  • 莫尔是营养大师罗伯特·阿特金斯的1500多万美国忠实追随者之一。阿特金斯提出高蛋的饮食结构有助于减肥和保持体型。
    Moore is one of an estimated 15 million-plus Americans seen as devoted followers of dieting guru Dr. Robert Atkins, who recommends eating a diet high in protein for those who want to lose weight and keep it off.
  • 新旧作物差价最高达6%,但所含蛋成份一样。
    Maximum price differential old new crops6% but protein content similar.
  • 新旧作物差价最高达6%,但所含蛋成份一样。
    Maximum price differential old new crops 6% but protein content similar.
  • 他注意到"黑皮肤的"人和人所受的对待是不同的。
    He noticed that "black" people and white people were treated differently.
  • 你明白我的意思吗?
    Do you dig what I mean?
  • 我花了一些时间才把听到的东西弄明
    It took me some time to digest what I had heard.
  • 法国葡萄酒有助于消化。
    The French white wines are wonderful for the digestion.
  • 一种色的晶状糖,在淀粉消化过程中产生。
    a white crystalline sugar formed during the digestion of starches.
  • 精氨酸一种胺基酸,c6h14n4o2,从植物及动物蛋的水解或消化中获取
    An amino acid, C6H14N4O2, obtained from the hydrolysis or digestion of plant and animal protein.
  • 各种水溶性合成物,在蛋质被消化变成氨基酸的过程中水解形成。
    any of various water-soluble compounds that form by hydrolysis in the digestion of proteins to amino acids.
  • 胃蛋酶原胃蛋酶的一种不活跃原,在胃粘膜细胞中形成并在消化的过程中通过盐酸转化为胃蛋
    The inactive precursor to pepsin, formed in the cells of the mucous membrane of the stomach and converted to pepsin by hydrochloric acid during digestion.
  • 胃蛋酶胃液中一种消化酶,加速将蛋质分解成肽
    A digestive enzyme found in gastric juice that catalyzes the breakdown of protein to peptides.
  • 酶解肌球蛋肌球蛋分子的两种蛋质结构单元的一种,主要通过胰蛋酶的消化作用而获得
    Either of two protein subunits of a myosin molecule, obtained especially through the digestive action of trypsin.
  • 肠激酶上肠粘膜分泌出的一种酶,将不活跃的胰蛋酶原转化为消化性胰蛋
    An enzyme secreted by the upper intestinal mucosa that converts the inactive trypsinogen to the digestive enzyme trypsin.
  • 色氨酸一种重要的氨基酸,c11h12n2o2,在消化过程中,通过蛋水解作用酶的运动而由蛋质形成
    An essential amino acid, C11H12N2O2, formed from proteins during the digestive process by the action of proteolytic enzymes.
  • 胰凝乳蛋酶胰消化酶,在小肠中催化某些蛋质水解形成多肽和氨基酸
    A pancreatic digestive enzyme that catalyzes the hydrolysis of certain proteins in the small intestine into polypeptides and amino acids.
  • 他们在刨白薯。
    They are digging sweet potatoes.
  • 球蛋一类蛋,广泛见于血浆、奶、肌肉和植物种子中,不溶于纯水,溶于稀盐溶液,受热凝聚
    Any of a class of proteins found extensively in blood plasma, milk, muscle, and plant seeds that are insoluble in pure water, soluble in dilute salt solution, and coagulable by heat.
  • 颜色非常淡;被色大大的削弱。
    very light colored; highly diluted with white.
  • 她不明作记录的重要性。
    She is rather dim about the importance of keeping records.
  • 澳大利亚的小形兰花,花色,唇瓣上有紫色和橙色斑纹,总状花序疏松。
    diminutive Australian orchid with loose racemes of fragrant white flowers with purple and orange markings on the lip.
  • 十七世纪后期,伊斯兰教山派首领阿帕克和卓借助藏传佛教的力量,消灭了自己的政敌黑山派和卓势力,并灭亡了叶尔羌汗国(蒙古察合台汗后代于1514年—1680年间以今莎车为中心建立的地方政权),足见当时藏传佛教势力之大。
    In the late 17th century, Apakhoja, chief of the Aktaglik Sect of Islam, wiped out the forces of his political foe Hoja of the Karataglik Sect, by dint of Tibetan Buddhist forces, and destroyed the Yarkant Khanate (a regional regime established by Qagatay’s descendants between 1514 and 1680, with modern Shache as its center). This shows how powerful Tibetan Buddhism was at that time.
  • 假升麻,绣线菊属植物(假升麻假升麻属)属的一高大雌雄异株的植物,产于美国东部,二次羽状复叶,由小花构成的复总状花序
    A tall dioecious plant(Aruncus dioicus) native to the eastern United States, having bipinnately compound leaves and a large panicle of small white flowers.
  • 银杏,果一种产于中国的雌雄异株的落叶树(佛指银杏属),有扇形叶子和多肉的淡黄色果实和讨厌的气味。雄树通常生长在街道的两旁,用作装饰
    A deciduous, dioecious tree(Ginkgo biloba) native to China and having fan-shaped leaves and fleshy yellowish seeds with a disagreeable odor. The male plants are often grown as ornamental street trees.
  • 一种色的弱酸,是二氧化钛与水结合的形式。
    a white weak acid that is a hydrated form of titanium dioxide.
  • 喉是一种严重的传染病。
    Diphtheria is a serious infectious disease.
  • 孩子已接种喉疫苗。
    The baby has inoculated against diphtheria.
  • 医生使他们免受喉的威胁。
    The doctor immunized them against diphtheria.
  • 给孩子种喉疫苗了吗?
    Has the baby had a diphtheria inoculation?
  • 给孩子种喉疫苗了吗?
    Have the baby have a diphtheria inoculation?
  • 我确定该病为白喉。
    I ascertained the disease to be diphtheria.
  • 医生诊断该病为喉。
    The doctor diagnosed the illness as diphtheria.