  • 从卫兵那里再想法子得到点消息吗?
    Were you able to wring any more information from the guard?
  • 她受尽了酷刑,但敌人没从她嘴里压出一句话。
    She was put through the severest tortures, but not a word could the enemy wring from her.
  • 据说这种美容霜消除皱纹
    This kind of beauty cream be say to be able to smooth away wrinkle
  • 据说这种美容霜消除皱纹
    This kind of beauty cream is said to be able to smooth away wrinkle
  • 每位旅客只免税带一只手表,按照规定,另一只您得交税。
    We can pass only One Wristwatch for each passenger free. According to the regulations, you must pay duty on the other one.
  • 这些硅芯片已导致了数不清的发明,如便携式电脑和传真机,而且已经将智添加到现今的汽车和手表中。
    These silicon chips have led to countless inventions, such as portable computers and fax machines, and have added intelligence to modern automobiles and wristwatches.
  • 他的无规律生活的……后果够从他憔悴的容貌上清晰地看到。
    the effect of...his irregular life could be seen writ large on his gaunt features.
  • 一个写并且已经写出了一些东西的人。
    a person who is able to write and has written something.
  • 当他撰写他的一部巨著时,他已熟练地掌握英语,用它来写这部书。
    When he wrote one of his great works, he had mastered the language so well that he was able to write the book in English.
  • 在悲剧写作方面他根本不与莎士比亚相比.
    He cannot compare with (ie is not nearly as great as) Shakespeare as a writer of tragedies.
  • 并非人人都成为作家的。
    Every man cannot be a writer.
  • 你即使从这么远也看到奴隶们在他们主人的皮鞭下痛苦地扭动。
    Even from this distance, you could see the slaves writhing under their master's whip.
  • 两篇文章,上篇与下篇,只有上篇做好,下篇才做好。
    In the writing of an article the second half can be written only after the first half is finished.
  • 那可能是错的。
    That may be wrong.
  • 32.科学家曾相信:氙气是不形成化合物的。
    32. That xenon could not form chemical compounds was once believed by scientists.
  • 外宾:告诉我怎样到西安去吗?
    Would you please tell me how to get to Xi'an?
  • 如果可的话,我将去上海、西安及山东等地。
    If possible, I'll visit Shanghai, Xi'an Shandong and so on.
  • 他们够用雷达测定快艇的方位。
    They are able to position the yacht by means of radar.
  • 他若买得起豪华的快艇,就更匀出钱来还债了
    If he can afford a luxury yacht, then a fortiori he can afford to pay his debt
  • 当年英国人送给达赖喇嘛的汽车,只拆散了用牛运到拉萨。
    When the British wanted to send a car to the Dalai Lama as a gift, it had to be dismantled and carried to Lhasa by yak-back.
  • 我能帮您吗,耶尔?
    What can I do for you, Yale?
  • 如果换个位置,我们把耶鲁和普林斯顿的顶尖学生放在中国,限制他们只用华语沟通,他们最初的表现肯定也不会很特出。但是,以他们的才智,他们毫无疑问在短时间内适应。
    Try putting the top students from Yale and Princeton in China and ask them to operate strictly in Chinese. I’m sure they won’t sound too impressive at first though I have no doubt they, being so bright, would adjust sooner than one can imagine.
  • 小杨可知道他的地址。
    Xiao Yang may know his address.
  • 我们为什么突破长江,迅速完成京沪杭作战任务,并把我们预计的时间缩短一半呢?
    Why were we able to cross the Yangtze and swiftly complete the Nanjing-Shanghai-Hangzhou Campaign using only half the time we expected?
  • 别用力拉绳,孩子们,它可会断的。
    Don't yank at the rope. Children, it might break.
  • 在英国还按码买布吗?
    Can you still buy cloth by the yard in Britain?
  • 我们只供应两万码的真丝绸。
    We can only supply you with 20, 000 yards of pure silk.
  • 108.为了建立一个明确的教育和培训晋级体制,让受雇人士和失业人士接受教育和培训时,逐步提升技术和资格,我们会就职业训练局和雇员再培训局的课程,订定评核学员技术水平的客观标准,使雇主对这些课程更有信心,并承认所颁授的资格。
    108. To help ensure that both employed and unemployed people can benefit from a well-structured education and training ladder, we will develop a qualifications framework for programmes provided by the VTC and the ERB. This will provide an objective yardstick for assessing the skills standards of trainees and will help secure employers' confidence in and recognition of the qualifications.
  • 对这一新观点有一个最新的说法——“平衡雇佣”,将来“平衡雇佣”会成为未来的雇员评判公司的标准。希瑟·基恩认为:“精明的公司现在正在创造一个吸引其所需人才的环境。”希瑟·基恩是一家新的管理人员招募公司的一个合伙人,这个公司正帮助其客户认识到这一新的现实。
    The latest catch phrase for this new approach is “ Balanced employment” , which in the future will become the yardstick by which prospective employees judge companies “ Smart companies are right now creating an environment that will attract the skills they need,” argues Heather Kean, joint owner of a new executive recruitment company which helps its client companies recognise the new realities.
  • 撒谎么!那就是编一个故事嘛,我也够来一下子。
    Tell lies! That is, spin a yarn; well I can do that.
  • 这部电影只令人哈欠连天
    The movie was nothing more than one big yawn.
  • 然而它真迷惑并控制那些见识浮浅或胆量不足的人,而这种人又是数目最多的。更甚者,勇气也把有智之人在他们意志不坚强的时候克服了。
    But nevertheless, it doth fascinate, and bind hand and foot, those that are either shallow in judgment, or weak in courage, which are the greatest part; yea, and prevaileth with wise men, at weak times.