  • 这些人代表的只不过是一小部分,足以征明知晓卡内基法则的知人士岂只数百,他们在理财方面和其他方面的成就,皆因了解并且运用了卡内基法则而获致,并随即攀上人生的高峰。
    These names represent but a small fraction of the hundreds of well known Americans whose achievements, financially and otherwise, prove that those who understand and apply the Carnegie secret, reach high stations in life.
  • 罗伯特·凯利是卡耐基--梅隆大学的教授,也是多家大公司的顾问。他撰写了一部书,为《如何成为工作明星》。在书中他点拨读者:使用9大突破性战术可以改善他们的日常行为百成为工作中的明星。
    Robert E.Kelly, a consultant for major corporations and a professor at Carnegie Mellon University, has written a book entitled How to Be a Star at work, in which he teaches readers how to improve their day-to-day behavior at work by using nine breakthrough strategies:
  • 这个秘诀已传授给上千男女,正如卡内基先生所预期的,这些男女将这个原则运用在自身的利害关系上,其中一些人发了财,有些则成功地营造了家庭的和乐融洽。
    The secret was passed on to more than one hundred thousand men and women who have used it for their personal benefit, as Mr. Carnegie planned that they should. Some have made fortunes with it. Others have used it successfully in creating harmony in their homes.
  • 雨停之底这位老妇人向这位年轻人说了声谢谢,并向他要了一张片,几个月之后这家店东收到一封信,信中要求派这位年轻人往苏格兰收取装潢一整座城堡的订单2这封信就是这位老妇人写的,而她正是美国钢铁大王卡内基的母亲。
    When the rain let up,the lady thanked the young man and asked for his card. A few months passed, and the owner of the store received a letter asking that this young man be sent to Scotland to take orders for furnishing an entire castle!The letter writer was the elderly lady for whom the clerk had provided a chair.She also happened to be Andrew Carnegie's mother.
  • 好的,我的字是carolburns,地址是501sycamoredrive,boise,idaho,邮递区号是83232。
    Yes. My name is Carol Burns, and my address is 501 Sycamore Drive, Biose, Idaho. the zip code is 83232.
  • 希尔顿・海德岛南卡罗来纳州南部海岩边位于大西洋中的海群岛中的一个岛屿,是著的旅游圣地希尔顿・海德岛东北海岸的城镇有人口23,694
    An island off the southern coast of South Carolina in the Sea Islands of the Atlantic Ocean. It is a popular tourist resort. The town of Hilton Head Island, on the northeast coast, has a population of23,694.
  • 生活习惯:他的秘书说:“每天工作十二小时,单身、经常与休斯顿社交媛卡洛林法布相挽而出。”
    Habits: "A normal 12-hour day," his secretary says. Single; often seen at the elbow of Houston socialite Carolyn Farb.
  • 制片人和导演告诉福特,他没有成为一演员的天赋,但他却有学做木匠活的能力,他就靠一本从图书馆借来的书自学。
    Producers and directors told Ford that he did not have what it takes to be an actor, but he did have a knack for carpentry and taught himself about it with the help of a library book he borrowed.
  • 避免任何具有负面意义的说话型态,尤其应根除吹毛求疵、闲言闲语或中伤他人誉的行为,这些行为会使你的思想朝向消极面发展。
    Abstain from negative conversation, especially carping,gossip,or tearing apart other people's reputations.These activities condition your mind to think negatively.
  • 这架奇妙的飞机能载七乘客。
    This wonderful plane can carry seven passengers.
  • 放商业片的小盒子。
    a small case for carrying business cards.
  • 卡森市美国内华达州首府,位于该州西部并与加利福尼亚边界毗邻,于1858年在一个早期贸易点的旧址上建立,为纪念凯特・卡森而以他的字命。人口40,443
    The capital of Nevada, in the western part of the state near the California border. It was laid out in1858 on the site of an earlier trading post and named in honor of Kit Carson. Population, 40,443.
  • 我三天前预定了房间。我的字叫鲁思・卡森。
    I made a reservation three day ago. My name is Ruth Carson.
