  • 她提出了名的评论。
    She interjected clever remarks..
  • 他擅长英语。
    He is clever at English.
  • 文--我有耐心和经验。这是陈腔滥调--每一个人都会这么说。
    Teach English-I am patient and experienced. This is cliche- everyone claims the same thing.
  • 但是,不知怎么的,我和讲语的朋友却越来越接近,因为我觉得和他们很“合拍”。
    But somehow, I kept gravitating towards the English-speaking because I felt I could “click” better with them.
  • 我们的委托人通知我们说你欠他们300镑.
    We are instructed by our clients that you owe them 300.
  • 英国气候温和。
    Britain has a temperate climate.
  • 这条路有几里向上倾斜得很陡。
    The road climbs steeply for several miles.
  • 升到一万英尺的高度
    climb to a height of ten thousand feet
  • 他们攀登的令人疲惫的最後一里路
    The last weary mile of their climb
  • 在美国参议院阻挠议事是可能的,因为参议院的规定允许无限制地辩论以便阻挠议事。但可用终结动议案来将它结束;在国,这种方法也被应用
    Filibuster is possible in the us senate, because the rules of the senate allow unlimited debate. a filibuster may be end by a cloture motion; the technique be also used in the uk.
  • 俱乐部每个成员已保证为这次募捐赠10镑。
    Each member of the club has pledged??10 to the collection.
  • 俱乐部的每个成员已保证为这次募捐捐赠10镑。
    Each member of the club has pledged$10 to the collection.
  • 塞弗洛尼亚岛希腊西海岸外爱奥尼亚群岛中最大的一个岛屿。1809年至1864年被国占领
    The largest of the Ionian Islands off the western coast of Greece. It was held by the British from1809 to1864.
  • 国血统的粗毛小狗。
    small rough-coated terrier of British origin.
  • 自家粪堆上,公鸡称雄。
    A cock is valiant on his own dunghill.
  • 伦敦方言是语中的地区性语言
    Cockney is a dialect of English.
  • 我们也播放中国本地的音乐,我们播放那、李玟、王力宏等这些人的歌曲。
    And also we play music from in China.So we can play Na Ying and Coco Liwen,Wang Lihong and people like that.
  • 他们需要像国田径运动员塞伯·克一样,亲身体验并描述塞伯·克所说的“全神贯注”的赛场状态。
    They needed their own versions of what the great British miler Seb Coe called " a cocoon of concentration."
  • 至于你所讲的什么倒霉——嘿,我们就是从这倒霉中造成新格兰的啊,倒霉加上鳕鱼呢。
    As for what you're calling hard luck—well, we made New England out of it, that and codfish.
  • 至于你所讲的什么倒霉——嘿,我们就是从这倒霉中造成新格兰的啊,倒霉加上鳕鱼呢。
    As for what you are called hard luck- well, we make new England out of it, that and codfish.
  • 至于你所讲的什么倒霉——嘿,我们就是从这倒霉中造成新格兰的啊,倒霉加上鳕鱼呢。
    As for what you is call hard luck well, we make new england out of it, that and codfish.
  • 我在格兰买了这个咖啡壶。
    I bought this coffeepot in England.
  • 历史学家布鲁诺·罗伊·亨利认为在1840年拿破仑的棺椁运抵法国之前,国政府已经偷梁换柱,转移了他的遗体,而如今摆放在荣军院金色屋顶下的其实是另一个人的尸体。
    Historian Bruno Roy-Henry believes British authorities may have removed Napoleon's remains before his coffin was returned to France in 1840 - and that the body under the gilded dome of Les Invalides is that of another man.
  • 德语的Haus一词和语的house一词同源.
    The German word `Haus' is cognate with the English word `house'.
  • 最後寇先生拿出一个寸镜--一种钻石商用的放大镜--仔细审视那颗宝石。
    Finally Mr. Cohen took out a loupe, a diamond man's magnifying glass, and studied the stone.
  • 国剑桥大学的一位指导教师说,剑桥大学现在招收的新生,尽管很聪明,却不会写连贯的论说文,也写不出符合语法习惯的文。
    Cambridge is admitting students who, bright as they are, cannot construct coherent essays or write grammatical English, a university don said.
  • 国皇家造币厂将铸造一种纪念金币。
    The Royal Mint will strike a commemorative gold coin.
  • 一种价值为五先令的国硬币。
    an English coin worth 5 shillings.
  • 联邦的一种早期银币;价值两便士的十进制青铜硬币。
    a former UK silver coin; UK bronze decimal coin worth two pennies.
  • 一种价值为先令的早期国金币。
    a former British gold coin worth 21 chillings.
  • 一种价值为半克郎的国硬币。
    an English coin worth half a crown.
  • 一种价值为二分之一便士的国硬币。
    an English coin worth half a penny.