  • 如果可的話,我是願意通融一下的。
    I would like to bend the rules a little if possible.
  • 由於這是我們之間進行的第一筆交易,我很希望夠遵照慣例,也就是說,用即期信用證付款。
    As this is the first deal between us, I hope we can trade on customary terms, i.e., letter of credit payable against sight draft.
  • 但說實在的,50萬美元的年銷售量並不證明你們胜任獨傢代理的工作。
    But honestly, an annual sales volume of $500, 000 does not justify a sole agency agreement.
  • 她意識到在所采用的方法中可出錯。
    She recognized the potential for error in the method being used.
  • 他對德國的市場進行了研究以尋求投資獲利的可性。
    He studied the German market to find the potential there for profitable investment.
  • 但如果你們在那兒開發出某種銷售網絡,將會賣得更好。
    But you can do even better if you develop some kind of sales network there.
  • 當然。在協議有效期內,你們不嚮加拿大其他買主供貨。
    Of course. Within the validity of the agency agreement, you will not supply your product to any other buyer in Canada.
  • 當然我們也不經營其他供貨商提供的競爭性産品。
    And we, on our part, shall not handle competitive products offered by other suppliers either.
  • 再寬限我一個月結帳嗎?
    Could you give us another month to settle an account?
  • 如果我們不立即收到付款,我們將對你動用法律程序。
    If we don't receive payment immediately, we will start proceedings against you.
  • 不用,謝謝。我自己行。咱們走吧!
    No, thanks. I can manage all right. Let's go.
  • 好極了。那完全滿足我們的需要。
    Excellent. That should suit our needs perfectly.
  • 你們的單位生産滿足我們的要求嗎?
    Is your unit capacity up to our demands?
  • 我想可以。該工廠月生産力為5,000臺。
    I should think so. This plant can turn out 5, 000 units per month.
  • 肯定會。既然我們彼此更加瞭解了,相信今後我們做成更多的互利互惠生意。
    I'm sure I will. Now that we've got to know each other better, I'm certain we can do more business to our mutual benefit.
  • 夠高的!這兒氣溫最高達到多少度?
    Oh, that's pretty high. What is the highest temperature you get here?
  • 你能提個建議嗎?
    What would you suggest?
  • 你好,先生。我是日本人。我的英語不太好,你幫忙嗎?
    Good morning, sir. I am from Japan. My English is poor. Can you help me?
  • 把您的護照給我,並把您的名字寫在這張紙上嗎?
    Would you care to give me your passport and write your name on the paper?
  • 勞駕,請問我提取存款嘗付我在中國買東西的費用?
    Excuse me , but can I draw on my account for payment of things I buy in China ?
  • 對不起,我再問一個問題?
    I am sorry, but may I ask one more question?
  • 對不起,幫我一個忙嗎?
    Excuse me, but could you help me?
  • 很高興為您效勞。我為您做些什麽?
    With pleasure. What can I do for you?
  • 否請你給我兌換一些錢?
    Can you change me some money, please?
  • 我想知道否把這筆兌回成美圓。
    I'd like to know if you could change this money back into U.S. dollars for me.
  • 否給我100美圓的瑞士法郎?
    Can you give me 100 dollars in Swiss francs?
  • 是的,是這樣。我需要些現金,在中國觀光時使用。我在這兒兌現旅行支票嗎?
    Yes, I hope so. I need some more cash for my visit in China. May I cash a traveler's check here?
  • 那麽,我把每張100美圓的3張支票兌現嗎?我想該夠用了。
    Well, may I cash these three checks for $100 each? I think that will be enough.
  • 對您所管理的分支機構負責人應要求他對預算目標出現的任何偏離。都必須做出正式合理的解釋,因為這是衡量其工作力的最佳尺度。
    There you are. And will you please sign this foreign exchange request? I've already written down your name and address for you, but I will read your passport number.
  • 我想知道一下我是否提取存款來支付天津購物的費用。
    I'd like to know if I can draw on my account for payment of things I buy in Tianjin.
  • 否把存款結餘金額告訴我?
    Could you tell me my balance?
  • 我們很抱歉不為此項商品找到銷路。
    We regret we cannot find any market for this article.