  • 随着固定电讯网络(简称"固网")服务市场于一九九五年七月开放,3家新固网公司──和记广讯有限公司、香港新电讯有限公司和新世界电话有限公司──已开始展开网络和逐步引进各种新服务,例如综合服务数据网络,与在市场占有优势的香港电话有限公司(简称"香港电话公司")竞
    After deregulation of the Fixed Telecommunication Network Service(FTNS) market in July 1995, the three new FTNS operators - Hutchison Communications Limited, New T & T Hong Kong Limited and New World Telephone Limited - have begun to roll out their networks and gradually introduce new services such as integrated services digital network services to compete with the dominant operator, the Hong Kong Telephone Company Limited (HKTC).
  •  引起论的这一问题在于很多已被广泛接受的地理术语来源于已过时的对世界的认识。
    The problem with this argument is that many commonly accepted geographic terms derive from outdated worldviews of this sort.
  • 如果你赢得了竞对手的尊敬,可能你是名至实归。
    If you have the respect of your competitors, you probably deserve it.
  • 1943年,588团被授予新的精英团队称号:即46警卫团.战结束后,师长为全团指战员通令嘉奖,23名女兵授予光荣的苏维埃联盟英雄称号。
    In 1943 the 588th was awarded elite status with a new designation: the 46th Guards Regiment. By the War's end the division commander had decorated every woman in the regiment, and 23 were honored with the coveted title Hero of the Soviet Union.
  • 珍品值得努力取的东西;令人羡慕的拥有
    Something worth striving for; a highly desirable possession.
  • 忠诚和欲望之间的斗
    A tug between loyalty and desire.
  • 欧洲经过战蹂躏的无法居住的城市
    The desolate cities of war-torn Europe.
  • 看到战造成的荒凉,他感到触目惊心。
    He felt startled when he saw the desolation caused by war.
  • 这一时期的斗,在革命方面,是坚持了人民大众反帝反封建的新民主主义和新三民主义;在反革命方面,则是在帝国主义指挥下的地主阶级和大资产阶级联盟的专制主义。
    In the struggles of this period, the revolutionary side firmly upheld the people's anti-imperialist and anti-feudal New Democracy and their new Three People's Principles, while the counter-revolutionary side, under the direction of imperialism, imposed the despotic regime of the coalition of the landlord class and the big bourgeoisie.
  • 这是一场神圣的战,我们将不停地战斗,直到所有的贫穷,娼妓和剥削一扫而光。
    This is a holy war, and we shall not cease until all destitution, prostitution and exploitation are swept way.
  • 科学知识被滥用于破坏和战
    Scientific knowledge was perverted to help cause destruction and war.
  • 给人们带来毁灭。
    War brings people destruction.
  • 一九三一年,日军占领东三省,并企图吞并华北省份,终于导致一九三七年爆发中日战
    In 1931, Japan occupied Manchuria and tried to detach China's northern provinces, leading to open war in 1937.
  • 在琐碎小事上的一次无礼
    A pointless dispute over niggling details.
  • 律师们常常扣住细节来辩。
    Lawyers often fight about small details.
  • 他们总为枝节问题而吵不休。
    They are always squabbling over details.
  • 在战时期雷达被用来侦察敌机和敌舰。
    In time of war radar is put into service as a method of detecting the enemy planes and ships.
  • 如果说中国是一个和平力量、制约战的力量的话,现在这个力量还校
    It is a minor one in terms of its ability to safeguard peace and deter war.
  • 希望法院开始运作后将有助于结束有罪不罚现象,防止潜在的战犯罪。
    As it begins functioning, it is hoped that the Court will help to end impunity and deter potential war criminals.
  • 我们感到,虽然战的危险还存在,但是制约战的力量有了可喜的发展。
    We now think that although there is still the danger of war, the forces that can deter it are growing, and we find that encouraging.
  • 这种防御是和平时期努力遏制战与准备打赢自卫战的统一,是战时期战略上的防御与战役战斗上的攻势行动的统一。
    Such defense combines efforts to deter war with preparations to win self-defense wars in time of peace, and strategic defense with operational and tactical offensive operations in time of war.
  • 例如日本的军力、财力大量地消耗于中国的游击战,国内人心更加不满,士气更加颓靡,国际更感孤立。
    For example, Japan's military and financial resources will be seriously drained by China's guerrilla warfare, popular discontent will grow in Japan, the morale of her troops will deteriorate further, and she will become more isolated internationally.
  • 中有些战术上或战役上的失败或不成功,常常不至于引起战全局的变坏,就是因为这些失败不是有决定意义的东西。
    Some defeats or failures in tactical operations or campaigns do not lead to deterioration in the war situation as a whole, because they are not of decisive significance.
  • 创新能力不仅决定财富的多少,还可取得竞优势的基矗
    Innovate is not only a determinant of wealth, it is also the basis of competitive advantage.
  • 在这前所未有的时间与空间发展平台上,充分、准确、及时、全面地掌握运用知识和资讯,乃成了先取胜的至要前提。
    On this unprecedented huge platform of time and space,sufficient, accurate, on-time and comprehensive knowledge and information become the determinant of success.
  • 在这前所未有的时间与空间发展平台上,充分、准确、及时、全面地掌握运用知识和资讯,乃成了先取胜的至要前提。
    On this unprecedented huge platform of time and space, sufficient, accurate, on-time and comprehensive knowledge and information become the determinant of success.
  • 在这前所未有的时间与空间发展平台上,充分、准确、及时、全面地掌握运用知识和资讯,乃成了先取胜的至要前提。
    On this unprecedented huge platform of time and space, sufficient, accurate, timely and comprehensive knowledge and information become the determinant of success.
  • 此种能力不仅决定财富的多少,还可取得竞优势的基础。
    In the KBE, the ability to generate and use knowledge to innovate is not only a determinant of wealth,it is also the basis of competitive advantage.
  • 答:“知识经济”目前有两大特点:创新与挑战。创新指创造新知识和运用新知识的能力。此种能力不仅决定财富的多少,还可取得竞优势的基础。
    A: First, in the KBE, the ability to generate and use knowledge to innovate is not only a determinant of wealth, it is also the basis of competitive advantage.
  • 他下定决心取成功。
    He was utterly ruthless in his determination to succeed.
  • 拥有300万会员的“国家来福枪协会”是美国最有影响的组织之一,这个组织对所有要限制武器自由贸易的企图都进行了坚决的斗
    One of the country's most influential organisations, the 3 million-member National Rifle Association, has determinedly fought any and all attempts to restrict the free trade in firearms.
  • 正因为他们的动机与立场各有不同,有的在斗开始时就要动摇叛变的,有的会在中途消极或退出战线的,有的愿意奋斗到底的。
    Precisely because their motives and their standpoints differ, some will vacillate or turn traitor at the very start of the struggle, some will become indifferent or withdraw from the fight midway, and some will determinedly fight to the end.