  • 精緻,慎重無誤性格或感情的細膩精緻;過考究;謹慎
    Delicacy of character or feeling; fastidiousness; scrupulousness.
  • 早晨三點鐘,在布朗剋斯四號地鐵綫木坪站裏十無聊。可是對做了二十一年售票員的羅爾斯來說,恐懼是時刻不離的。雖然乘客稀疏,她對每一個人都仔細觀察。
    At 3 a.m., at the Woodlawn subway station on the No. 4 line in the Bronx, tedium has set in. Yet for Barbara E. Rawls, a token clerk for 21 years, fear is always there too. Customers are few and far between, but she scrutinizes each one.
  • 在財務上和帳務上每個公司都是獨立的。
    Each branch is independent with regard to finance and accounting.
  • 他們在上面跳過舞的那塊地板磨損得十厲害。
    The floor was badly scuffed where they had been dancing.
  • 凱利,埃爾斯沃思生於1923美國抽象畫傢和雕塑傢,其作品以顔色區較平並有界綫極明的邊為標志
    American abstract painter and sculptor whose works are characterized by flat color areas with sharply defined edges.
  • 從背景平面上凸出的部高於雕刻部一半的一種浮雕。
    a sculptural relief in which more than half of each figure projects out from the surrounding plane surface.
  • 從2002年起,舉辦北京國際城市雕塑藝術展,每三年一屆,將部雕塑精品留作北京城市永久陳列。
    An international urban sculpture exhibition is to be held once every three years, starting from 2002. Some of the best sculptures found on the exhibitions will be retained in the city for permanent display.
  • 生長在岩石上或樹幹上的蕨類植物,有灰色的葉子下面有皮屑;布在美洲和南非。
    fern growing on rocks or tree trunks and having fronds grayish and scurfy below; Americas and South Africa.
  • 在北極地區一種布很廣的一種水芹,被認為對壞血病的治療和預防很有價值;是維他命c主要來源。
    a widely distributed arctic cress reputed to have value in treatment or prevention of scurvy; a concentrated source of vitamin C.
  • 布在東南亞的漢藏語係一個支。
    a family of Sino-Tibetan languages spoken in SE Asia.
  • 布於亞洲南部和東南部的一個語族。
    a family of languages spoken in S and SE Asia.
  • 布於美國東南部的北美印第安語係的一個支。
    a family of North American Indian languages spoken in the SE US.
  • 在十八世紀晚期從門諾派離出來的一個正統再洗禮流派;主要布在賓夕法尼亞洲。
    an orthodox Anabaptist sect separated from the Mennonites in late 17th century; settled chiefly in SE Pennsylvania.
  • 海洋裏的生命,從明顯可見的大鯨魚、魚類、珊瑚、蝦、磷蝦和海藻,到微小的自由漂浮的細菌,十豐富多樣。
    Life is extremely abundant in the sea, from the obvious large whales, fish, corals, shrimp, krill and seaweed, to the microscopic bacteria floating freely in the seas.
  • 海水分析化學
    analytical chemistry of sea water
  • 為鞏固民主,聯合國幫助各國建立和加強運作良好、責任明的政治、司法和行政程序和機構。
    To consolidate democracy, the UN helps nations to build and strengthen well-functioning, accountable processes and institutions – political, judicial and administrative.
  • 大部海床都為海泥和零散的沙洲所覆蓋。
    Much of the seabed is covered by marine mud with some scattered sand banks.
  • 法院不是聯合國的一部,它對批準其規約的國傢負責。
    It is not part of the UN and is accountable to the countries that ratify its statute.
  • 有些事故發生了,還不清是誰的責任。
    It is even difficult to determine who should be held accountable for some accidents that have occurred.
  • 中國參加了一係列重要的國際軍控與裁軍條約或公約,主要有:《禁止在戰爭中使用窒息性、毒性或其他氣體和細菌作戰方法的議定書》、《禁止或限製使用某些可被認為具有過傷害力或濫殺濫傷作用的常規武器公約》、《南極條約》、《關於各國探測及使用外層空間包括月球與其他天體活動所應遵守原則的條約》、《禁止細菌(生物)及毒素武器的發展、生産及儲存以及銷毀這類武器的公約》、《禁止在海床洋底及其底土安置核武器和其他大規模毀滅性武器條約》和《不擴散核武器條約》等。
    China has acceded to a series of major international arms control and disarmament treaties and conventions, including the Protocol for the Prohibition of the Use in War of Asphyxiating, Poisonous or Other Gases, and of Bacteriological Methods of Warfare, the Convention on Prohibition or Restriction on the Use of Certain Conventional Weapons Which May Be Deemed to Be Excessively Injurious or to Have Indiscriminate Effects, the Antarctic Treaty, the Treaty on Principles Governing the Activities of States in the Exploration and Use of Outer Space, Including the Moon and Other Celestial Bodies, the Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production and Stockpiling of Bacteriological (Biological) and Toxin Weapons and on Their Destruction, the Treaty on the Prohibition of the Emplacement of Nuclear Weapons and Other Weapons of Mass Destruction on the Seabed and the Ocean Floor and in the Subsoil Thereof, and the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons.
