  • 嗨!我是Brenda。我现不接电话。请你留言。我会尽快回你的电话
    Hi! This is Brenda. I can't come to the phone at this time. Please leave a message and I'll call you back as soon as possible.
  • 我方很希望贵方尽早给予肯定的答复
    We would greatly appreciate it if you could give us your favourable and prompt commitment as soon as possible.
  • 真见鬼!又错了。这里的职员连计算器都不正确使用。
    Ah, heck!Another mistake.The staff here can't even use their calculators right!
  • 你方...月...日来函收悉,考虑到给贵方更佳的信息,我方没早日答复,甚歉。现高兴地...
    We received your letter dated... and are sorry for not having replied earlier as we wished to wait for more favorable news to give you. We are now pleased to....
  • 恕不提供所需信息。
    We are sorry not to be able to give you the information requested.
  • 如果我们去的话,那么就明天下午三点钟吧。
    Suppose we make it, say three o'clock tomorrow afternoon.
  • 如果你们将你们的销售统计资料寄给我们,那可就太有帮助了。
    It would be very helpful if you could send us statistics on your sales.
  • 我们希望你们将相关资料寄给我们。
    We would like to ask you to kindly send us the related information.
  • 尝试为那些会对你的个人力形成挑战的人工作
    Try to work for someone who'll challenge your powers.
  • 工作的时候尽可使用会让你的上司感觉舒服的方式
    Work in such a way that makes your boss look good.
  • 裁员的时候,最先离开的就是那些没什么朋友的人。老板们喜欢并尊重那些有力的人。
    On downsizing, the first to go are those with few friends. Bosses prefer competent people whom they respect
  • 每天花一点时间独处。我生命的目标是什么?我想成为什么样的人?还有我该怎么样努力才达到这个目标。
    Spend some time alone everyday. What's the mission of my life? What do I want to be? And how to go about it
  • 另外,也要看看你要进入的行业是否有特别的专业要求。比如,你当地的学校可不会聘请小学老师,但是却可需要特别的教师。
    Also look at whether a particular specialty within your potentialnew field is in demand. For example, perhaps school districts in yourarea aren't hiring many elementary school teachers, but they do needspecialized teachers.
  • 比如说,对很多从室内设计转行到财政规划的工作人士来说,可需要在做好工作之余还要销售出去。又或者你被理想工作的高薪吸引,最后发现原来那个行业里只有少数人才挣到大量的钱,大部分的人工资都很低。
    For example, many careers, ranging from interior design tofinancial planning, may involve selling your services in addition to performing them. Or you may be enticed by the high average salary of your dream job, only to find that it's a field where a few people makea lot and most people make very little.
  • 但这也并不意味着转行是不可的。不过你可需要找到一个优点来弥补工作经验的不足。有个方法就是:人际关系网。
    This doesn't mean it's impossible to change careers. But you may need to find a substitute for the experience you lack. One way to do this: networking.
  • 美国人力资源协会最近对近500名人力资源经理做了一项新调查,发现应聘者在面试过程中有很多地方容易把事情搞砸,其中一些可会让你大吃一惊。
    According to a new survey of nearly 500 human-resources professionals released by the U.S. Department of Labor, there are plenty of ways to derail a job interview and some of them may surprise you.
  • 67%的受访者认为,着装不当是个大忌--它比求职简历中出现错字都要严重(58%的接受调查者认为这是一个重大失误)。荷兰国际集团美国金融服务业务部人力资源部的负责人查恩塔尔·沃比克说,如果应聘者技出众,她可以原谅简历中出现一个错字,但衣着暴露或穿着懒散等同于立刻被拒绝
    For 67% of hiring managers who responded to the survey, dressing provocatively is a major deal breaker even more significant than having a typo in your application materials (58% found this to be an interview killer). Chantal Verbeek, head of enterprise talent at ING U.S. Financial Services, says she'll forgive a typo if the applicant's skills are extraordinary, but revealing or sloppy apparel equals an instant rejection.
  • “有些应聘者一开始就问他们在家上班。”维罗比说,“正确的顺序是,等我们决定你适不适合这份工作,再来讨论你愿意在办公室里呆多久。
    I've had candidates ask if they can work part-time from home right off the bat, " Ms. Willoughby says. "Let's figure out if you're the right person for this job before we discuss how little you want to be in the office.
  • 一家猎头公司VitalityGroupExecutiveSearch的总裁肖恩·戴斯格罗斯勒建议应聘者参加面试时手上一定要拿点东西--随便什么都行,这样让你保持专注。(他建议拿一支笔、一本笔记本或一份自己的简历)“两手空空走进面试地点会让人有些手足无措,”他说道。
    Shawn Desgrosellier, president of Vitality Group Executive Search, coaches job candidates to go into an interview with something anything in their hands. The step maintains focus. (He suggested a pen, a notepad or your résumé.) "It's just awkward going into an interview with nothing, " he says.
