  • 到处来回走动通过从边到另边来回走动而经过(地面区域)
    To cover an area of ground by ranging over it from side to side.
  • 个低矮多分枝的木本常绿植物大属,从俯生亚灌木至乔木;真石楠。
    large genus of low much-branched woody evergreens ranging from prostrate subshrubs to trees: true heaths.
  •  常常受到批评的比尔盖茨有次对媒体说:“你们只指我赚钱的时候非常凶悍,为什么不讲我捐款的时候又是那么地慷慨?”
    For example, Bill Gates once told the media, "You criticise me for making profits aggressively, but why don't you present my generosity in giving donations?"
  • 废糖蜜提炼粗糖过程中产生的,颜色从淡到深褐色的种粘性糖桨
    A thick syrup produced in refining raw sugar and ranging from light to dark brown in color.
  • 位于缅甸中部仰光以北的座城市。
    a city in central Myanmar north of Rangoon.
  • 目前,国内生产总值已由七十年代的居世界第十位上升到第七位,进出口总额和外汇储备分别由七十年代的居世界第三十二位和第三十九位跃居第八位和第二位。
    To date, China's GDP has increased from the 11th in world ranking in the 1970s to the seventh. In the 1970s, the total import and export volume and foreign exchange reserve ranked 32nd and 39th, respectively, in the world, but now they rank eighth and second, respectively.
  • 不过分的自信,尽管不定缺少自信。
    not aggressively self-assured, though not necessarily lacking in confidence.
  • 个具有高级军衔的军事官员。
    a high-ranking military officer.
  • 搞打砸抢的(当然不定是大干部,“四人帮”用了那么些“小螃蟹”,专门搞打砸抢,还搞特务活动,安“钉子”);
    persons who engaged in beating, smashing and looting (these latter, of course, are not likely to be among the high-ranking cadres, for the Gang of Four employed lackeys to do such things and to act as secret agents or informers within our ranks);
  • 第二位是瑞士,万美元。
    that of Switzerland was $10,000, ranking second place;
  • (英国)个军衔低于中尉的军官。
    (British) an officer ranking next below a lieutenant.
  • 对这部分干部采用这种形式比较好。
    This is quite suitable for those high-ranking cadres.
  • 位是科威特,千多美元。
    That of Kuwait was more than $11,000, ranking first place;
  • 紧密联系的联系紧密的,如与个组织的高层成员联系密切的
    Well connected, as with high-ranking members of an organization.
  • 罗马天主教代理更高级牧师的教士。
    a Roman Catholic priest who acts for another higher-ranking clergyman.
  • 高级讲师大学的教师,尤指仅低于教授职称的那级教师
    A university teacher, especially one ranking next below a professor.
  • 般生活在热带海湾及江口;没有攻击性。
    commonly found in tropical bays and estuaries; not aggressive.
  • 个军衔在海军陆战队上士之上的士官。
    a noncommissioned officer ranking above a staff sergeant in the marines.
  • 斗士,富有战斗精神的人个处于战斗、战争中或好战的人或团体
    A fighting, warring, or aggressive person or party.
  • 我们需要位敢做敢为的人来领导我们。
    We need an aggressive person for our leader.
  • 宫中的贵重物品被洗劫空。
    The palace was ransacked of all its valuables.
  • 这时位巡官带着名警察到了,她向他们诉说她发现住房被窃的过程。
    Then a police inspector arrived with a constable and she told them of her discovery of the ransacked flat.
  • 警方昨天说,小偷把九十岁内科医生的诊所洗劫空。在罪犯横行的哈莱姆区,诊所已所剩无几。
    Burglars ransacked the office of a 91-year-old physician who is one of the last private doctors left in crime-ravaged Harlem, police said yesterday.
  • 1999年,法国农民出身的活动家琼斯·博韦带头砸了法国南部的家麦当劳快餐店,成为法国反全球化运动中执掌大旗的名楷模。
    In 1999, sheep farmer-turned-activist Jose Bove became a standard-bearer for the French anti-globalization movement when he led a group that ransacked a McDonald's in southern France.
  • 记得在波斯湾战争期间,度有谣言说伊拉克的胡先将对我国发射导弹,本地家庭主妇便纷纷囤积大米等基本必需品,将杂货店抢购空。
    At one point during the Gulf War, many housewives here ransacked store shelves to stock up basic necessities like rice after hearing rumours that Saddam Hussein might fire missles at us.
  • 他们花了大笔钱购得那幅画。
    They paid a king's ransom for the painting.
  • 她的钻石项链定很贵。
    Her diamond necklace must have cost a king's ransom.
  • 她父亲付了万美元赎金将她从绑架中解救出来
    Her father paid a $10,000 ransom to get her back from a snatch
  • 她父亲付了万美元赎金将她从绑架中解救出来。
    Her father pay a $10, 000 ransom to get her back from a snatch.
  • 块那么大、而又无瑕疵的绿宝石会是价值连城的。
    An emerald of that size, unflawed, would be worth a king's ransom.
  • 要买幢面向大海的房子,你得花好大笔钱。
    You'd have to pay a king's ransom for a house looking on to the sea.
  • 我从超级市场买回只羔羊腿,价钱非常昂贵!
    I bought a leg of lamb in the supermarket and it cost me a king's ransom.