  • 除了康柏和ibm,从1984年起大多数戴尔的竞对手都退出了市场。
    With the exceptions of Compaq and IBM, most of Dell's competitors from 1984 are no longer in business.
  • 阿巴丹伊朗西南部一城市,位于阿巴丹岛上,在波斯湾上部沙特阿拉伯三角洲地带。这个城市的炼油厂在1980年和与伊拉克的战中遭到严重破坏。人口296,081
    A city of southwest Iran on Abadan Island in the delta of the Shatt al Arab at the head of the Persian Gulf. The city's oil installations were heavily damaged in1980 during the war with Iraq. Population,296, 081.
  • 事实上,就以上两星期来说,香港不少从事跨界制造业的企业家告诉我,他们在成本上仍然具有相当强的竞力。请不要忘记,跨界设厂的香港制造商在珠江三角洲聘用了超过4,000,000名内地雇员。
    In fact, only in the last two weeks, many of the entrepreneurs in Hong Kong involved in manufacturing across the border - and please remember Hong Kong manufacturers employ more than 4,000,000 people across the border in the Pearl Rioer Delta - told me they remain very competitive in their costs.
  • 在国内战中企图进行和平的,为将来所应有而现在所不应有的,为将来的环境所许可而现在的环境不许可的那些经济建设工作,只是一种瞎想。
    In the midst of a civil war, it is sheer delusion to try to carry out such peace-time economic construction as can and should be done in the future but not at present.
  • 艾夫斯听着工人们要取更多钱的要求。
    Ives listened to the workers' demand for more money.
  • 老人死时,财产的让渡问题引起许多执。
    The demise of the old man's property cause much dispute upon his death.
  • 老人死时,财产的让渡问题引起许多执。
    The demise of the old man 's property caused much dispute upon his death.
  • 为民主和自由而斗争
  • 共和党总统候选人周二积极准备入主白宫的一切事宜﹔然而民主党总统候选人戈尔仍准备继续上诉夺他在佛州的选票。
    Republican George W. Bush forged ahead on Tuesday with plans to move into the White House as Democrat Al Gore tried to shore up ebbing support for his battle to contest the U.S. presidential vote in Florida.
  • 如果我们要过和平与民主的生活,一定要反对战
    If we want to live a peaceful and democratic life, we cannot help object to war.
  • 从抗日战时期开始,我们党就实行了同党外民主人士合作的方针。
    Even since the anti-Japanese war our Party has been pursuing a policy of co-operation with democrats outside the Party.
  • 很明显的,人民行动党正致力取新的选民和选票。
    Efforts at wooing an electorate of a changed demographic are clear and explicit.
  • 他内心魔鬼似的东西——会很残忍的东西;烈火点燃了邪恶的景象;受魔鬼影响的恶魔似的男巫师;残忍的暴君;地狱般的严刑拷打;邪恶的战机器;邪恶、残忍;邪恶的鬼脸。
    something demonic in him--something that could be cruel; fires lit up a diabolic scene; diabolical sorcerers under the influence of devils; a fiendish despot; hellish torture; infernal instruments of war; satanic cruelty; unholy grimaces.
  • 但假如某个批发商具有独特的优势,能确保快捷的送货或更低的价格,情况就不同了,当企业具有某种竞优势想传递给消费者时,广告就能起最大的作用。
    But if one wholesaler has a demonstrable difference, such as guaranteed fast delivery or lower prices, this is another matter. Advertising works best when a business has a competitive advantage that it wants to communicate to customers.
  • 通过论和演示进行的宣传。
    promotion by means of an argument and demonstration.
  • 坚持公开、平等、竞、择优的原则,积极推行公开选拔、竞上岗等措施,促进干部奋发工作、能上能下。
    In this regard, the principle of recruitment and promotion through open and fair competition on the basis of merits should be upheld, and measures to this effect should be adopted so as to encourage officials to work harder and get them prepared for both promotion and demotion.