  • 大部是白羽、蹼足的熱帶海鳥,常出沒在遠離陸地的地區。
    mostly white web-footed tropical seabird often found far from land.
  • 三四百年來,他們象一群海鳥似的一心一意地依戀在這塊小海岬上,與馬賽人界限明,他們族內通婚,保持着他們原有的風俗習慣,猶如保持他們的語言一樣。
    For three or four centuries they have remained upon this small promontory, on which they had settled like a flight of seabirds, without mixing with the Marseillaise population, intermarrying, and preserving their original customs and the costume of their mother-country as they have preserved its language.
  • 例如在江蘇境內,應不顧顧祝同、冷欣、韓德勤⑵等反共子的批評、限製和壓迫,西起南京,東至海邊,南至杭州,北至徐州,盡可能迅速地並有步驟有計劃地將一切可能控製的區域控製在我們手中,獨立自主地擴大軍隊,建立政權,設立財政機關,徵收抗日捐稅,設立經濟機關,發展農工商業,開辦各種學校,大批培養幹部。
    In Kiangsu Province, for example, despite the verbal attacks and the restrictions and oppression by anti-Communist elements such as Ku Chu-tung, Leng Hsin and Han Teh-chin,[2] we should gain control of as many districts as possible from Nanking in the west to the seacoast in the east and from Hangchow in the south to Hsuchow in the north, and do so as fast as possible and yet steadily and systematically;and we should independently expand the armed forces, establish organs of political power, set up fiscal offices to levy taxes for resistance to Japan and economic agencies to promote agriculture, industry and commerce, and open up schools of various kinds to train large numbers of cadres.
  • 當時的文學大部還是口頭文學,衹有一小部靠手抄本傳了下來,其中多數是短篇,即關於戰爭、航海和《聖經》故事的短詩和短文。
    Being mostly oral, only a small part of this literature survives in manuscripts, and most of them are short pieces of poetry or prose about war, seafaring and Biblical stories.
  • doe的確承認,美國建議——作為剋林頓政權與中國接觸的初期行動的一部——一個與nld實驗室機構項目類似的物質防止、控製及可靠性(mpc&a)項目,然而中國實驗室的答復是對這一項目沒有興趣參加。
    DOEdid admit that the US had proposed-as a part of the Clinton Administration's Engagement initiative with the PRC -a "cooperative "program similar to the NLD Lab-Instituce Materials Protection, Control and Accountability [MPC&A] program, but that the PRC Labs replied that they were not interested in participating!
  • 抽空密封的在低壓或部真空狀態下密封起來的
    Sealed under low pressure or a partial vacuum.
  • 荷蘭的整整四之一在海平面下。
    Fully one-fourth of Holland is below sealevel.
  • 紫膠蟲泌的樹脂狀物質,用於製造清漆和封漆。
    resinlike substance secreted by certain lac insects; used in e.g. varnishes and sealing wax.
  • 為了更能對公衆負責,該署更定期與3個別關註空運貨物、海運貨物及應課稅品的顧客聯絡小組舉行會議,檢討服務質素。
    To support better public accountability, the department regularly reviews the quality of its services with three customer liaison groups connected with air cargo, sea cargo and dutiable commodities.
  • 工時我采用的是明確的目標責任製。然後,我會盡力給他們提供最大的支持,幫助他們獲得成功。”
    I assign clear accountability for results and then try to give people all of the support they need to be successful."
  • 我們的學校也在改善。更高的辦學水平、更大的責任感和更多的投資使得我們的學生取得更高的考試數和畢業成績。
    Our schools are better -- higher standards, greater accountability and larger investments have brought higher test scores, and higher graduation rates.
  • 析傢們還說,atm擴展容易且能實現局域網與廣域網的無縫集成。
    Analysts also said ATM scales easily and will allow for seamless LAN and WAN integration.