  • 可在洛杉矶,人们却要表现一点也不工作的样子,价值几亿美元的交易由穿着游泳衣的负责人在游泳池边商定。
    In Los Angeles, on the other hand, the goal is to appear not to work at all, and deals worth hundreds of millions are discussed at the poolside with the principals in swimsuits.
  • 骗子售那楝房子企图向她存心要诈骗。
    The swindler sold the house with intent to cheat her.
  • 克莱夫是个有技巧的骗子,但警察迟早会其意地抓住他的。
    Clive is a clever swindler, but the police will catch him napping sooner or later.
  • 一般来说,在成套设备买卖和技术转让过程中不太容易现诈骗行为,而最容易发生诈骗行为的是在商品买卖活动中。
    Generally speaking, there is little opportunity for the swindlers to take advantage in the trading of complete sets of equipment or transfer of technology, while commodity transactions are most vulnerable to swindling.
  • 东半球身体瘦小、脊背突野猪,是大多数家猪的原种;引殖入美国。
    Old World wild swine having a narrow body and prominent tusks from which most domestic swine come; introduced in United States.
  • 棒球运动中不挥拍打的球。
    the act of hitting a baseball lightly without swinging the bat.
  • 他摇摇摆摆地走向口;受伤的战士踉踉跄跄地走着。
    he walked unsteadily toward the exit; The wounded soldier was swinging unsteadily on his legs.
  • 但我记得叶诚万有次发球界了,也好几次失去发球权,因为他试着侧击时,却击了一些落网球。
    But I remember Hendrawan served it out one time And he had to pass the serve to Ji Xinpeng a couple of times, because he hit a couple of net-shots when he tried to swipe.
  • 我的确犯了一个错误,我记得我曾发界一次,也好几次失去发球权,因为当我试着侧击时,却击了一些落网球。
    I did make one mistake. I remember serving it out one time, I also had to pass the serve to you a couple of times, because I hit a couple of net-shots when I tried to swipe.
  • 但我的确犯了一个错误,我记得我曾发界一次,也好几次失去发球权,因为当我试着侧击时,却击了一些落网球。
    But I did make one mistake. I remembered serving it out one time. I also passed the serve to you a couple of times, because I hit a couple of net-shots when I tried swiping.
  • 从祖父烟斗里喷的白色烟雾在我们脑袋周围上下旋绕,它们散发的樱桃香味使贪婪的蚊子不敢靠近。
    Cherry-scented smoke from Grampy's pipe kept the hungry mosquitoes at bay while gray, wispy swirls danced around our heads.
  • 首先,我认为瑞士人表现他们的国民素质优秀。
    First of all, the fine qualities of the Swiss people are evident.
  • 在交换系统中,同一或不同交换网络的引入线和引线之间的连接部分或电路。又称局内中继线。
    Within a switching system, a connection or circuit between inlets and outlets of the same or different switching networks. An intraoffice trunk.
  • 警察其不意地现在杀人犯的藏匿处抓住了他。
    The police swooped on the murderer in his hiding place.
  • 他亮出了短剑。
    He bared his sword.
  • 他利剑鞘,冲我而来。
    He came towards me with a drawn sword.
  • 新委员宣誓加入委员会时,委员会的全体成员都必须席。
    The full committee has to attend when a new member is sworn in.
  • 陪审团宣誓就特定的事项予以判决和裁定的团体,尤指受法律的传唤,宣誓后,就提交给法院的案子予以听证并给裁定的团体
    A body of persons sworn to judge and give a verdict on a given matter, especially a body of persons summoned by law and sworn to hear and hand down a verdict upon a case presented in court.
  • 他游大约100码时,踩着水停了下来,发现刚才一直在他身边的女孩不见了。
    When he had swum about 100 yards out he paused, treading water, and saw that the girl who had been beside him was nowhere to be found.
  • 他游一百码远后便不再往前了,他踩着水,发觉一直在他身旁游的姑娘不见了。
    When he had swum about a hundred yards out he paused, treading water, and saw that the girl who had been beside him was nowhere to be found.
  • 他使车子转弯进停车场。
    He swung the car into the parking lot.
  • 兔子掉到了一棵无花果树的空树干里,怎么挣扎也不去。
    The rabbit tires and falls, landing inside the hollow trunk of a sycamore tree, where he is trapped.
  • 谄媚者于私利而吹捧或尊敬他人的人;拍马者
    A person who flatters or defers to others for self-serving reasons; a sycophant.
  • “演绎法的主要术语必须现两次。
    the major term of a syllogism must occur twice.
  • (三段论中的)前提三段论中得结论的主要或次要的命题
    Either the major or the minor proposition of a syllogism, from which the conclusion is drawn.
  • (种间)相互作用现在群落中的相互作用和效应,例如共生现象
    Any of the reciprocal actions or effects, such as symbiosis, that can occur in a community.
  • 要创造具有鲜明体育文化特色的标志性、国际性体育文化品牌。
    It is necessary to create symbolic and international sports culture brands with distinct sports culture characteristics.
  • 李显龙副总理曾指,演说角落的意义主要是象征性的。
    As pointed out by Deputy Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong, the Speakers' Corner will be mainly symbolic.
  • 这些音标表示人发的声音。
    These phonetic symbols represent sounds of the human voice.
  • (四)销售、进口、口含有奥林匹克标志的商品;
    To sell, import and export the commodities with the Olympic Symbols;
  • 他们在许多时候,对于小资产阶级身的知识分子寄予满腔的同情,连他们的缺点也给以同情甚至鼓吹。
    Often they show heartfelt sympathy for intellectuals of petty-bourgeois origin, to the extent of sympathizing with or even praising their shortcomings.
  • 仁慈的心地生发来的同情。
    sympathy arising from a kind heart.