  • 瞬时出现的长且薄的起。
    any long thin projection that is transient.
  • 肢关节长有这样起部分的关节
    The joint marked by such a projection.
  • 距毛,丛毛此起部分的一丛毛
    A tuft of hair on such a projection.
  • 钝锯齿贝壳边上的圆形
    A rounded projection, as on the margin of a shell.
  • 一件工具或是武器的前端向外出的部分。
    the front or forward projection of a tool or weapon.
  • 篱笆或墙的顶部的非常尖的起。
    a sharp-pointed projection along the top of a fence or wall.
  • 社会或经济阶级间的冲(尤其是资产阶级与无产阶级间)。
    conflict between social or economic classes (especially between the capitalist and proletariat classes).
  • 40多年来,西藏文化在继承传统优秀文化和保持藏民族文化特色的基础上得到了巨大的发展。这种发展出地表现在:一是西藏文化的主体发生了根本变化,彻底改变了极少数封建农奴主垄断西藏文化的局面,西藏全体人民成为共同继承、发展和分享西藏文化的主体;
    Over the past four decades and more, Tibet has made much headway in carrying forward the fine aspects of its traditional culture, while maintaining Tibetan cultural traits, which is revealed prominently in the following aspects: First, the main body of Tibetan culture, which was monopolized by a small handful of feudal serf-owners in the past, has been changed completely, and the entire Tibetan people have become the main body jointly carrying forward and developing Tibetan culture and sharing its fruits;
  • 三齿的具有三个齿、三个起或三尖头的
    Having three teeth, prongs, or similar protrusions.
  • 猛涨,暴涨然显著的上涨,如价格或薪水的猛涨
    A sudden pronounced rise, as in price or salary.
  • 气穴现象由于机械力,如由船用的旋转机械力产生的致使液体中的低压气泡然形成并破裂的现象
    The sudden formation and collapse of low-pressure bubbles in liquids by means of mechanical forces, such as those resulting from rotation of a marine propeller.
  • 一个然繁荣起来的城镇。
    a town enjoying sudden prosperity.
  • 由于曝晒或过热而导致然腑倒。
    sudden prostration due to exposure to the sun or excessive heat.
  • 产业结构不合理和经济体制深层次问题尚未解决,生态环境问题依然相当出,地方保护主义屡禁不止,市场经济秩序有待继续整顿。
    Industrial structure remains irrational and deep-seated problems in our economic system have not been solved. Problems of the ecological environment are outstanding. Local protectionism remains a problem despite repeated orders to ban it, and the order of the market economy is yet to be fully rectified.
  • 然离开,通常因抗议或者愤怒。
    leave abruptly, often in protest or anger.
  • 神经细胞中一种树枝状细胞质起,它把邻近细胞的刺激传到本细胞。体内一条神经里可能有许多树
    A branched protoplasmic extension of a nerve cell that conducts impulses from adjacent cells inward toward the cell body. A single nerve may possess many dendrites.
  • 但其在中国的特点,是其特殊的长期性和广大性,这将是破历史纪录的东西。
    But what distinguishes this war in China is its especially protracted and extensive character, which will set a record in history.
  • 出的趋于伸出的;伸出的
    Tending to protrude; protruding.
  • 海伦的牙齿太出了。
    Helen's teeth protrude too far.
  • 伸出,突出
    To stick out; protrude.
  • 伸出的易于伸出的或出的
    Tending to protrude or project.
  • (身体的一部分)延长或
    To extend or protrude(a body part).
  • 使出;把手伸出窗外。
    cause to protrude: stick one's hand out of the window.
  • 集中起来以显得出、膨胀。
    gathered for protruding fullness.
  • 一个出的位于前方上部的牙齿。
    having protruding upper front teeth.
  • 在脸部和出的长牙上有疣样隆起的非洲野猪。
    African wild swine with warty protuberances on the face and large protruding tusks.
  • 热带和亚热带海洋鱼和淡水鱼,身体细长,下颌长而出。
    tropical and subtropical marine and freshwater fishes having an elongated body and long protruding lower jaw.
  • 汤姆把头撞在出来的铁横杠土,不得不在头上缝了6针。
    Tom knocked his head on the protruding iron bar and had to have six stiches in it.
  • 银鲈几种银鲈鱼科的小银鱼,主要是热带的美洲海产鱼,有极为出的嘴
    Any of several species of small, silvery, mainly tropical American marine fishes of the family Gerridae, having extremely protrusile mouths.
  • 经常吮吸拇指能使牙齿向外出.
    Thumb-sucking can cause protrusion of the teeth.
  • (屈指时)指节膨出部关节中由骨头形成的圆形出物
    A rounded protuberance formed by the bones in a joint.
  • 盔状盔状的结构或出物
    A helmetlike structure or protuberance.