  • 完成你开始了的事情。这一点至关重要:尽可的完成一件任务更有效率。实际上,当你坐下来开始工作时,你需要几分钟来进入工作状态。如果你总是工作到一半又去做另外一件事情,那你会浪费很多作无用功的时间。
    Finish what you've started. This is the core idea: Where possible, working a single task to completion is more efficient. When you sit down to work, you spend a few minutes just getting "settled in" before you're productive. If you jump from task to half-finished task all the time, that's a lot of minutes lost to "rolling up your sleeves."
  • 与他人良好的合作。如果你在一个团队中的工作是做好一些重要的零件,那么你应该优先做好你的工作,以确保生产线正常运转。没有比要其他人等着你的工作完成才进入下个工序更糟糕的事情了。在找工作时,优先回答那些等待你答复的人
    hiring managers looking for self-starters (and who isn't?) will appreciate and remember your promptness.
  • 聘用经理时寻找那些主动做事的人(谁不是呢?),这样大家一定会明白并记住你的高效率。
    Play well with others. When you're working as part of a team, make sure you're prioritizing what you do to get the most important parts into the production line. Nothing's worse than having people stand around waiting for you to produce. In a job search, prioritize anyone who's waiting to hear from you
  • 聘用经理时寻找那些主动做事的人(谁不是呢?),这样大家一定会明白并记住你的高效率。
    hiring managers looking for self-starters (and who isn't?) will appreciate and remember your promptness.
  • 分析你的产出。怎么样才可以更有效的工作?你有多少时间是浪费在世俗的琐事上,而不是用来完成你所热爱的挑战或者你上司所赏识的工作上呢?求职者们,记录下你们在不同招工场所所花的时间,并计算下真正达到效果的时间是多少吧。如此一来,你便重新努力去追求高价值的事情。如果一个就业局两年前就倒闭了,为什么你还在那里徘徊不前呢?
    Analyze your output. How could you have been more efficient? How much of your time goes to trivial, mundane work rather than the challenging stuff you enjoy and that your boss values? Job-seekers, log the time you spend at various job sites, and count how many real leads that effort yields. This way you can reprioritize your efforts for high value results. Why are you still lurking on that job board that dried up two years ago?
  • 有礼貌地提出建设性意见,并尽可看到你上司的方案的可行性。
    Offer polite, constructive criticism, and do your best to see how your boss's plans are feasible.
  • 永远要乐于学习新技,提升你的个人效力。
    Always be willing to learn a new skill to increase your personal effectives.
  • 藉由以上10项方针,你可以与你的上司建立一个健康的、有成效的关系。一旦你的上司对你有好的认同感,不久后他(她)将会对你的才与良好态度提供更高的管理职位。如果有幸,会有另一个人遵循这十项方针并试着给你留下好印象。
    By following these 10 guidelines, you can build a healthy, productive relationship with your boss. And once you're on the boss's good side, it won't be long before he or she will tip off higher management about your talent and good attitude. And with any luck, it will be someone else following these 10 guidelines and trying to impress you.
  • 由于你方未及时交货,我方将向你方提出由此而遭受的全部损失的索赔。
    We shall lodge a claim for all the losses incurred as a consequence of your failure to ship our order in time.
  • 看来情况已十分清楚,我们希望你设法尽快解决问题。
    This seems to be a very clear case and we hope you will see your way to make a prompt settlement.
  • 多吃东西。健康的食品如格兰诺拉燕麦卷或水果可以帮助你提高血液里血糖含量,为你提供健康的量。(吃得过度会得到相反效果并让你精力下降),关键是适度。
    Snack more! Having a healthy snack on hand, like a granola bar or fruit can help your blood sugar levels and may provide a healthy boost of energy. (Overeating will do the opposite and drag you down!) Moderation is key!
  • 计划一次度假或在家休息。不管你是离家一天或者是一个星期,追求有趣的东西会让你兴奋并积累量。还有,如果你正在看这篇文章,你很可在你一天复一天的工作中得到休息。
    Plan a vacation or a staycation. Whether you leave town for a day or a week, having something fun to look forward to will excite you and stimulate energy. Plus, if you're reading this, you could probably use a break from your day-to-day routine.
  • 不过,你可不是总统,所以,对于没准备过的问题,你不避而不谈。但是,你至少会碰到五个点中的一个,这个几率会大大出乎你的预料。这就是控制面试,确保面试集中在你的强项上的方法
    You're not George W. Bush, though, so you can't totally ignore questions that don't have pat answers. But you'd be surprised how often you can answer an interview question with one of the five answers about yourself that you've prepared. This is a way to control an interview and make sure the focus is on your strengths.