  • 她因结婚成为国公民。
    She became a British citizen by marriage.
  • 她是国公民,但居住在印度。
    She's a British citizen but lives in India.
  • 因出生的造化,他成为国公民(因有缘生于该地)。
    By accident of birth (ie Because of where he happened to be born) he is entitled to British citizenship.
  • 一个出生或生活在印度而具有国人公民身份的人。
    a person of English citizenship born or living in India.
  • 凡在大帝国旧有领土上出生的人都应享有同等的国公民权。
    A person's birth in a country which was formerly part of the British Empire counts as equal to British citizenship.
  • 临时区域市政局所推行的"视艺精计划",使本地的视觉艺术工作者得以在各大型文娱中心展出他们的艺术作品。
    The council's Best of Visual Arts Scheme enables local visual artists to exhibit their works at major civic centres.
  • 但与新加坡不同的是,华文在台湾是单一语言,所有的学科,包括数学、自然(科学)、社会(好公民)等,都以华文进行教学,即使将来把文教育提前到小学开始,但因台湾采用的是注音符号,而不是以文标示的汉语拼音,因此,并没有混淆的顾虑。
    What makes Taiwan different from us is that Chinese is the sole language of the Taiwanese. All course materials, including mathematics, natural science, civics and so on, are conducted in Chinese. Even if Taiwan advances the teaching of English to primary schools, their students are unlikely to get confused over the learning of English and Chinese, as they learn Chinese with the help of phonetic symbols, not romanised pinyin.
  • 文报章这么形容这个文明古国,令人耳目一新。
    It is truly refreshing to read the English-language daily describe a country with an ancient civilisation as “hip”.
  • 亚洲、非洲、澳洲所接受的将是国的文化,许多以国为榜样的新国家将陆绩出现。
    Asia,Africa, and Australia would be civilised by England, and covered with new states modelled after the English fashion.
  • 现在已经可以有把握地预言,再过几十年以后,由于交通工具的进一步改善,世界上的文明国家通过物质和文化方面的交流而联合在一起的密切程度,将不亚于一个世纪以前国各郡的联合,或者还比它们更为密切些。
    It may be already foreseen with certainty, that after a lapse of a few decades the civilised nations of the earth will, by the perfection of the means of conveyance, be united as respects both material and mental interchange in as close a manner as (or even closer than) that in which a century ago the various counties of England were connected.
  • 只要能够教导国人怎样去谈、并教导爱尔兰人怎样去听,社会就会相当文明了。
    If one can only teach the English how to talk and the Irish how to listen, society will be quite civilized.
  • 只要能够教导国人怎样去谈、并教导爱尔兰人怎样去听,社会就会相当文明了。
    If one could only teach the English how to talk and the Irish how to listen, society would be quite civilized.
  • "他自称得到了国两张最早的邮票中的其中一张,但是无人相信。"
    He claims that he has got one of the two earliest British stamps but nobody believes him.
  • 如果你是一名宗乡会馆领袖的话,你或许必须使用华语及语来引进新血。
    If you are a leader of a clan association, you might have to use Mandarin and also Englishto draw new blood.
  • 如果你是一名宗乡会馆领袖的话,你或许必须使用华语及语来引进新血。
    If you are a leader of a clan association, you might have to use Mandarin and also English to draw new blood.
  • 根据国法律,clap无罪。
    On the basis of the Britain law, Clap is especially innocent.
  • 为了探索语他冒昧去信国conciseenglishdictionary的主编h-fowler。
    To clarify some grammatical doubts, the young Ge wrote to H.Fowler, the lexicographer who produced the "Concise English Dictionary".
  • 为了探索语他冒昧去信国《简明语词典》的主编h-fowler。
    To clarify some grammatical doubts, the young Ge wrote to H. Fowler, the lexicographer who produced the "Concise English Dictionary".
  • 这一年的四月,国驻华大使卡尔往返于蒋介石和日本之间,企图拉拢中日“议和”。
    In April of that year, Clark-Kerr, the British ambassador to China, acted as an intermediary between Chiang Kai-shek and the Japanese aggressors in arranging a peace parley.
  • 国的动摇政策只能落得无结果,这是国和日本的不同利害决定了的。
    Britain's policy of wavering can get her nowhere, her clash of interests with Japan making this certain.
  • 她女儿特别喜欢读国古典文学名著。
    Her daughter is particulary likes reading the classics of English literature.
  • 国北部的湖泊区是研究华兹华斯和阿勒律治的文艺胜地。
    The English Lake District is classic ground for students of Wordsworth and Coleridge.
  • 英国古典政治经济学
    classical political economy in England
  • 这本书是国古典文学名著。
    This book is one of the classics of English literature.
  • 埃利奥特,约翰1604-1690美裔籍传教士,他把许多美国本土人转变成基督教徒并且是新格兰出版的第一本书荣誉赞美诗(1640年)的撰写人
    American educator and editor who was president of Harvard University(1869-1909) and edited the Harvard Classics(1909-1910), a50-volume selection of world literature.
  • 我一直都在不同的天主教教会学校受教育,小时候在礼堂参加晨祷需要戴上一顶别致的童帽。我平日接触的歌曲是圣歌、流行的欧洲老歌,国和法国民歌。
    I grew up in a series of convent schools, wore bonnets to early morning Mass and sang Gregorian chant, the popular European classics, English & French folk songs.
  • 诗中他又把书当作美食品,细细地去咀嚼,曰“含复咀华(语出《韩愈》),置诸腹笥里(语出《后汉书》)”,又云高楼大厦、富贵荣华,他都不希罕,只要能够做到“腹便五经笥”就满足了,可见他对书的感情,是多么浓厚埃
    In the poem, he also compares books with some exotic or exquisite dish: " I devour and savour every word, Digesting and storing all within."(selected from "Hanyu" and "Houhanshu")He also said that he had no wish for a magnificent palace, nor to be filled with gold and silver. He only wished to be filled with all the knowledge of the Five Classics just like a book trunk would be. We can see how deeply and passionately he felt about books.
  • 我来介绍一下:这位是我的美国同学尼克,这位是我的新国同学安妮,这位是杰夫,也是美国人。
    Let me introduce to you.This is my classmate Nick, an American. This is my new classmate Annie, British. This is Jeff. He is American, too.
  • 关于篡改的清晰证据;克劳迪亚斯是第一个带着清晰的征服目的来侵略国的;正确与错误之间的清晰差别。
    clear-cut evidence of tampering; Claudius was the first to invade Britain with distinct...intentions of conquest; trenchant distinctions between right and wrong.
  • 商业文书信中所使用的词语
    Words, Phrases& Clauses Used in Business Letters
  • 懂英语的印度职员
    A Hindu clerk who is literate in English.
  • 桑达斯基美国俄亥俄州北部一城市,位于克利夫兰西部桑达斯基湾沿岸,该湾是伊利湖的一个入口。桑达斯基河,流程约241公里(150里),向西北注入该湾。桑达斯基建于19世纪初叶,是一个输入港和制造业中心。人口29,764
    A city of northern Ohio west of Cleveland on Sandusky Bay, an inlet of Lake Erie. The Sandusky River, about241 km(150 mi) long, flows west and north into the bay. Sandusky was founded in the early1800's and is a port of entry and manufacturing center. Population,29, 764.