  • 迷你帐篷,还有……两瓶威士忌和一香烟。
    A mini-tent and … and two bottles of whisky and a carton of cigarettes.
  • 法律规定可以免税带两瓶甜酒或白酒以及一烟。
    The law permits you to bring in two bottles of wine or liquor and a carton of cigarettes duty-free.
  • 按照我们的规定,您可以免税带进两瓶葡萄酒或烈性酒和一香烟。
    According to our regulations, you're allowed to bring in duty free two bottles of wine or liquor and a carton of cigarettes.
  • 不用。如果是在免税商店购买的,允许免税带进两瓶烈性酒及一香烟。
    No, the law permits you to bring in two bottles of liquor and a carton of cigarettes duty free, if purchased in a duty-free shop.
  • 按法律规定,如果从免税商店购买,您可以免税带进两瓶葡萄酒或烈性酒及一香烟。
    The law permits you to bring in two bottles of wine or liquor and a carton of cigarettes duty free, if purchased in a duty-free shop.
  • 气球形圆圈圈有卡通片中人物所说的话的圆形或不规则线
    A rounded or irregularly shaped outline containing the words that a character in a cartoon is represented to be saying.
  • 第七十八 煤矿企业的管理人员违章指挥、强令职工冒险作业,发生重大伤亡事故的,依照刑法第一百一十四的规定追究刑事责任。
    Article 78 Where administrators of a coal mining enterprise give directions against regulations and order miners to work at risk, thus causing serious casualty, they shall be investigated for criminal responsibility according to the provisions of Article 114 of the Criminal Law.
  • 新加坡为提高办事效率,还创了许多新方法、新例:用刷卡解决出入境登记处排队的问题,一般车祸无需找交警……
    For still higher efficiency, Singaporeans have come up with many new ways and regulations. A swipe of a little smart card saves the trouble of queuing up at the border checkpoint or the hassle with the traffic police over a no-casualty accident.
  • 第七十九 煤矿企业的管理人员对煤矿事故隐患不采取措施予以消除,发生重大伤亡事故的,比照刑法第一百八十七的规定追究刑事责任。
    Article 79 Where administrators of a coal mining enterprise take no measures against hidden danger of accident in the mine, thus resulting in serious casualty, they shall be investigated for criminal responsibility by applying mutatis mutandis the provisions of Article 187 of the Criminal Law.
  • 新加坡为提高办事效率,还创了许多新方法、新例:用刷卡解决出入境登记处排队的问题,一般车祸无需找交警……东西新,方法新,人也新。
    For still higher efficiency, Singaporeans have come up with many new ways and regulations. A swipe of a little smart card saves the trouble of queuing up at the border checkpoint or the hassle with the traffic police over a no-casualty accident. New gadgets, new methods, new faces.
  • 第四十九 公共场所发生火灾时,该公共场所的现场工作人员不履行组织、引导在场群众疏散的义务,造成人身伤亡,尚不构成犯罪的,处十五日以下拘留。
    Article 49 On site working staff of public places, in case of a fire, do not perform the obligation of organizing and guiding the evacuation of the on site masses, and cause casualty and death, but do not constitute a criminal charge, shall be punished with detention less than 15 days.
  • 耶稣会的神学或实践:一般被认为是比较执着教
    the theology or the practices of the Jesuits (often considered to be casuistic).
  • 我们看到成千上万的灾区同胞和解放军官兵,为了保卫家园,为了保护人民的生命财产,一同手牵手,肩并肩,用坚强的意志,构筑了一牢不可破的堤坝,一曲气壮山河的凯歌,演奏在汹涌江水间,苍茫大地上。
    We saw thousands of our compatriots and those from the People's Liberation Army join hands together to protect thousands of homes, lives and properties of the people. With unyielding determination, they built firm and solid dykes and triumphed in the fight against the cataclysm. A song of victory roared across the vast mainland and echoed with the turbulent waters.
  • 氢化裂解将石油的含氢分子分裂成更简单的分子(象汽油和煤油的分子)的过程,此分裂过程是在加催化剂及高压氢气的件上进行的
    A process by which the hydrocarbon molecules of petroleum are broken into simpler molecules, as of gasoline or kerosene, by the addition of hydrogen under high pressure and in the presence of a catalyst.
  • 残疾人联合会和各级卫生部门每年派出多批医疗队,深入新疆、西藏等少数民族地区和边远贫困山区,在困难件下对白内障、小儿麻痹患者就地实施康复医疗,取得巨大成绩。
    Every year the federation and health departments at all levels dispatch medical teams to cure cataract and polio patients in minority areas such as Xinjiang and Tibet and remote, impoverished and mountainous areas. These teams work under difficult conditions and yet their success has been remarkable.
  • 第四十 有防汛抗洪任务的县级以上地方人民政府根据流域综合规划、防洪工程实际状况和国家规定的防洪标准,制定防御洪水方案(包括对特大洪水的处置措施)。
    Article 40 Local people's governments at or above the county level responsible for flood control and flood fighting shall, in accordance with the comprehensive plans for river basins, in the light of the actual conditions of flood control works and based on the flood control standards set by the state, formulate the flood prevention schemes (including the measures for dealing with catastrophic floods).
  • 捕获的鱼达到50条
    The catch amounted to50 fish.
  • 捕到这鱼后马上进行烹制
    Panned the fish right after catching it.
  • 件的拒绝;无件拒绝。
    a categorical denial; a flat refusal.
  • 相反,我们还是得遵循早已为时间所考验过的道德规范,有时候人们把这一规范叫做金科玉律。这金科玉律被伊马努埃尔·康德这位千年一见的最细心的道德家描述成绝对信:你想别人怎样待你,你就怎样待别人;
    Instead,we'll reach again for a time tested moral notion,one sometimes called the Golden Rule and which Immanuel Kant,the millennium's most meticulous moralist,gussied up into a categorical imperative: Do unto others as you would have them do unto you;
  • 第四十四 城市饮食服务业的经营者,必须采取措施,防治油烟对附近居民的居住环境造成污染。
    Article 44 Business-operators in the catering services industry in urban areas must adopt measures to prevent and control the pollution caused by lampblack to the residential environment in the neighborhood.
  • 第二十九 大、中城市人民政府应当制定规划,对饮食服务企业限期使用天然气、液化石油气、电或者其他清洁能源。
    Article 29 People's governments of large or medium-sized cities shall make plans for catering service enterprises to start the use of clean energy such as natural gas, liquefied petroleum gas and electricity within a prescribed time limit.
  • 他站起身,想看得清楚些,原来是毛毛虫在动。
    He got up to see more clearly and realized that what was moving was a small caterpillar.
  • 他捉到五条鱼。
    He caught five fish.
  • 我昨天捕到一条鱼。
    I caught a fish yesterday.
  • 我们捉到三条小鱼。
    We caught three little fishes.
  • 是什么原因造成了这裂缝?
    What caused this crack?
  • 裂缝是由什么造成的?
    What is this rift caused by?
  • 熔化成状的硝酸银,以前用作一种腐蚀剂。
    silver nitrate fused into sticks and formerly used as a caustic.
  • 如果你走第一线路,仔细留心许多以此湾作为起航点的渔船(建议使用潜水警示浮标以防意外)。
    If you are going straight out, watch and listen closely for the many fishing boats that use this bay as a launch site (a cautionary dive flag float is recommended).
  • 也许,这就是基辛格的风格,严谨、庄重、井井有
    Perhaps that's his style,cautious,sedate and methodical.
  • 狗把头伸进山洞。
    The dog nosed into the cave.