  • 英语中,不定词往往与"to"字用。
    In English an infinitive is often used with the word" to".
  • 英语中,不定词往往与"to"字
    in English an infinitive is often used with the word " to"
  • 动词“let”与“permit”不同,习惯上与不带“to”的不定词用。
    The verb "let", unlike "permit", is construed with an infinitive omit the "to".
  • 公元前60年西域都护府设立以后,或为官、或从军、或经商,进入新疆的汉人续不断。
    Since the Western Regions Frontier Command was established in 60 B.C., the inflow of the Han people to Xinjiang, including officials, soldiers and merchants, had never stopped.
  • 对于西方学术文化的介绍如此混乱,以至一些在西方国家也认为低级庸俗或有害的书籍、电影、音乐、舞蹈以及录像、录音,这几年也输入不少。
    There has been such confusion in the importing of Western academic and cultural things that in recent years we have witnessed an influx of books, films, music, dances, and audio and video recordings that even in Western countries are regarded as pernicious junk.
  • 改革开放以来,中国政府在全国范围内大力开展扶贫开发工作,使贫困人口年大幅度减少。
    Since the initiation of reform and opening-up, the Chinese government launched vigorously a nationwide operation to seek development and provide assistance for the people in poverty-stricken areas, which helped reduce the poverty-stricken population in great numbers for many successive years.
  • 油墨用连结料
    vehicle for printing ink
  • 汤姆同他随身带的行李一起被赶出了旅社。
    Tom was cleared out of the inn, bag and baggage.
  • 其他国家的人觉得那么有趣的珠妙语、含沙射影和冷嘲热讽,却令美国人迷惑不解。他们只看表面意思,只求精确,拒绝他们不明白的任何话语。
    Linguistic subtlety, innuendo, and irony that other nations find delightful puzzle the Americans, who take all statements at face value,weigh them for accuracy, and reject anything they don't understand.
  • 所有的输人一输出设备都将通过网络与智能随机存储器们接。
    All input-output devices will be linked to them via networks.
  • 接输入输出设备到系统的一种单向封闭的信号通路。
    A closed unidirectional signal path connecting input/output devices to a system.
  • ·交换矩阵,在物理上或逻辑上接输入与输出。
    ·A switching matrix, which physically or logically connects inputs and outputs.
  • 每一个相的输人端都需要一定数量的信号输人。
    Each of the inputs connected requires a certain amount of current to drive the gate they are connected to.
  • 3.输出端数量:栅门的输出端通常与一个或一个以上的其他设备的输人端相
    3. Fan-out: The output of a gate is usually connected to one or a number of other devices' inputs.
  • 输出端数量就是指在不削弱其功能的前提下,输出栅门所能接的标准荷载的数量。
    Fan-out refers to the number of standard loads (inputs) that the output of a gate can be connected to without impairing its normal operation.
  • 而从输出栅门所能输出的信号是有限的,因此每个输出栅门只能与有限的输人接口相
    The amount of current supplied from the output of a gate is limited. Therefore the output of a gate can only be connected to a limited number of inputs.
  • 不单是树叶,个虫子都不动.
    Not a leaf nor an insect stirred.
  • 我们的斗争紧紧相,面对的是共同的敌人。
    Our struggles are inseparable and directed against the common enemy.
  • 人们习惯地把“刘邓”在一起,在我们两人心里,也觉得彼此难以分开。
    People always spoke of us together, calling us Liu-Deng. And indeed, in our hearts we felt we were inseparable.
  • 这两个被不可分地接在一起。
    these two are inseparably linked.
  • 在一片基片上或基片中,将相关的不可分离的元件接在一起的组合电路,用以实现某种电子电路功能。
    A combination of connected elements inseparably associated on or within a single continuous substrate to perform an electronic circuit function.
  • 插入在某一续演出中插入或导致被插入
    To insert or cause to be inserted into the sequence of a performance.
  • 一种接器件,它可以接一个电路的一条或多条对外接的导线,也可以供插头接插用。
    A connecting device to which a wire or wires of a circuit may be attached and which is arranged for the insertion of a plug.
  • 失眠不仅仅意味着无法入睡,失眠还有其他症状:早醒后无法再入睡,睡觉的时间断断续续,或一数小时无法入睡。
    Insomnia doesn't just mean inability to drop off to sleep.Other symptoms are: waking early and not getting back to sleep,constantly interrupted short periods of sleep,or hours of wakefulness.
  • 不久列宁在台上出现了,那种热烈的欢呼是我从未见过的。列宁先静静地站了几分钟,让欢呼声继续着,然后用手在胸前横挥一下,喝彩声马上终止,于是一根针落地的声音你都可以听得到。
    After a while Lenin came out on the stage. The ovation was unlike anything I have ever seen. Lenin let it continue for a few minutes, standing absolutely still, then with a single motion of his arms across his body stopped the uproar instantaneously and you could have heard a pin drop.
  • 可以考虑队指导员的年龄稍微大一点,任职时间稍微长一点。
    Perhaps we should assign comrades who are somewhat older to the post of company political instructor, and keep them in that position somewhat longer than is usual now.
  • 测链测量用的一种工具,包含有100个相的钢铁环,长66英尺(20。1米)
    An instrument used in surveying, consisting of100 linked pieces of iron or steel and measuring66 feet(20.1 meters).
  • ibm长久以来一直是科研领域中的领先者,最近它宣布了处理器制造技术中的两项重大改进:该公司已开始在构成处理器的晶体管之间用铜线代替铝线接,它还将用硅作为这些晶体管的绝缘器。
    IBM, long a leader in the research and development area, recently announced two major changes in processor manufacturing technology: The company has begun using copper rather than aluminum wiring between the transistors that make up the processor, and it will use silicon as an insulator for those transistors.
  • 虽然他遭到一串的不幸,他的信心和乐观丝毫未减。
    Despite his misfortunes, his faith and optimism remained intact.
  • 以一个变数的整数次续增级为项的项式之和。
    the sum of terms containing successively higher integral powers of a variable.
  • 集成电路指的是一件产品,在其最终形态或中间形态中,元件(至少有一件是有源元件)和一些或全部的接是集成在材料中和/或上,以执行某种电子功能。layout-designsofintegratedcircuits集成电路布图设计
    An "integrated circuit" means a product, in its final form or an intermediate form, in which the elements, at least one of which is an active element, and some or all of the interconnections are integrally formed in and/or on a piece of material and which is intended to perform an electronic function.
  • 在计算机程序设计中,把两个或多个分别编写、汇编或编译过的程序集合成一个单一的实体的处理方法,这种操作通常是由接装入程序来执行的。
    In computer programming, a process of integrating two or more separately written, assembled or compiled programs into a single entity. This function is normally carried out by the linking loader.