals by e-mail first, and don't put them on the defensive by asking for a job outright. Instead, show curiosity about their career path and see if they'll agree to lunch or coffee.
  • 你应该对自己的职业发展负责,而不是你的公司。在向老板提出问题或是抱怨之前,先尝试一切自己解决的办法。如果你不得不提,也要准备好一个解决方案,这个方案有她的帮助就实现。
    Your company isn't responsible for your career growth: you are. Only approach your boss with a problem or complaint if you've explored all options for resolving it yourself. When you do, be prepared with a solution you could implement with her help.
  • 不从底层做起你怎么掌握发展所需要的技?这就好比连狗刨都没学会就想在奥运会上拿金牌。把你刚毕业后的工作看成职业生涯中的临时站点而不是永久站点。也不要急着获得晋升--前方的职业道路由你扛重担的时间会很长。快乐地一边拿着工资一边学习吧,这样获得下一份工作就不费吹灰之力了!
    How can you master the skills it takes to get ahead without putting any time in the trenches? That's like saying you could win an Olympic medal in swimming without learning to doggie paddle first. Look at your first post-college positions as temporary stops on your career path instead of permanent ones. Don't be in such a rush to get promoted either--you have a long career life ahead of you to shoulder the heavy burden of being on top. In the meantime, enjoy getting paid to learn everything you can so that snagging your next job isn't quite as challenging!
  • 如何成功地创业?不存在十全十美的企业家--即便比尔盖茨也会犯错--不过具备一些素质帮助你成功。如果你在以下的大部分事项中做得足够好,那么你就拥有了一个好的开头。
    What does it take to start a successful business? While there's no such thing as the perfect entrepreneur -- even Bill Gates has made mistakes -- a number of personal qualities can help you to build a successful business. If you pass muster on most of these traits, you're off and running.
  • 会委派工作。不论你是一个多么聪明和精力旺盛的人,事必躬亲是错误的做法。除非你唱独角戏,不然你要信任员工,派他们完成工作,这样你才有空经营企业。
    You can delegate. No matter how smart and energetic you are, it's a mistake to try to attend to every detail yourself. Unless you're a solo act, you're going to have to trust employees to do their jobs so that you can run the business.