  • 福塞在进入热气球舱时,向周围近百名的小镇居民挥手致意,踏上了向东环游世界的征程。这次旅行预计将费15天的时间。
    Fossett waved to around 100 townsfolk as he entered the capsule for an eastward circumnavigation that he expects will take 15 days.
  • 约翰看马戏的钱不计其数。
    Jone lost track of the money he spent at the circus.
  • 汤姆已记不清他在马戏场里掉了多少钱。
    Tom lost track of the money he spent at the circus.
  • 醛柠檬醛的同分异构体,橙醇氧化可得,用于制造香水和香料
    A structural isomer of citral that is obtained from the oxidation of nerol and is used to make perfumes and flavorings.
  • 莱檬一种带刺的灌木或热带乔木(来檬柑桔属),源于亚洲,有强韧的叶子、芳香的白色朵和可食果实
    A spiny evergreen shrub or tree(Citrus aurantifolia), native to Asia and having leathery leaves, fragrant white flowers, and edible fruit.
  • 克拉克曾说过:“我天生秃顶!”的确如此,当他33岁那年首次上银幕时,他们头发已是明日黄了。
    Clark once said, "I was born bald!" and indeed his hair was already a thing of the past when he made his screen debut at the age of 33.
  • 克拉一种钩瓣属的一年生植物,主要分布于北美西部,其中几种因其艳丽的红色、紫色、粉红或白色而被栽培
    Any of various annual, chiefly western North American plants of the genus Clarkia, several of which are cultivated for their showy red, purple, pink, or white flowers.
  • 曼尼坎对散文最感兴趣,如:这几篇为发表而作的《在怀念中的故乡》、《高粱舅》,他也很奇妙地把短篇小说《落生》和《五孙舍哥》归为散文。
    Manicam is most taken by the essays, i.e., the works written for publication. These are ''Native Land'', ''Uncle Gao-liang'' and, curiously enough, he would classify the short stories ''Peanuts'' and ''Elder Brother 5th Sun-she'' as essays.
  • 旧大陆广泛存在的一种树,叶大,球型绿黄色簇,长种荚随风响动。
    large spreading Old World tree having large leaves and globose clusters of greenish-yellow flowers and long seed pods that clatter in the wind.
  • 在那个国家,只要巧妙地点钱,任何无耻之徒都可以在某家报纸上得到一番吹捧。
    For a little money cleverly bestowed, any unscrupulous person can be given a puff in some newspaper in the country.
  • 利用精明或招回避问题的陈述。
    a statement that evades the question by cleverness or trickery.
  • 耀华豆属的任何一种植物,复叶、豌豆状,红色,成下垂的总状序。
    any of various shrubs or vines of the genus Clianthus having compound leaves and pealike red flowers in drooping racemes.
  • 我听到园门开的吱哑声,随后他的声音在我耳边响起,那么深沉、优美,给人慰藉又充满柔情。
    I heard the click of the garden gate,then his voice close beside me.Deep.Melodious.Soothing.Gentle.
  • 把客户从竞争者那里拉过来只需按一下鼠标。想在因特网上提高一点叫卖的嗓门就很钱。
    Customers are a click away from competitors, and simply rising above the noise on the Internet can be expensive.
  • 物候学,物候现象研究与气候条件有关的周期性生物现象的科学,如开、繁殖和迁移
    The scientific study of periodic biological phenomena, such as flowering, breeding, and migration, in relation to climatic conditions.
  • 我的园里长着一些攀缘植物。
    I have some climbing plants in the garden.
  • 南亚肉质攀缘植物,粉白色,呈星状伞形序。
    succulent climber of southern Asia with umbels of pink and white star-shaped flowers.
  • 开芳香颜色柔和的攀援园植物。
    climbing garden plant having fragrant pastel-colored flowers.
  • 鬼针草属的任何一种植物,黄色,果实多刺、粘有绒毛。
    any of several plants of the genus Bidens having yellow flowers and prickly fruits that cling to fur and clothing.
  • 她在布上绣花。
    She broideried in the clothe.
  • 给一个6口之家买衣服穿须不少钱。
    It costs quite a lot to clothe a family of six.
  • 呢服装这种织物制成的服装
    Clothing made of this fabric.
  • 玛丽在衣着上乱钱。
    Mary lavishes money on clothing.
  • 在樱完全绽放的时候,经常容易遇到阴天或多风天。
    It is apt to get either cloudy or windy when the cherry blossom are in full bloom.
  • 在樱完全绽放的时候,经常容易遇到阴天或多风天。
    It is apt to get either cloudy or windy when the cherry blossom is in full bloom.
  • 美国东南坚硬树丛,有丁香味的木头和香的红褐色的
    hardy shrub of southeastern United States having clove-scented wood and fragrant red-brown flowers.
  • 这块土地种上了红和白苜蓿。
    The land is laid down with red or white clover.
  • 生长在欧洲山区的一种具有粉红色的三叶草。
    European mountain clover with fragrant usually pink flowers.
  • 在世界许多地区,种植红草用来作牲畜饲料。
    In many parts of the world clover is grow as food for cattle.
  • 某些游戏纸牌上的一种黑色图案,类似三叶形或苜蓿叶形
    A black figure shaped like a trefoil or clover leaf on certain playing cards.
  • 欧洲的一种三叶草,引种于美国,作为一种牧草、饲料或地被物栽种,这种植物有深紫红色的球状序。
    erect to decumbent short-lived perennial having red-purple to pink flowers; the most commonly grown forage clover.
  • 中等尺寸的非常对称的开红的常青树,广泛分布在热带,其蓓是丁香的一种来源。
    moderate sized very symmetrical red-flowered evergreen widely cultivated in the tropics for its flower buds which are source of cloves.