  • 如果我们各级党的组织和干部还满着主观主义、宗派主义、党八股这些歪风,中央的正确领导是无法实现的。
    Otherwise, if the Party organizations and cadres are thoroughly tainted with subjectivism, sectarianism and stereotyped Party writing, it would be impossible for them to follow the correct leadership of the Central Committee.
  • 当助手、起次要或支持性的作用。
    act as an assistant in a subordinate or supportive function.
  • 辅以次要情节使小说更
    Fleshed out the novel with a subplot.
  •  农药、兽药、化肥、种子、农业机械、农用薄膜和其他农业生产资料的生产者、销售者应当对其生产、销售的产品的质量负责,禁止以次好、以假真、以不合格的产品冒合格的产品。
    Any producer or seller of pesticides, veterinary drugs, chemical fertilizers, seeds, agricultural machinery, agricultural plastic films and other agricultural means of production shall be responsible for the qualities of the products he produces or sells. Any act of passing defective products off as high-quality ones, or passing fake products off as genuine ones, or passing substandard ones off as standard ones, shall be prohibited.
  • 第六十二条 违反本法第三十四条第二款的规定,生产假农药、假兽药、假化肥的,销售明知是假的或者是失去使用效能的农药、兽药、化肥、种子,或者生产者、销售者以不合格的农药、兽药、化肥、种子冒合格的农药、兽药、化肥、种子的,责令停止生产、销售,没收违法生产、销售的产品和违法所得,并处违法所得一倍以上五倍以下的罚款,可以吊销营业执照。
    Article 62 Anyone who, in violation of the provisions of paragraph 2 of Article 34 of this Law, produces fake pesticides, fake veterinary drugs or fake chemical fertilizers, or sells pesticides, veterinary drugs, chemical fertilizers and seeds while clearly knowing such products to be fake or no longer effective, or any producer or seller who passes substandard pesticides, veterinary drugs, chemical fertilizers or seeds off as the ones up to the standard, shall be ordered to stop the production or selling. The products illegally produced or sold, and the unlawful earnings shall be confiscated, and a fine of not less than one time the value of the unlawful earnings but not more than five times of it shall be imposed upon, and the business licences may be revoked.
  • 建立可靠稳定的社会保障基金筹资机制,调整财政支出结构,增加必要投入,实保障基金,合理调整缴费率和替代水平,提高社会保障基金运营效率和投资收益率。
    For this, we need to establish a reliable and stable social security fund-raising mechanism, restructure financial expenditure, increase necessary input and the amount of social security funds, and rationally adjust the payment rate and substitution level, and improve the operational efficiency of social security funds and the efficiency rate of investment.
  • 表演角色不分,有节制的表演难理解地或克制地表演一个角色
    To act a role subtly or with restraint.
  • 表演不分,有节制地表演难懂地或克制地表演(一个角色)
    To act(a role) subtly or with restraint.
  • 大一点的距离会在不经意中营造一种体面和尊重的氛围,并且给双方留有分的时间来交谈。
    This greater space subtly lends an air of dignity and respect, an amplitude of time.
  • 分表明考克斯等人过低估计了中国人民和中国科学家的创造能力。
    This suffices to show Cox and others have underestimated the creativity of the Chinese people and Chinese scientists.
  • 发展福利服务的主导原则,是建设一个满爱心与关怀的社会,人人可以自给自足,过着有尊严、和洽共处、幸福美满的生活。
    The guiding principle in developing welfare services is to build a caring community in which there is self-sufficiency, dignity, harmony and happiness.
  • 没有做这事的分勇气
    have not sufficient courage for it
  • 提供理由使…有着足的理由;证明
    To be sufficient grounds for; justify.
  • 不大但在尺寸或数量上足的。
    not large but sufficient in size or amount.
  • 他们不肯分考虑顾客的需要,
    He refuses to consider sufficiently the wants of the customer.
  • 我们有经得起长期作战的分准备。
    We are sufficiently prepared to be able to fight a long war.
  • 因为我分了解我姨娘,我知道她心里一定是惦记着什么重要的事情。
    I knew aunt sufficiently well to know that she had something of importance on her mind.
  • 这个说明是根本的说明,所以还不能分解释中国人的石花园和一般人对石头的爱好。
    This explanation is basic, but it does not sufficiently account for Chinese rock gardens and the love of rocks in general.
  • 如果现存的各种力量能够足够团结分组织一场战斗的话,他们将会实现宪法制定者的最高目标。
    If the forces that already exist can become sufficiently organized to fight this battle, they will have fulfilled the Framers' highest ambitions.
  • 液体环绕;充溢
    To surround, as with liquid; suffuse.
  • 充满爱的心灵
    A heart suffused with love.
  • (指脸)特别是因为血而变黑。
    (of the face) made black especially as with suffused blood.
  • 天空中满了温暖的粉红色;也指液体。
    The sky was suffused with a warm pink color; also of liquids.
  • 使人联想到青年的;精力沛而新鲜的。
    suggestive of youth; vigorous and fresh.
  • 指互补的,有补关系或使人想到互补的。
    of or relating to or suggestive of complementation.
  • 被硫酸处理过,或使满硫酸。
    treated or impregnated with sulfur.
  • 阴沉看起来生气,不高兴或满威胁
    To look angry, sullen, or threatening.
  • 晴朗的一天、向阳的房间、阳光足的花园
    A sunny day, room, garden
  • 我们在阳光足的海滩上晒太阳。
    We basked ourselves on the sunny beach.
  • 电影中;从一个场景逐渐过渡到下个场景;前个场景逐渐消失同时下个场景满画面。
    in films: a gradual transition from one scene to the next; the next scene is gradually superimposed as the former scene fades out.
  • 这些分证明了社会主义制度的优越性。
    These fully bear out the superiority of the socialist system.
  • 分发挥群众监督和社会监督的作用。
    Bringing into full play the role of public supervision?