  • 帕蒂说,"修正法案是要将不多的联邦资源用在刀刃上,用在最能发挥作用的地
    ''The amendment targets scarce federal resources to where they will work best,'' said its author, Sen.Patty Murray, D-Wash.
  • 但参议院得以处理其它法案的式,以修正案提出建议或表示同意。
    but the Senate may propose or concur with Amendments as on other Bills.
  •  (4)在有新国家加入的情况下,本规定应同样适用于加入时各面已经存在的专利。
    Similarly, it shall apply, in the case of the accession of new countries, to patents in existence on either side at the time of accession.
  • 在数据库技术中,用于修饰或说明大量的可以从许多地以及由许多应用程序去存取的数据。
    In database, pertaining to data that is large and accessible from many places and by many applications.
  • 当发送和接收互相不认识时,可信度最成问题。
    Authenticity becomes most problematic when the sender and recipient do not know each other.
  • 它们应该是开放的、便的,眼一见到即可伸手取得。
    they should be free and accessible to the hand as well as to the eye.
  • 如果报文接收也能肯定公开密钥属于正确的发送者,文档也能被认为是可信的。
    If the message recipient is also certain that the public key belongs to the right sender, the document can be considered authentic.
  • 回声定位法一种通过先发出声音,然后分析被物体反射回发送者的声波并决定物体位的
    A process for determining the location of objects by emitting sound waves and analyzing the waves reflected back to the sender by the object.
  • 然后,接收节点就通知发送:要求的带宽已被分配、对声音、视频或数据的传输可以开始了。
    Then, the receiving node notifies the sender that the requested capacity has been allocated and the transmission -- voice, video or data -- can then begin.
  • 以不易被靠近的式运载人或货物。
    fly people or goods to or from places not accessible by other means.
  • 药品不应放在孩子们拿得到的地
    Medicine should not be kept where it is accessible to children.
  • 色彩案和字体选择给用户的消息增添了个性,阻止不想接触的人的来函和依据主题和发送者信息过滤消息的能力都非常有用。
    Color schemes and font options add individuality to users' messages, and the ability to block unwanted contacts and to filter messages based on subject and sender information are quite useful.
  • 药品不应放在儿童容易拿到的地
    Medicine shall not be kept where it is accessible to children.
  • 考虑到抽不出时间去走访,电话费又那么贵,那么写信是保持联系的好法。这种式让写信人和收信人都感到很高兴。
    Given the limited time available for visits and the high price of phone calls, writing is a fine way to keep in touch--and makes both sender and receiver feel good.
  • 信息发送有责任保留事实记录和发送详情,以备相关的各调查并可作为报告依据。
    It shall be the responsibility of the sender to retain records of the fact and circumstances of sending, which shall be available for inspection by affected parties and for reporting purposes.
  • 他们把武器放在便而又很快可以拿到的地
    They disposed of the weapons in convenient quickly accessible places.
  • 接收计算机可以按以下法检查报文的完整性:首先计算同一报文摘要,然后用发送者的公开密钥对随文档一起发送的报文摘要解密。
    The receiving computer can check a message's integrity by first calculating the same message digest.Then it can use the sender's public key to decrypt the message digest sent along with the document.
  • 从我们家到那百货公司挺便。
    The department store district is easily accessible from our house.
  • 数字包装器最被认可的形式是数字信封,这些代码主要完成电子邮件的加密,把想打开信封而没有正确数字密钥的入侵者挡在外面,数字信封主要由通过密码加密或软件算法加密的代码组成,运载着能正确让接收识别发送身份的数字签名。
    The most recognized form of digital wrappers are digital envelopes.Those pieces of code are the workhorses of e-mail encryption, locking out intruders who don't have the right digital key to open the envelope.The digital envelope is essentially made up of code encrypted with a cipher, or software algorithm, and carries a digital signature that properly identifies the sender to the recipient.
  • 许多地开阔而晴朗,很容易到达。
    Many places are open and bright,and are easily accessible.
  • 不将信函和文件以书信式投寄,而透过电脑间的电话线,将信件变成电能的字节传送出去。
    Instead of sending letters and documents on paper in envelopes, letters are sent as bits of electrical energy transferred through telephone lines from one computer to another.
  • 按你要求,现奉上...
    As requested we are sending you...
  • 同时向所有接收站发送信息包的通讯式。
    Sending a packet to all destinations simultaneously.
  • 朝著某向(送某事物)
  • 按你要求,兹寄上最新的目录。
    As requested we are sending you our latest catalogue.
  • 面向对象技术、what-if功能、用客户机/服务器网络连接的多种流行平台上的可访问性以及使用另外的工作流法论等,是供应商在其工作流设计软件中强调的某些特点。
    Object-oriented technology, what if capabilities, accessibility on a range of popular platforms linked by client/server networks and the use of alternative workflow methodologies are some of the features highlighted by vendors in their workflow design software.
  • 你利用因特网上一个安全网站来编写信息,一旦你点击了“发送”,网站就进行加密和把信息保存在该网站中,并向接收发一份电子邮件通知,告诉他有一份安全的信息等他去接收。
    You use a secure site on the Internet to compose a message.Once you hit "Send", the site encrypts and stores the message on its site, and sends the recipient an e-mail notification that a secure message is waiting.
  • 能够接收和发送各向信号的天线。
    an antenna that sends or receives signals equally in all directions.
  • 除非有关各都派代表参加,才可能圆满解决这个问题。
    Only each part concerned sends its representatives, can the problem be solved successfully.
  • 属于、关于或象罗马人塞涅卡的,或以其式的。
    of or relating to or like or in the manner of the Roman Seneca.
  • 手段到达、控制或占有的
    A means of access, control, or possession.
  • 只有发现这类不正常基因,生物医学研究才可能找到有效法来阻止人类早老性痴呆现象的产生。
    Only through the discovery of these kinds of genes can biomedical research stop this most pemicious cause of human senility.