  • 睡着的狗别惹它。
    Let the sleeping dogs lie.
  • 没有睡;以失眠的方式。
    without sleep; in a sleepless manner.
  • 我们发现小孩睡了。
    We found the boy sleeping.
  • 人快要睡时的行为。
    be on the verge of sleeping.
  • 失眠的老人;失眠的夜晚;整晚躺睡不;二十个不眠的、疲倦的、冗长单调的夜晚——莎士比亚。
    insomniac old people; insomniac nights; lay sleepless all night; twenty watchful, weary, tedious nights- Shakespeare.
  • 只要他们看到自然资源够他们这辈子用,或许够他们的孙辈们用,不会有太多的人会因为自然资源被耗尽而急得夜夜难眠。
    As long as they see it lasting their time and probably that of their grandchildren, not many people are going to spend sleepless nights worrying about the run-down of natural resources.
  • 我们正通电话,突然电话断了。
    We were talking on the phone when, suddenly, the line went dead.
  • 看,您的朋友睡了。
    I see your friend is sleeping.
  • 狗用鼻子去碰睡的孩子。
    The dog nuzzled the sleeping child.
  • 响声把睡了的警卫惊醒了。
    The noise aroused the sleeping guard.
  • 的狐狸捉不到鸡。
    The sleeping fox catches no poultry.
  • 你们都必须仔细听
    You must all listen carefully.
  • 经历或者伴随无眠。
    experiencing or accompanied by sleeplessness.
  • 斯坦福大学医学院睡眠失调中心主任威廉·迪蒙特说,这意味睡眠不足“在这个国家里已经到了流行病的地步”。
    That means sleeplessness is of “epidemic proportions in this country,” says Dr. William Dement, director of the Sleep Disorders Center at Standford University School of Medicine.
  • 开始感觉想要睡觉;眼皮耷拉、想要睡觉的孩子;昏昏欲睡的学生们。
    beginning to feel sleepy; a sleepy-eyed child with drooping eyelids; sleepyheaded students.
  • 啊!一直盯数字看,我都打瞌睡了。
    Aahh! Look at nothing but numbers makes me so sleepy.
  • 我是那么困,简直要睡了。
    I was so sleepy that I could hardly keep awake.
  • 他很困倦,上课时候都睡了。
    He was so sleepy that he fell asleep during the class.
  • 正在下雨、雪和冰雹。
    rain, snow and sleet were falling.
  • 雷声之后紧接是是倾盆大雨加冰雹。
    In tail of the thunders fell pouring storms of sleet and hail.
  • 当时,我正忙,本来想对他们说没有,但当我看到他们脚上只穿一双被冰雪浸湿得再单薄不过的便鞋时,我再也说不出口了。
    I was busy. I wanted to say no -- until I looked down at their feet. Thin little sandals, sopped with sleet.
  • 穿作为防御性的盔甲的一种正式的长(通常没袖)锁子甲外衣。
    a long (usually sleeveless) tunic of chain mail formerly worn as defensive armor.
  • 我穿凉爽的小睡衣,祖父穿他的无袖t恤,坐在那儿观看繁忙的交通。
    I, clad in a cool summer nightie, and Grampy, his sleeveless T-shirt, sat watching the traffic.
  • 长套衫古希腊和罗马男女穿一种宽松的长袍,有袖或无袖,长及膝盖?
    A loose-fitting garment, sleeved or sleeveless, extending to the knees and worn by men and women especially in ancient Greece and Rome.
  • 骑士或使者和徽章一起搭配穿的一种无袖短外衣。
    a short sleeveless outer garment emblazoned with his coat of arms worn by a knight over his armor or by a herald.
  • 紧接他就和伊丽莎白的女友夏绿蒂・卢卡斯订了婚,她性情温和而头脑缺乏想象力。
    Immediately after, he becomes engaged to a friend of Elizabeth's, the placid, unimaginative Charlotte Lucas.
  • 瑞拉蜷在她的椅子里睡了。
    Rilla slept in her chair.
  • 当他们睡觉时我守备
    I kept watch while they slept.
  • 你一直睡,这场雷雨都没把你吵醒。
    You slept right through the thunderstorm.
  • 他写一手简洁而明快的好散文。
    He writes a very clear simple prose.
  • 他虽然睡得很,却一下子就醒了。
    Though he slept soundly, he awoke instantlg.
  • 切成了片的牛肉;横切锯。
    a crosscut slice of beef; a crosscut saw.