  • 航空公司提了在机场要有更多的起降时间的要求。
    The airline have request more takeoff and landing at the airport.
  • 为收购一公司出价
    To make a takeover bid for a company
  • 我们必须努力防止合并价。
    We must try to prevent the takeover bid.
  • 取得者提购买任何和所有股票未偿贷款的接收价。
    a takeover bid where the acquirer offers to buy any and all shares outstanding.
  • 别担心董事长对接受价如何反应,他正斗志旺盛呢。
    Don't worry about how the Chairman might react to the takeover bid; there's plenty of fight left in him.
  • 取得方花更多的钱购买控股所需要的股票的接收价。
    a takeover bid where the acquirer offers to pay more for the shares needed to gain control than for the remaining shares.
  • 有人很公道的价钱要买他的旧车,但他拒绝了。其后他全然找不到买主。他由此得到深切的教训;奢求不如实得。
    He had one quite reasonable offer for his used car, but turned it down. Then he could find no taker at all. He learned with a vengeance that a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.
  • 纳员偷走了当天的进款。
    A cashier ran away with the day's takings.
  • 纳员携带该日营业收入逃走了.
    The cashier has done a bunk with the day's takings.
  • 今晚演后,我们要分配所得收入。
    After tonight's show, we'll have a share-out of the takings.
  • 总营业额还未算出.
    The takings haven't been totalled yet.
  • 纳员携赃款逃跑了。
    The cashier has got away with the takings.
  • 他不仅以才能名,而且是名的好心。
    He is famous not only for his talent but (also) for his kindness.
  • 他早年即展露音乐的才能。
    He early showed a talent for music.
  • 朱莉已经作为一个有天分的艺术家而名。
    Julie has got a name for herself as a talented artist.
  • 你能说任何一个我们认识的、象他那样有才华的人吗?
    Can you mention anyone that we know who is as talented as he is?
  • 谈论戏剧演出。
    Talking about a play.
  • 思考是不声的说话。
    Thinking is subvocal talking.
  • 葛:是的,价格没有变。但我必须指,兽脂市场一直是不疲软的。
    Yes, it is the same, but let me point out that the tallow market conditions have been anything but easy of late.
  • 当英国队的积分在记分板上一路攀升时(记分板最后显示英国以145枚奖牌名列第一,比第二名的美国多98枚),叫屈不平的声浪迭起。
    British victories mounted on the scoreboard the final tally showed Great Britain with 145 medals, 98 ahead of the second-place United States team-the cries of unfavorable treatment mounted.
  • 探险队航去南极了。
    The expedition tame launched out on a voyage to the South Pole.
  • 老子在他的《道德经》里始终看重不雕琢的石头,让我们不要干犯大自然吧,因为最优越的艺术品,和最美妙的诗歌或文学作品一样,是那样完全看不造作的痕迹的作品,跟行云流水那么自然,或如中国的文艺批评家所说的那样,“无斧凿痕”。
    Laotse, "The Old Boy, " always emphasized in his Taotehching the unearned rock. Let us not tamper with Nature, for the best work of art, like the best poem or literary composition, is one which shows no sign of human effort, as natural as a winding river or a sailing cloud, or as the Chineseliterary critics always say, "without ax and chisel marks."
  • 我花了整个夏天才晒这样的棕褐色。
    It took me all summer to get this tan.
  • 假设最终张三不再看涨新加坡股市,他于是指示期货经纪以165.2的价格卖该期货。
    Suppose Mr Tan finally decides to close out his position at a price of 165.2 points.
  • 假设过了周末之后,张三不再看涨新加坡股市,决定不再继续冒险,他于是指示期货经纪以165.2的价格卖该期货。换言之,张三“盖盘”或“清盘”了。
    Suppose Mr Tan finally decides to close out his position on 31 August at a price of 165.2 points.
  • 人们不能依靠他,他的行为常超常规。
    One can not rely upon him; he is apt to fly off at a tangent.
  • 在回信中仅仅表示歉意是不够的,顾客所关心的是实质上的赔偿,因此要提解决意见。
    Till now the writer has merely expressed regret, whereas his customer looks for some more tangible compensation. He should now state what he proposes to do to set things right.
  • 对我们这个集体,人民基本上是满意的,主要是因为我们搞了改革开放,提了四个现代化的路线,而且真正干了实绩。
    By and large, the people are pleased with our collective, because we have carried out the policies of reform and opening to the outside world, put forward the line of concentrating on modernization and brought about tangible results.
  • 从发展国民经济来增加我们财政的收入,是我们财政政策的基本方针,明显的效验已在闽浙赣边区表现来,在中央区也已开始表现来了。
    To increase our revenue by developing the economy is a basic principle of our financial policy; It has already brought tangible results in the Fukien-Chekiang-Kiangsi border area and is beginning to do so in the Central Area, too.
  • 我们党要始终代表中国最广大人民的根本利益,就是党的理论、路线、纲领、方针、政策和各项工作,必须坚持把人民的根本利益作为发点和归宿,充分发挥人民群众的积极性主动性创造性,在社会不断发展进步的基础上,使人民群众不断获得切实的经济、政治、文化利益。
    To always represent the fundamental interests of the overwhelming majority of the Chinese people, our Party must, in all kinds of work including Party's theory, line, program, principle and policy, persevere in taking the fundamental interests of the people as the starting point and purpose, bring into full play people's enthusiasm, initiative and creativity, and enable the people to constantly obtain tangible economic, political and cultural benefits through continuous social development and progress.
  • 她正试图从那堆乱糟糟的东西里找些有用之物。
    She is trying to comb some useful thing out of the tangle.
  • 必须设法从这堆乱七八糟的东西中挑合适的东西来。
    Means must be devised to comb the right things out of the tangle.