  • 早在波兰沦陷之前,波兰人就对磁力对于鸟类寻找飞行路线的影响的可能性进行了研
    Research was being done in Poland, before the inoasion of that country, on the possible influence of magnetism on path finding.
  • 梅森,帕特里克1844-1922英国寄生生物学家,以在热带医学研上的领先而著称,如断定蚊子传播霍乱(1877年)
    British parasitologist noted for advances in tropical medicine, such as the assertion that mosquitoes transmit malaria(1877).
  • 作恶的人要予以究治.
    Malefactors will be pursued and punished.
  • 曾在坦桑尼亚的塞伦盖蒂国家公园研狮子的瓦斯特说,有待我们研的一个重要问题是,为什么只有雄狮才有鬃毛。
    One big question about lions is why the males even have a mane, said West, who studied lions in Tanzania's Serengeti National Park.
  •  第六十七条从事专利管理工作的国家机关工作人员以及其他有关国家机关工作人员玩忽职守、滥用职权、徇私舞弊,构成犯罪的,依法追刑事责任;
    Article 67. Where any State functionary working for patent administration or any other State functionary concerned neglects his duty, abuses his power, or engages in malpractice for personal gain, which constitutes a crime, shall be prosecuted for his criminal liability in accordance with law.
  • 瓦斯特研了鬃毛对雄狮的确切作用。
    West checked to see what good the mane does to a lion.
  • 瓦斯特在研中还发现,雄狮的鬃毛越黑,它血液中睾酮的含量就越高。
    West also found that the higher the testosterone level in the blood of male lions, the darker the mane.
  • 从前的研发现有其他种类的基因同躁郁症的发病有关。
    Previous studies have suggested that other genes are involved in manic-depression.
  • 同志们,我们研宪政,各种书都要看,但尤其要看的,是这篇宣言,这篇宣言中的上述几句话,应该熟读而牢记之。
    Comrades, in studying constitutional government we shall read various books, but above all, we must study this manifesto, and this passage should be learned by heart.
  • 霍金斯:国防大学战略研所高级研员马丁·利比奇认为,信息战不是一种“单独地进行战争的技术”更确切地说,信息战有7种不同的形式,每一种都涉及到对信息的保护、控制、削弱和剥夺。
    MR.HAWKINS:Martin Libicki, a senior fellow at the Institute for National Strategic Studies, National Defense University, says that Information Warfare is not"a separate technique of waging war." Rather, there are seven distinct forms of IW, each involving the protection, manipulation, degradation and denial of information.
  • 几年来他们一直在致力研人类史。
    They have been digging into the history of mankind for years.
  • --建立中国的载人航天体系,开展一定规模的载人空间科学研和技术试验。
    - To establish China's own manned spaceflight system and carry out manned spaceflight scientific research and technological experiments on a certain scale;
  • 建立中国的载人航天体系,开展一定规模的载人空间科学研和技术试验。
    To establish China's own manned spaceflight system and carry out manned spaceflight scientific research and technological experiments on a certain scale; and
  • 载人地球卫星被看作是一个必要的研阶段。
    a manned earth satellite was considered a necessary research step.
  • 为科学研设计的固定在特定轨道的人造卫星。
    a manned artificial satellite in a fixed orbit designed for scientific research.
  • 杰弗里·佩尔特是乔治城大学战略与国际问题研中心的研员--是个敌手,一个温文尔雅的敌手。
    Jeffrey Pelt was an academic from the Georgetown University's Center for Strategic and International Studies an enemy,but a well mannered enemy.
  • 40.对地球引力的研表明,在不寻常的负荷之下地壳和地幔会发生位移。
    40. Studies of the gravity field of the Earth indicate that its crust and mantle yield when unusual weight is placed on them.
  • 他们绘制了含盐地区的地图,研了形成的原因。
    They mapped the saline regions and examined the reasons for their formation.
  • 112.青年事务委员会已完成一项青年发展研,制定了青年工作的未来方向,目的是要帮助青年人充分发展所长。
    112. The Commission on Youth has completed its study on youth development and mapped out the direction for our young people to follow in order to realise their full potential.
  • 测高学关于地球上高于海平面的地貌的科学研,尤其是关于陆地海拔的测量与绘图
    The scientific study of the earth's topologic configuration above sea level, especially the measurement and mapping of land elevations.
  • 美国肉畜研究中心
    Meat Animal Research Center,MARC,U.S.
  • 比如,他曾经紧密跟踪研了电学领域各种发现的进展情况。最近,他研了马塞尔·德普利的各种发现。
    For example, he followed closely the development of the discoveries made in the field of electricity and recently those of Marcel Deprez.
  • 《考克斯报告》还把中国东方红三号卫星使用的由中国空间技术研院自行研制的控制处理器,说成是玛特拉-玛可尼公司制造的。
    The Cox Report also claims that the American company Matra Marconi Space produced the control processor on the Dongfanghong-III Satellite, developed independently by the Chinese Academy of Space Technology.
  • 玛格丽特对穿着很讲
    Margaret is particular about what she wears.
  • 对核动力铁道机车和汽垫船已做了研,但这些应用一般被认为,往好里说也是徒劳。
    Studies have been made of reactor powered railway engines and hovercrafts, but these applications are generally regarded as marginal at best.
  • 她们为什么不去研曼丽特莱士勒(marie dressler)的演技呢?
    Why don't they study the acting of Marie Dressier?
  • 但是每一次这些研都碰到了同样的反对意见:这些问题是因为吸食大麻而起,还是有这些问题的人最后更有可能大剂量吸食大麻?
    lime and again, however, such studies encounter the same objection: are the problems caused by smoking marijuana, or is it just that people with problems are more likely to end up using marijuana heavily?
  • 关于大麻影响公路安全技能的研尚未达成较明确的结论。
    The verdict from research into the impact of marijuana on road safety skills is less clear.
  • 在哈佛研小组的后续试验中,大麻吸食者将会在为时28大的“不吸毒”期接受测试,这应当可以提供答案。
    The Harvard team's follow-on experiments, in which marijuana users are being tested over a 28-day "dry" period, should provide answers.
  • 但是对实际驾驶的研显示,即使大剂量地服用大麻,造成的影响也不如酒精,原因可能在于吸服大麻通常不致使人养撞胡为。
    But studies of actual driving show that even high doses of marijuana have less impact than alcohol, perhaps because smoking it doesn't usually make people so reckless.
  • 哈里森·波普和他的哈佛大学研小组将65名每日吸服大麻的学生和最多每两个月抽一次大麻的学生进行对照。
    Harrison Pope and his team at Harvard University compared 65 college students who smoked marijuana daily with a control group of students who smoked it most every other month.
  • 现在大多数研人员赞同,如果研中排除了有精神问题、疾患或是普通毒品滥用既往史的对象,证明大麻和异常脑波相关的证据也就不复存在了。
    And most researchers now accept that the evidence linking marijuana to abnormal brain waves vanishes when people with psychiatric problems, illnesses or a history of general drug abuse are excluded from studies.