  • 角鲶一种淡水鲶鱼(美洲鮰薄幕状),原产于北美洲部,头大,生有触须
    A freshwater catfish(Ictalurus nebulosus) native to eastern North America, having a large head with barbels.
  • 某个西引起了他的注意。
    Something caught his eye.
  • 对产生结果起作用的西。
    anything that contributes causally to a result.
  • 制造极大苦恼的西。
    something that causes great unhappiness.
  • 让人厌烦的东西
    Something that causes loss of interest.
  • 使人发痒或痛痒的西
    A substance that causes itching or stinging.
  • 由于物理原因破坏组织的装置或物质,可以通过熨斗或电流或腐蚀性的西加热或冷却。
    an instrument or substance used to destroy tissue for medical reasons (eg removal of a wart) by burning it with a hot iron or an electric current or a caustic or by freezing it.
  • 什么西也不象经常的失败更能教育人们小心谨慎。
    There is nothing like frequent failure for teaching one caution.
  • 当时苻坚有步兵六十余万、骑兵二十七万、卫队三万余骑,晋只有水陆军八万。
    Fu Chien had an infantry force of more than 600,000, a cavalry force of 270,000 and a guards corps of more than 30,000, while the land and river forces of Eastern Tsin numbered only 80,000.
  • 毕加索的艺术,是一般大众高不可攀的西。
    Picasso's art is caviare to the general.
  • “这些饼干上放的是什么?”“是从罐头盒里弄出来的西-一种水货鱼子酱。”
    "What's on these biscuits?" "It's something out of a tin-a sort of poor man's caviare."
  • 牙医小心地把填塞的西放入牙洞里。
    The dentist carefully located the filling in the cavity.
  • 换一个已经完成职责的人或西。
    substitute a person or thing for (another that has ceased to fulfil its function).
  • 公元552年突厥首领土门打败柔然,以漠北(蒙古高原大沙漠以北地区)为中心建立政权,尔后分裂为西两部,为争夺汗权争斗不休。
    Tümaen, a Turki leader, defeated the Rouran in 552, and set up a state centered in Mobei (the area north of the vast deserts on the Mongolian Plateau). The Turki realm later split into the eastern and western sides which fought ceaselessly in their scramble for the khanate.
  • 美国南海岸沼泽地区的一种杉树;与红杉类似。
    juniper of swampy coastal regions of southeastern United States; similar to eastern red cedar.
  • 美国海岸中型雪松,生长慢;类似于美洲崖柏。
    slow-growing medium-sized cedar of east coast of the United States; resembles American arborvitae.
  • 印第安一种高大的雪松,树枝外展,树梢低垂;外观高雅,可作木材。
    tall East Indian cedar having spreading branches with nodding tips; highly valued for its appearance as well as its timber.
  • 塞达拉皮兹美国衣阿华州中部西达河上达文堡西北偏西一城市。是重要的商业、工业和交通运输中心。人口108,751
    A city of east-central Iowa on the Cedar River west-northwest of Davenport. It is a major commercial, industrial, and transportation center. Population,108, 751.
  • 东汉青瓷
    Celadon of the Eastern Han Dynasty
  • 亚的一种蔬菜,具有宽且高茎的叶子。
    plant with an elongated celery-like head of broad stalked leaves used as a vegetable in east Asia.
  • 工业区大部分集中在部。
    The industrial area is centered largely in the east.
  • 问:可是“民主集中”在名词上不是矛盾的西吗?
    Question: Is not "democratic centralism" a self-contradictory term?
  • 第一个问题,民主集中制。这个问题,毛泽同志在讲话里已经讲得很明白。
    The first question is concerned with democratic centralism, which Comrade Mao Zedong explained clearly in his speech.
  • 陶瓷品,方艺术的明珠。
    Ceramics, the pearls of oriental art.
  • 如果明年只有一样西是确凿无疑的,那么就是因特网。
    If there's only one certainty next year, it's the Internet.
  • 、河北、江苏、浙江、四川、海南等22个省(区、市)颁布了《无公害农产品管理办法》,开展了无公害农产品生产基地建设和无公害农产品标识认证工作。
    Twenty two provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities) such as Shandong, Hebei, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Sichuan and Hainan have promulgated Measures of Pollution Free Agriculture Product Management, and carried out the establishment of pollution free agriculture products and the labeling certification of the pollution free agriculture products.
  • 起了变化的西是有的,并且是很大的,这就是停止内战,一致抗日。
    Changes there are and very great ones too -- cessation of civil war and unity against Japan.
  • 沙勿略,弗朗西斯1506-1552西班牙传教士,他和罗耀拉一起创建了天主教耶稣会,后在日本、锡兰和印度建立传教区
    Spanish Jesuit missionary. A cofounder of the Jesuit order(1534) with Ignatius of Loyola, he established missionaries in Japan, Ceylon, and the East Indies.
  • 康提斯里兰卡中部一城市。位于科隆坡北偏。该市曾为古代锡兰国王的最后一个首都,现为旅游胜地和宗教中心。人口97,872
    A city of central Sri Lanka east-northeast of Colombo. The last capital of the ancient kings of Ceylon, it is a resort and religious center. Population,97, 872.
  • 乍德的首府和最大城市;位于乍得的南部沙里河畔。
    the capital and largest city of Chad; located in the southwestern on the Shari river.
  • 迈杜古里尼日利亚北部一个城市,位于卡诺以。是乍得湖地区的皮革加工中心。人口225,100
    A city of northeast Nigeria east of Kano. It is a leather-processing center in the Lake Chad region. Population,225, 100.
  • 恩贾梅纳,拉米堡乍德的首府和最大城市,位于国家的南部沙里河畔。1990年被法国建立,1973年重新命名,人口,303,000
    The capital and largest city of Chad, in the southwest part of the country on the Shari River. Founded by the French in1900, it was renamed in1973. Population,303, 000.