  • 写信者说,拉斯特斯很安全,如果拉姆奇夫人付给千英镑的赎金,这只猫将被立即送回。
    The writer stated that Rastus was in safe hands and would be returned immediately if Mrs Ramsay paid a ransom of $1000.
  • 12月18日,加拿大伙自称是"圣诞怪盗格林奇"的小偷绑架了安大略湖户人家前院草坪上的"圣诞老人",还拿这个象征快乐的肖像勒取赎金。
    Canadian thieves calling themselves Grinch Enterprises kidnapped a Santa Claus figure off an Ontario family's front lawn and are holding the jolly icon for ransom on Wednesday.
  • 这场窃案之谜直至四年后才得以解开,窃贼和意大利佛罗伦萨的乌菲齐美术馆馆长取得了联系并且索要笔赎金。这幅画被追回了。
    The theft remained a mystery for four years until the thief contacted the Director of the famous Uffizi Gallery in Florence, Italy, and tried to get a ransom for the painting.
  • 他们发起了次大张旗鼓的竞选活动。
    They launch an aggressive election campaign.
  • 他认为英侨缴出鸦片,无异被迫缴纳赎命金(英侨其实并无生命危险),因此要求中国与英国订立贸易条约,以平等地位通商,或割让个小岛给英国,使英侨能在其国家荫庇下,安居乐业。
    Arguing that, in surrendering the opium, the British in Canton had been forced to ransom their lives - though, in fact, their lives had never been in danger - he demanded either a commercial treaty that would put trade relations on a satisfactory footing, or the cession of a small island where the British could live under their own flag free from threats.
  • 除了食物的数量大大增加以外,质量和品种也大大改善和增加了,与此同时,食物以外的便利品和奢侈品不再只限于供人数很少的富裕阶级享用,已大量普及到很多日益扩大的社会阶层手中.这种社会的集体财力是空前巨大的,可以用来作番惊人的事业:例如供养舰队和军队,修建公共工程,不论是有用的还是装饰性的;
    Besides this great increase in the quantity of food, it has greatly improved in quality and variety; while conveniences and luxuries, other than food, are no longer limited to a small and opulent class, but descend, in great abundance, through many widening strata in society. The collective resources of one of these communities, when it chooses to put them forth for any unexpected purpose; its ability to maintain fleets and armies, to execute public works, either useful or ornamental, to perform national acts of beneficence like the ransom of the West India slaves;
  • 那名演员在台上瞎叫乱喊地演那场戏。
    The actor rant the scene on the stage.
  • 我想如果爸爸发现了这扇窗打破了,他会唠唠叨叨地痛骂我顿。
    I suppose Dad will rant and rave when he finds out about the broken window.
  • 个强大且有进攻性的女人。
    a large strong and aggressive woman.
  • 最初,家人可以开着车度周末,然后就在路边的餐馆旁停下买饭,这样吃饭时也能呆在他们那辆漂亮的车里。
    In the beginning, families would go for weekend drives and end the day by going to a drive-in restau- rant so they could eat while still in their wonderful car.
  • [参议院]外交委员会听证会开始,海尔姆斯参议员就大声疾呼说俄国人可能欺骗——“实际上,他们目前正在欺骗。”
    As soon as the Foreign Relations Committee opened its hearings, Senator Jesse Helms began to rant and rave about the possibility that the Russians would cheat— "In fact, they are cheating right now."
  • 防守积极一些。
    Be more aggressive on defense.
  • 个向驯服的听众们大声兜售尖刻观点的独裁者
    A dictator who ranted his vitriol onto a captive audience.
  • 他从挪威回来后就直没完没了地大谈挪威怎样怎样。
    He's been ranting and roaring about Norway ever since he got back.
  • 可不管她怎样大哭、大喊大嚷和祈求,她清楚地感到个痛苦的事实——她的双眼再也不会复明了。
    But no matter how much she cried or ranted or prayed, she knew the painful truth her sight was never going to return.
  • 老板给我们小时吃午饭,但倘若我们晚回来五分钟,他就开始暴跳如雷,责怪我们太懒。
    The boss allows us one hour for lunch, and if we take even five minutes longer he starts ranting and raving about our laziness.
  • 个口出狂言者得意洋洋地骂仓房的庄稼汉万劫不复的声音使苔丝在仓房门口停了会儿。那里麦包垒成的平台上站着亚历克·德伯,他留着假装神圣的络腮胡子,穿着半牧师式的黑服。
    The voice of a"ranter" triumphantly consigning a barnful of rustics to eternal damnation caused Tess to pause a moment in a doorway, and there on a platform of corn-bags, in sanctimonious sidewhiskers and semi-clerical blacks, stood Alec D'Urberville.
  • 毛根属中多种植物中的任意种,花淡黄色。
    any of various plants of the genus Ranunculus.
  • 毛茛属种植物毛茛,包括毛茛
    Any of numerous plants of the genus Ranunculus, including the buttercups.
  • 个进取心很强的年轻管理人员
    An aggressive young executive.
  • 毛茛属植物任种具有鸟蹼状裂瓣叶子的数目众多的毛茛属植物,如毛茛
    Any of numerous plants of the genus Ranunculus that have palmately cleft or divided leaves, such as the buttercups.
  • 毛茛种毛茛属草本植物,主要产于温带和寒带,有苦的汁液,齿形或圆形叶片,通常开黄色或白色多雌蕊的花
    Any of numerous herbs of the genus Ranunculus, native chiefly to temperate and cold regions and having acrid juice, often toothed or lobed leaves, and usually yellow or white flowers with numerous pistils.
  • 我总算逃过了这关。”
    Well, I beat the rap.”
  • 要做个好推销员定要有闯劲才能成功。
    A good salesman must be aggressive if he wants to succeed.
  • 个成功的商人必须有进取心。
    A successful businessman must be aggressive.
  • 他是一个好斗的人。
    He is an aggressive man.
  • 点也不在他的意见。
    I don't care a rap for his opinion.
  • 为了反帝国主义侵略,我们定要建立强大的海军。
    In order to oppose imperialist aggression, we must build a powerful navy.
  • 他跌倒时头被猛撞了下。
    He taked a bad rap on the head when he fall.
  • 他跌倒时头被猛撞了
    He took a bad rap on the head when he fell
  • 九三七年七月,日本发动全面侵华战争。
    In July 1937, Japan launched an all-out war of aggression against China.
  • 次教会举办的专题座谈会上,有数百名妇女出席讨论堕胎问题。
    At a church rap session a few hundred women came to talk about their abortions.