  • “你看,我真得去睡个午觉,”她轻声
    You know, I could really do with a siesta, she said.
  • 来自泰国的寺院主持素察·奇诺拉索,他所在寺院的僧侣中大约四分之一的人都有吸烟的恶习。
    Dr. Suchat Chinoraso, a Buddhist abbot from Thailand, said about 25 percent of his fellow monks smoke.
  • 姑娘们去听了音乐会,她们:“艾布特小姐是了不起的歌唱家。”
    The girls went to the concert and they say, "It takes Miss Abbot to sing."
  • 叹着气诉说不幸
    Sigh out one's grief
  • 当我们听他们平安无事时,都松了一口气。
    We all heaved a sigh of relief when we heard that they were safe.
  • “那房子怎样,查克斯先生?”“唔,”他叹了一口气,“来话长。”
    "…what about that house, Mr Chucks?" "Why, thereby hangs a tale." replied he, giving a sigh…"
  • 谈到压力的问题,她叹了一口气后:“唉呀,所有可以发生的坏事,都已经发生了。”
    Referring to stress, she heaved a big sigh and said: “Aiyah, anything bad that can happen has already happened.”
  • “近视得再厉害的人,也能用肉眼一眼看出。”马丁
    "The most short-sighted man could see that at a glance, with his naked eye," said Martin.
  • 比这个更奇特的景象我都听过!
    I've heard tell of strange sights than that!
  • 的是一种无法听得懂的方言。
    He speaks an incomprehensible vernacular.
  • 通俗法;口语词;话通俗的人;大多数人的通俗语言;某个动物物种的学术名称和通俗名称。
    common parlance; a vernacular term; vernacular speakers; the vulgar tongue of the masses; the technical and vulgar names for an animal species.
  • 说“观光”就行了。
    Just say" sightseeing". That's enough.
  • 卡杜斯:"每一个手语动作大概能表示2个单词,不同人的手语表达方式不一样,手臂长和手臂短的人做出的手语也不一样,所以计算机程序需要像语音识别软件那样进行校正,以适应单个的用户。"
    "There are roughly two words to a sign,"Kadous said. "In addition,people's signing styles differ and the signs made by a person with long or short arms differ so the program would need to be calibrated for an individual user in much the way that speech recognition software is,"he added.
  • 这个标示说什么?
    What does the sign say?
  • 在视察了店面的运营情况后,他走向冰淇淋柜,取出两个冰淇淋,付了钱,然后对我和迈克打了个手势:“孩子们,我们出去走走。”
    After finding out how things were going in the store, he reached into the ice-cream freezer, pulled out two bars, paid for them, and signalled to Mike and me."Let's go for a walk boys."
  • 然而那座山屹立不动。在这时候,他一点也不沮丧,反而道:“要是山不肯到谟罕默德这儿来,那么谟罕默德要到山那儿去了”。
    and when the hill stood still, he was never a whit abashed, but said; if the hill will not come to Mohammed, Mohammed must go to the hill.
  • 印度尼西亚是缔约国之一,其中六种海龟就生活在那里。但在岛上的商人游之后,印尼政府却给予巴厘岛特殊照顾──每年5,000只海龟的配额。
    Indonesia, which is home to six of the seven species, was one of the signatories, but the government gave special dispensation to Bali--a 5,000 animal annual quo ta ?? after lobbying from traders on the island.
  • 脏话者只会自贬身分。
    A man who use bad language will only abase himself.
  • 这并不是要放弃一切重要的军事地点,对于这些地点,只要有利,就应配置阵地战。
    It does not mean the abandonment of all the vital strategic points, which should be defended by positional warfare as long as profitable.
  • 在某种意义上你的是真的。
    What you speak on certain significance is true.
  • 重要词重要词或明性的词
    A significant or descriptive word.
  • 就我们国内来,什么是中国最大的政治?
    What is the most significant political task for China?
  • 王平:纯洁的白色,对体育运动来,太有深意.了。
    Wang Ping: Pure white! That is significant for sports.
  • 由于发表了有关环境污染问题的演,在野党领袖的声望大大提高了。
    The leader of the Opposition gained significantly in stature as a result of his speech on environs, mental pollution.
  • 但是我们认为政治经济,或者象萨依所的“公共经济”,也应当科学地加以发展;可是我们还认为对事物应当给以正确的名称,这样总比使用意义相反的名称要好些。
    we are, however, of opinion that political economy, or as Say calls it '閏onomie publique,' should also be developed scientifically, and that it is always better to call things by their proper names than to give them significations which stand opposed to the true import of words.
  • 她的所作所为对我来无关紧要。
    It do not signify to me what she do.
  • 她的所作所为对我来无关紧要。
    It does not signify to me what she did.
  • 她的所作所为对我来无关紧要。
    It doesn't signify to me what she does.
  • 我得我盼望尽快签订合同。
    I must say I look forward to signing the contract as soon as possible.
  • 要解决这个问题不能简单地在人生道路的入口处竖上两块牌子:一块是告示,写着“善之路”;另一块是警告,写着“恶之路”,并且向那些走来的人:“选择吧!”
    It is not a simple matter of erecting two signposts at the gateway to life, one bearing the inscription: 'The Way of Goodness' and the other carrying this warning: ' The way of evil', and of saying to those who come: 'Choose!'
  • 一种在西藏、尼泊尔、不丹和印度的藏--缅甸语。
    the Tibeto-Burman language spoken in Tibet and Nepal and Bhutan and Sikkim.
  • “修好了,”那修理工从车底下爬出来道,“我已经更换了你的消声器。”
    "Right as a trivet now,"said the mechanic as he crawled out from under the car. "I've replaced your silencer.