  • 卡森市美国内华达州首府,位于该州西部并与加利福尼亚边界毗邻,于1858年在一个早期贸易点的旧址上建立,为纪念凯特·卡森而以他的字命。人口40,443
    The capital of Nevada, in the western part of the state near the California border. It was laid out in1858 on the site of an earlier trading post and named in honor of Kit Carson. Population,40, 443.
  • 我有她大约在结婚时的相片——一张片式小照。
    I have a photograph of her-a carte de visite, taken about the date of the marriage.
  • 那篇匿文章的作者原来是个叫作斯坦利·卡特的人。
    The author of the anonymous article turned out to be one Stanley Carter.
  • 那篇匿文章的作者原来是个叫作斯坦利·卡特的人。
    The author of the anonymous article turn out to is one stanley carter.
  • 那篇匿文章的作者原来是个叫作斯坦利·卡特的人。
    The author of the anonymous article is turned out to be one Stanley Carter.
  • 在这张电影音乐专辑中,"polazarus"只草草地署上了"詹姆斯·卡特和他的狱友"这样的字。
    On the album, "Po Lazarus" is attributed simply to "James Carter and the Prisoners".
  • burnett他们在芝加哥找到了卡特。卡特最后一次出狱后,作了一运务员,自1967年起就一直住在芝加哥。
    They traced him to Chicago, where's he's been living since 1967. After prison, Carter worked as a shipping clerk.
  • 汤姆和杰瑞的首次亮相是在《猫咪被解雇》一片。该片为这对合作伙伴赢得了1940年奥斯卡最佳动画短片奖提
    Tom and Jerry's first appearance,in Puss Gets the Boot,won the pair an Academy Award nomination for best cartoon short in 1940.
  • 这种为abuammar的小食品每袋仅售25皮阿斯特(合5美分),包装袋上印着一个阿拉法特的卡通形象。这位巴勒斯坦领导人向人们招手致敬,好像是在招呼大家快来买点心,又好像是在呼吁大家对在近期日益升级的以色列军事打击中节节败退的巴勒斯坦多多支持。
    A cartoon of the Palestinian leader salutes consumers from each 25-piastre ($0.05) bag of Abu Ammar chips, beckoning them to buy the snack and support a Palestinian uprising against Israeli occupation.
  • 是的,我们的连铸技术全国闻
    Yes. Our continuous casting technology is well-known in China.
  • 是的,我们的连铸技术全国闻
    Yes. our continuous casting technology is well- know in china.
  • 据估计,蓖麻子豆中找到的一种为蓖麻毒素的蛋白质,所含的毒性物质比氰化物多出了6000倍。
    It is estimated that the protein, ricin, found in the castor bean plant is as much as 6,000 times more poisonous than cyanide.
  • 平假一种草体的假,用于礼貌的,非正式的或随意的书写中
    A cursive kana used for polite, informal, or casual writing.
  • 炫耀随意提及显赫的或著的人物,以暗示自己与他们的熟悉的关系,意欲作为自己提升的手段
    To mention casually the names of illustrious or famous people in order to imply that one is on familiar terms with them, intended as a means of self-promotion.
  • 伤亡单在火车意外事故的第二天就公布了。
    C-lists were published the day after the train accident.
  • 天主教殉教者册一个官方清单或殉教者的目录,尤指信奉基督教的殉道者
    An official list or catalog of religious martyrs, especially of Christian martyrs.
  •  国务院经济综合主管部门应当会同国务院有关部门公布限期禁止生产、禁止销售、禁止进口的环境噪声污染严重的设备录。
    The competent department for comprehensive economic and trade affairs under the State Council shall, together with relevant departments of the State Council, publish catalogs of equipment that, because of the serious environmental noise pollution it produces, is forbidden to be manufactured, sold or imported within a time limit.
  •  生产者、销售者或者进口者必须在国务院经济综合主管部门会同国务院有关部门规定的期限内分别停止生产、销售或者进口列入前款规定的录中的设备。
    The manufacturers, sellers and importers must stop manufacturing, selling or importing the equipment included in the catalogs mentioned in the preceding paragraph, within the time limit set by the competent department for comprehensive economic and trade affairs under the State Council together with the relevant departments of the State Council.
  • 最著的灾变论的对立理论就是渐变论。
    The most popular alternative to catastrophism is the gradualistic approach.