  • 我们想让中国租船公司负责租船运。
    We prefer to have the China National Chartering Corporation take care of the shipping.
  • 印刷电路插件的框架。
    A chassis in which printed-circuit cards are mounted.
  • 带有车斗的可以用来货的一种赛车。
    a racing car with the basic chassis of a commercially available car.
  • 可安电气设备板的框架或底座。
    The frame or chassis on which panels of electrical equipment may be mounted.
  • 当与其它高性能设计相结合时,在高通信流量的情况下,qbrt能让满路由器的底架上的一个千兆位路由路以线速转发信息包。
    QBRT, when combined with other high-performance design elements, allows the multigigabit router to forward packets at wire speed on a fully configured chassis under heavy traffic.
  • 它修长的折式车篷和两种色调的内部饰下,隐藏着是一个可对驾驶做出灵敏反应的底盘,其中融合了一个完全独立的悬架和齿条齿轮式转向置,它们可应付起伏不平的路面和高速公路转弯的各种情况。
    Its longish hood and two-tone interior cloak a responsive chassis that incorporates a fully independent suspension and rack-and-pinion steering, tuned to handle everything from rough pavement to highway curves.
  • 你在开始为中心暖气置订购石油之前,给一些供货商打电话,看谁的要价最低。
    Before you start ordering oil for the central heating ring around the suppliers to see who will offer you the cheapest price.
  • 微软将其操作系统以更低的价格授权诸如戴尔和康柏这样的计算机制造商在他们生产的电脑上只安微软的操作系统。
    Microsoft licensed its operating system more cheaply to computer makers such as Dell and Compaq, which exclusively installed its system.
  • 心情沮丧但还是试图作高兴。
    is dejected but trying to look cheerful.
  • 不速之客来访问题时玛丽还在哭泣;她强忍住眼泪,出笑脸迎接客人。
    Mary was still crying when unexpected visitors arrived; gulping back her tears, she made an effort to greet them cheerfully.
  • 出高兴的样子,想使医生认为她已经好了。
    She put on a show of cheerfulness to make her doctor think that she was well.
  • 要一个人在他不喜欢的工作中长时间地出热情、乐观、愉快、勤奋、忠诚或积极的态度是非常难的。
    It is not easy for a person to fake enthusiasm, optimism, cheerfulness, productivity, loyalty, or motivation, over any protracted period of time in a place of employment that person does not like.
  • 饰物鲜艳的或醒目的饰物,尤指纹章的
    Colorful or prominent decoration, especially heraldic decoration.
  • 几分钟后,我在笔记本上记下了所有的细节,并将一张三寸宽五寸长的照片进了我的上衣口袋,照片上是那个胖乎乎天真无邪的孩子。随后,我向厨房走去,警察说那个孩子的尸体在那儿。
    A few minutes later, with all the details in my notebook and a three?by?five studio portrait of the cherubic child tucked in my jacket pocket, I went toward the kitchen where the police had said the body was.
  • 这个大箱着我家的传家之宝。
    This chest contains our family heirlooms.
  • 子弹带战士斜挂胸前的用来子弹的有许多小口袋或环的带子
    A belt fitted with small pockets or loops for carrying cartridges and worn across the chest by soldiers.
  • 细工饰品通过明暗对比表现出两维性此种饰品
    Such ornamental work represented two dimensionally by chiaroscuro.
  • 别致的优雅;漂亮的新裙子;裁剪时髦的套
    chic elegance; a smart new dress; a suit of voguish cut.
  • 分娩时监视胎儿心跳和母体子宫收缩频率的电子置。
    an electronic device that monitors fetal heartbeat and the mother's uterine contractions during childbirth.
  • 我坐在孩子们的小椅子上稍稍松了口气,对要发生的事没有一点准备。这时她向我走来,双手拿着一个白色的盒子向我伸过来。盒子没有打包,稍有些脏。好像是被孩子未洗过的小手摸过了好多遍。
    I sat down in a child-sized chair to catch my breath, hardly aware of what was happening, when she came to me with outstretched hands, bearing a small white box, unwrapped and slightly soiled, as though it had been held many times by unwashed, childish hands.
  • 孩子们都喜欢化打扮。
    Children love dressing up.
  • 饰用小型紫杉,叶子有光泽,树枝部分下垂;分布在智利南部山区。
    small yew having attractive foliage and partially weeping branches cultivated as an ornamental; mountains of southern Chile.
  • 你应把一件暖和的套衫入衣箱,即使是夏季的傍晚,山区的气候也是相当冷的。
    You shall pack a warm pullover, as even the summer evening can be chilly in the mountain.
  • 你应把一件暖和的套衫入衣箱,即使是夏季的傍晚,山区的气候也是相当冷的。
    You shall pack a warm pullover, as even the summer evening can is chilly in the mountain.
  • 你应把一件暖和的套衫入衣箱,即使是夏季的傍晚,山区的气候也是相当冷的。
    You should pack a warm pullover, as even the summer evening can be chilly in the mountain.
  • 柔软的起皱的女绉纱;比双绉纱重。
    a soft thick crinkled dress crepe; heavier than crepe de Chine.
  • 中国少数民族服装
    Chinese minority nationality costume
  • 摩擦轧光印花棉布的或与之有关的,用摩擦轧光印花棉布饰的
    Of, relating to, or decorated with chintz.
  • 这扇门是通往用印花棉布和橡木饰得非常整洁的起居室。
    the door gave access to a tidily furnished sitting-room where chintz and oak predominated.
  • 家具弯脚,饰品腿家具腿的一种形式,先向外弯成弧形,再向下变窄,形成饰足,这是安妮皇后和齐朋达尔时代家具所具有的特征
    A form of furniture leg that curves outward and then narrows downward into an ornamental foot, characteristic of Queen Anne and Chippendale furniture.
  • 有没有大包的洋葱味"脆脆"署片?
    Do you have any large size onion flavored "Munchy" potato chips?
  • 电工在墙上凿了个孔,以便上门铃。
    The electrician chiseled a hole in the wall to fit a door bell.