  • 波瓦坦创建波瓦坦部落联盟的阿尔贡金领导人,在他的儿波卡洪塔斯与约翰·罗尔夫联姻之后(1614年),一直与英国殖民者维持着和平关系
    Algonquian leader who founded the Powhatan confederacy and maintained peaceful relations with English colonists after the marriage of his daughter Pocahontas to John Rolfe(1614).
  • 王将爵士头衔授予几位杰出人士。
    The Queen conferred knighthood on several distinguished men.
  • 王授与大臣以贵族头衔。
    The queen confer a noble title on her minister.
  • 女王封他为贵族。
    The queen confer the dignity of a peerage on him.
  • 过少食用鱼的妇可通过少量摄入鱼或鱼油中所含的ω-3脂肪酸来防止早产和初生婴儿体重过轻。
    In women with zero or low intake of fish, small amounts of Ω-3 fatty acids provided as fish or fish oil may confer protection against preterm delivery and low birth weight.
  • 女犯人已招供。
    The prisoner has confessed her crime.
  • 现代的孩子很少向母亲吐露心事。
    Modern girls seldom confide in their mothers.
  • 孩具有轻信别人的性格。
    The girl is of a confiding nature.
  • 约束妇的头发的装饰性的网袋;插或系在头的后部。
    an ornamental net bag that confines a woman's hair; pins or ties at the back of the head.
  • 新的部长将由王批准任职.
    The new minister will be confirmed in office by the Queen.
  • 赶时髦对所有妇的幸福并非都是必要的。
    C-to fashion is not essential to the happiness of all women.
  • 近几年来,中国妇界先后与美国、俄罗斯、日本等国的妇组织举办妇问题研讨会,就妇普遍关心的问题进行探讨和交流。
    In recent years, Chinese women's organizations have jointly sponsored seminars with their counterparts in the United States, Russia, Japan and other countries to study and exchange views on issues that confront women worldwide.
  • 再来就是中国人类学课程中常见的“小传统”,不以儒家思想或士绅社会来分析中国,而用道教、佛教和原始宗教的习俗、书、民间故事和信仰、妈祖等等。
    Then, there is the theme of the "little traditions", most often available in anthropology courses on China. Here, instead of approaching China as Confucian China, or the Gentry State of China, we encounter Taoist, Buddhist, Shamanistic ways and mores, Women Script (Nu Shu), folk stories and beliefs, the Ma Zu religion and a host of lively imaginations.
  • 了解了这样的历史背景,也就不难理解重视子教育的父母,纷纷依赖补习,希望孩子能取得更好的成绩的心态。
    Against this historical background, the reliance on private tuition would not appear strange to East Asian parents, most of whom passionately share the Confucianist emphasis on education.
  • 现在她转过身来,面对着他,脑子里自卫的意识和性调情的本能乱哄哄地混杂在一起。
    She now turned and looked upon him in full, the instincts of self-protection and coquetry mingling confusedly in her brain.
  • 好客的男女主人
    A congenial host and hostess.
  • 委员会会研究增强妇个人能力的各种方法,帮助她们面对生活的挑战,以及缔造更有利的社会环境,让妇得以发挥所长。
    The commission will look into ways to better equip women for life's challenges and to create a more congenial societal environment for women to develop themselves.
  • 2000年,她主演了影片《麻辣王》,后在2002年的惊险片《数字杀机》中扮演了角色。
    She starred as Miss Congeniality in 2000, and was next seen in the 2002 thriller Murder By Numbers.
  • 我向女友祝贺生日。
    I congratulated my friend on her birthday.
  • 祝贺朋友女儿结婚
    Congratulations on one's daughter's marriage
  • 三位一体修道会修士或修成立于1198年的罗马天主教的宗教集会的成员,现在多从事教师,护理或牧师工作
    A member of a Roman Catholic religious congregation founded in1198 and now devoted to teaching, nursing, and pastoral work.
  • 许多男人认为他们的友聊起天来象穿越漫无目的的臆测的智力迷宫中的一根长绳上串起的一粒粒珠子,无需想象力丰富的跳跃性思维,更无需抽象思维,而在最终理出头绪之前却发现又回到了起点。
    Most men think their girlfriends' conversations are like following a ball of string through a labyrinth of pointless conjecture, needless imaginative leaps or obscure contemplation before eventually finding where it leads back to the starting point.
  • 那个巫说她能用魔法召唤亡灵。
    The woman practicing witchcraft claimed that she could conjure up the spirits of the dead.
  • 住在康涅狄格州纽敦的沃纳太太的儿朱莉·斯特恩说,沃纳太太1922年毕业于一所师范院校,对她来说写作是件容易的事,但她却总也掌握不了算术和用工具来进行的需要耐心从事的活动,“甚至连组合儿童智力玩具的能力”都缺乏。
    Writing came easily to Mrs.Werner, who graduated from Teachers'College in 1922. But she never mastered arithmetic, the gentle art of handling appliances or "the ability to assemble even a children's puzzle," said her daughter, Julie Stern of Newtown, Conn.
  • 克兰德,普鲁登斯1803-1890美国教育家和改革家,他在1833年因在康涅狄格州宣布为黑人孩开办学校的计划而被起诉
    American educator and reformer who in1833 was prosecuted for announcing her plan to open a school for Black girls in Connecticut.
  • 福勒士来自一个典型的美国家庭:她是捷克移民和康涅狄格州美国佬的儿,祖母说德语,加拿大也有表亲。
    Ms Faul comes from a typical American back-ground: half Czech immigrant, half Connecticut Yan-kee, with a German-speaking grandmother and a Canadian cousin.
  • 为了吻吻这个人的手,他觉得就有了从事一切的力量,战胜一切的意志和克服一切的勇气。
    Merely to kiss the hand of this woman, he feels he has strength enough for any undertaking, the will to conquer all and the courage to do anything.
  • 人也和武士一样,并无所谓抢劫——从头到尾只有征服。
    With women as with warrior, there's no robbery-all's conquest.
  • 人也和武士一样,并无所谓抢劫——从头到尾只有征服。
    With women as with warriors, there's no robbery – all's conquest.
  • 人也和武士一样,并无所谓抢劫——从头到尾只有征服。
    With women as with warriors, there 's no robbery - all 's conquest.
  • 她是一位顶真的母亲,总要把儿的家庭作业略为看一遍,并在上面签上字。
    As a conscientious parent, she always glanced over her daughter's homework and signed it.
  • 不但自己要自觉遵守这个规定,而且要做好自己的亲属和子的工作,做好有关人员的工作。
    Not only should we conscientiously observe the regulations ourselves, but we should convince our family members and other persons concerned that they are correct.