  • 传票的总数在某特定诉讼程序中发行的传票或令状的总数量
    The total quantity of summonses or writs issued in a particular proceeding.
  • 我的报销申请中包括 15 英镑杂项支.
    My expenses claim includes 15 for sundries.
  • 有些坏分子不但不接受党和政府的负责人的引导、劝告、解释,并且提种种在目前不可能实现的或者根本不合理的要求,煽动、诱骗一部分群众冲击党政机关,占领办公室,实行静坐绝食,阻断交通,严重破坏工作秩序、生产秩序和社会秩序。
    Instead of accepting the guidance, advice, and explanations of leading officials of the Party and government, certain bad elements have raised sundry demands that cannot be met at present or are altogether unreasonable.They have provoked or tricked some of the masses into raiding Party and government organizations, occupying offices, holding sit-down and hunger strikes and obstructing traffic, thereby seriously disrupting production, other work and public order.
  • 那只鸟用喙从向日葵中啄种的。
    The bird pecked seeds out of the sunflower.
  • 他慢慢走近一朵大向日葵花,它比别的花都高一头。
    Walking slowly, he came close to a big sunflower which towered above the others.
  • 几星期前,我父亲种了一些葵花籽,但还没芽。
    My father sowed some sunflower seeds weeks ago, but they haven't come up yet.
  • 农村改革初期,安徽了个“傻子瓜子”问题。
    In the initial stage of the rural reform, there emerged in Anhui Province the issue of the "Fool's Sunflower Seeds".
  • 全剧都被唱来的歌剧。
    opera in which all the text is sung.
  • 我想不那位戴墨镜的夫人是谁。
    I couldn't figure out who the lady with the sunglasses was.
  • 有些电影明星连在教堂里也戴上太阳眼镜,惟恐上帝可能认来而要请他们签名。
    Some movie stars wear their sunglasses even in church; they're afraid God might recognize them and ask for autographs.
  • 第一口油井就是这样打来的。
    This was how the first oil well was sunk.
  • 我已经把所有的钱都拿来买了一幢新房子。
    I've sunk all my money into buying a new house.
  • 我们应该能将沉船打捞水面。
    We should be able to raise the sunken ship to the surface.
  • 星星来了,明天会是晴天的。
    The stars are out, it'll be sunny tomorrow.
  • 从山上居高远望, 日景象蔚为奇观.
    The sunrise seen from high in the mountains was a tremendous spectacle.
  • 时,太阳看起来好像在向上升。
    At sunrise, the sun looks as if it is coming up.
  • 之前,他们驶近了陆地。
    Before sunrise they got in with the land.
  • 我打算在太阳来的时侯到达山顶。
    I mean to get to the top by sunrise.
  • 我们在日之前到达了山顶。
    We got to the top of the mountain before sunrise.
  • 我们套好车在日前就动身了。
    We hitched up and were on our way before sunrise.
  • 从山顶您可观赏日奇观。
    From its peak you can watch the magnificent view of sunrise.
  • 夜晚从日落到日的一段时间,尤指不见光的时间
    The period between sunset and sunrise, especially the hours of darkness.
  • 去看看元旦日出吧。
    Well, I think I'll go see the first sunrise of the year.
  • 大气中灰尘的微粒越多,日或日落的景色越显得绚丽多彩。
    The more dust particles in the air the more colorful the sunrise or sunset.
  • 斋月禁令在这段时期进行的从日到日落的禁食
    A fast, held from sunrise to sunset, that is carried out during this period.
  • 去看看元旦日出吧。
    Well, I think I 'll go to see the first sunrise of the year.
  • 晨祷申正经祈祷时间,传统上是在半夜或凌晨2点,但通常是在日
    The time of day appointed for this service, traditionally midnight or2 a.m. but often sunrise.
  • 和日落时分,当太阳还处于地平线以下时,灰尘及水蒸气分子就会反射波长较长的红色光波,使我们看到太阳光的时间更长一些(日时开始的更早些,日落时持续的时间更长些)。
    At sunrise and sunset, when the sun is below the horizon, the dust and water vapor molecules reflect the longer, red, wavelengths of light such that we can see them for more time (starting earlier in the case of sunrise and lasting longer in the case of sunset) than any of the other wavelengths.
  • 我们会拨更多土地给高科技工业,包括日本投资者拥有的生产设备,也会提供更多种子金给新一代的新兴工业。
    We are making more land available to high-technology industries, including manufacturing plants owned by Japanese investors, and we are providing more seed money for a new generation of sunrise industries.
  • 我希望我可以拥有你的一双翅膀,用它在我的梦中飞翔.逐着蝴蝶,欢快地同它们嬉闹着,到升红日的金光拨开了我的双眼《天使》
    I wish I had your pair of wings,Had them last night in my dreams.I was chaising buterflies,Till the sunrise broke my eyes.《An angle》
  • 这些树在夕阳下显示鲜艳的颜色。
    The trees glowed in the sunset.
  • 去观看美丽的日
    Go outside to watch a beautiful sunset.