  • 因此,从1983年起,从未断地举行聚会,从新马校友轮流举行的“南大之夜”到全球南大校友联欢会。
    The gathering of Nantah graduates has been a regular event since 1983 - from the early “Nantah Nights” which culminated in a global reunion of alumni.
  • 肺气肿肺部的一种病态,特征为肺中的空不正常地增大,导致呼吸困难并且易于受感染。它是由肺小泡的不可逆的扩张或肺小泡壁被破坏而引起的
    A pathological condition of the lungs marked by an abnormal increase in the size of the air spaces, resulting in labored breathing and an increased susceptibility to infection. It can be caused by irreversible expansion of the alveoli or by the destruction of alveolar walls.
  • 很抱歉,我大部分下午的时都不在。
    I am sorry. I am out most afternoon.
  • 阿曼达花了很长时去熟悉换挡。
    It took Amanda a long time to get used to the gear shift.
  • 弗雷迪向阿曼达求婚时,她花了很长时寻找房子,可是现在她明白了,他在骗她。他没真正想娶她。
    Amanda spent a lot of time looking for a house when Freddie asked her to marry him. But now she realizes he was leading her up the garden path and never really intended to marry her.
  • 在残疾儿童的保护方面,国家在较短的时内还难以筹集到更多的经费,充分满足保护残疾儿童的实际需要;
    As for the protection of disabled children, the state is not able to amass in a short period enough money to fully satisfy the actual needs in the protection of these children.
  • 你不该浪费你的业余时
    You should not waste your amateur time.
  • 同性恋的同性的爱欲的,与之有关的;色情的
    Of or concerning homosexual love and desire; amatory.
  • 每当听了这种议论,我总是惊愕不已.人们说体育运动可以在国家之产生友谊,
    I am always amazed when I hear people saying that sports creates goodwill between
  • 在此期,彼得被从安第斯山高处一座偏僻的游击队营地转移到亚马孙丛林中的另一处营地,历尽最残酷的身心磨难。
    During these discussions,Peter is moved from one remote guerilla camp high in the Andes down to another camp in the Amazonian jungle,suffering the most hellish physical and mental hardships.
  • 一个具有大使等级,出入两国之的高级外交官。
    a senior diplomat from one country to another who is assigned ambassadorial rank.
  • 尿,小便哺乳动物由肾脏排泄出的排泄物,颜色为黄色到琥珀色之,为略含酸性的液体,通过尿道排出体外
    The waste product secreted by the kidneys that in mammals is a yellow to amber-colored, slightly acid fluid discharged from the body through the urethra.
  • 我在匆促看到的这一情景,可能已对我产生了某种影响,这种影响目前我还捉摸不清,我清楚的只是它直到今天仍一直留存在我的记忆之中。
    The scene so briefly glimpsed any have had some significance for me that I cannot guess at now. All I know is that my memory retains it, like a fly in amber, to this day.
  • 国家环保总局发出了《关于在高考期加强环境噪声污染监督管理的通知》。
    State Environmental Protection Administration issued the Notice on Strengthening Ambient Noise Pollution Monitoring and Management during Period of Entrance Exams for Universities.
  • 坚持在中、高考期加强噪声监督管理在连续几年工作的基础上,2001年及早部署了高考期噪声环境监督。
    Strengthening Noise Monitoring and Management during periods of Entrance Exams from Senior Middle Schools and Universities Based on the work in the previous years, the monitoring of the ambient noise during the period of entrance exams for universities has been arranged early in 2001.
  • 屯门医院日医疗中心已经落成。
    The Ambulatory Care Centre of Tuen Mun Hospital was completed.
  • 现时国际趋势是着重发展日及社区医护服务。
    The international trend has been to focus on the development of ambulatory and community care programmes.
  • 新拨款机制有助医院管理局进一步发展日及外展社区护理计划。
    The new funding arrangement has facilitated the further development of the Hospital Authority's ambulatory and community outreach programmes.
  • 第二天早晨,艾米丽雅到达的时来了又去。
    By the next morning Amelia's arrival time came and went.
  • 对小规模形式的询问也应负责;有责任的数据;部门头头之的斗争就不应该遵从法律吗?-约翰.马歇尔。
    amenable to a small-scale form of enquiry; amenable data; is it to be contended that the heads of departments are not amenable to the laws?- John Marshall.
  • 她已固执己见长达两年之久,绝不可能突然变得可以理喻了。
    There is not the smallest possibility that, after having been as obstinate as a mule for two years, she suddenly became amenable to reason.
  • 相信不少市民都和我有同样的经历,每隔一段时回到内地的大城市看一看,都会惊叹国家进步之神速。不论在市容、交通、建筑等硬件,还是在人才素质、服务态度、文化发展等软件方面,我们都会看见可喜的新气象。
    I believe that most people in Hong Kong have had the same experience of the Mainland as I have. During each of my periodic visits to the big cities on the Mainland, I am amazed by the tremendous pace at which conditions improve, both with regard to the "hardware" , such as civic amenities, transport systems, and infrastructure, and the "software", for example, the skills of the people, levels of service and the degree of cultural development. There are positive changes happening everywhere in China, which is something that should give us all reason to be optimistic.
  • 拉丁美洲民间舞蹈
    folk dance of Latin America
  • 不过,我还是认为通过双方之的友好调解来解决争议更好。
    Anyway, I still prefer to settle disputes by amicable conciliation between the two parties.
  • 我们喜欢通过双方之友好的、非约束性的调解来解决争议。
    We prefer to resolve dispute by amicable, non-binding conciliation between the two parties.
  • 一旦发生争议,我们应该通过友好协商消除我们之的分歧。
    In case of any dispute, we should try to out our differences through amicable negotiations.
  • 当国与国不能以和平方式解决纷争时,通常即起战争。
    When nation can not settle a quarrel in an amicable way, they usually go to war.
  • 考虑到我们之的友好关系,我们愿继续与您洽谈。
    In consideration of the amicable relation between us, we are willing to hold further negotiation with you.
  • 考虑到我们之的友好关系,我们愿继续与您洽谈。
    In consideration of the amicable relation between us, we is willing to hold further negotiation with you.
  • 尤其当我们双方之建立了长期友好的贸易关系以后,通过友好协商来解决争议就更容易了。
    Especially when you've established a long-term good business relationship with us, it is usually much easier to handle the disputes through amicable negotiations.
  • 在一群星星中隐藏着脸庞。
    And hid his face amid a crowd of stars.
  • 因为有了白色政权的长期的分裂和战争,便给了一种条件,使一小块或若干小块的共产党领导的红色区域,能够在四围白色政权包围的中发生和坚持下来。
    The prolonged splits and wars within the White regime provide a condition for the emergence and persistence of one or more small Red areas under the leadership of the Communist Party amidst the encirclement of the White regime.