  • 以德国新教和天主教之战为起点一直延续到法国和丹麦瑞典跟神圣罗马帝国和西班牙对立的一系列战(1618-1648)。
    a series of conflicts (1618-1648) starting between German Protestants and Catholics and spreading until France and Denmark and Sweden were opposing the Holy Roman Empire and Spain.
  • 迫使我们不得不违背旧习俗。
    The war forced us to depart from the old customs.
  • 有些本位主义严重的人,甚至遇到责任互相推诿,遇到权利互相夺,扯不完的皮。
    Some people are seriously afflicted with selfish departmentalism: they are always ducking responsibility, jockeying for power and wrangling with others, thinking only of the interests of their own unit.
  • 马克思以前的唯物论,离开人的社会性,离开人的历史发展,去观察认识问题,因此不能了解认识对社会实践的依赖关系,即认识对生产和阶级斗的依赖关系。
    Before Marx, materialism examined the problem of knowledge apart from the social nature of man and apart from his historical development, and was therefore incapable of understanding the dependence of knowledge on social practice, that is, the dependence of knowledge on production and the class struggle.
  • 他们在斗中已经改造或正在改造自己,我们的文艺应该描写他们的这个改造过程。
    They have remoulded themselves in struggle or are doing so, and our literature and art should depict this process.
  • 战斗时的钳制和警戒方面,隘路、险地、河川或村落等处为着消耗敌人和疲惫敌人的抵抗配置,退却时的掩护部队等等,都是游击战中战术上的防御部分。
    The latter embraces, among other things, containing and outpost actions during battles; the disposition of forces for resistance at narrow passes, strategic points, rivers or villages in order to deplete and exhaust the enemy; and action to cover withdrawal.
  • 在战电影中军事武器装卸的铁路。
    a railroad depot in a theater of operations where military supplies are unloaded for distribution.
  • 郁闷的天气;战时令人郁闷的日子;一整个下着雨、郁闷的星期;郁闷的冬景;十一月开始的郁闷、沮丧的几天;郁闷、沮丧的一天;阴沉的下雨天气。
    a blue day; the dark days of the war; a week of rainy depressing weather; a disconsolate winter landscape; the first dismal dispiriting days of November; a dark gloomy day; grim rainy weather.
  • 经济不景气常因战所致。
    Economic depression often follows war.
  • 由于战,他们失去了一个正常的童年时代
    They were deprived of a normal childhood by the war.
  • 事实上,我们并不容许亚洲金融风暴影响我们把香港建立为公平、自由、繁荣和具经济竞力大都会的长远目标。
    Indeed, we are not allowing the Asian financial turmoil to derail our long-term focus of building a Hong Kong which is fair, free, prosperous and economically competitive.
  • 然而如要成功,它需抛弃关于纳米机器人可以使冷冻的尸体复活过来等错误百出的说法而且还要抛掉那些虚张声势的宣传辞令,它们会于抗取基金的努力。
    But to succeed, it will need to discard not only fluff about nanorobots that bring cadavers back from a deep freeze but also the overheated rhetoric that can derail any big new funding effort.
  • 杰克前后矛盾的辩困扰了我们大家。
    Jack's inconsistent argument derange us all.
  • 他前后矛盾的论扰乱了我们大家。
    His inconsistent argument deranged us all.
  • 美国东北部的互助储蓄银行;自从八十年代撤销管制规定,它们提供了同许多商业银行竞的服务。
    a thrift institution in the NE US; since deregulation in the 1980s they offer services competitive with many commercial banks.
  • 保障资讯自由、保护知识产权、取消规管和鼓励竞(这些全是整个架构中的要素,但要是没有技巧纯熟、积极进取和具有创意的人才,这些要素便无从发挥效用。
    Protecting freedom of information; protecting intellectual property rights; deregulation and the promotion of competition - all these things are important as a framework, but without skilled, ambitious and creative people to make use of them, they will not produce anything.