  • 这几年那年轻人一直在欺骗罗伊斯,因为他一直与其它女孩子外
    That young man has been stringing Roise along for years because he carries or going out with other girls.
  • 我们得把发动机拆卸开来找毛病。
    We'll have to strip the engine down to find the fault.
  • 一点一点地拂去数百年的积尘,科学家们将一幅珍贵的石壁画显露了来。
    Carefully stripping away (or off) centuries of dirt, the scientists uncovered a valuable old wall painting.
  • 燃料电池是一种自行充电的电池,它是靠把电子从氢中脱离来而产生电流来供电的。
    A sort of self-energized battery, fuel cells work by stripping the electrons off hydrogen and creating an electric current.
  • 你同时也必须争取做表率。
    You must also strive to lead by example.
  • 要大力开采石油,尽可能口一些。
    We should strive to produce more petroleum and export some where possible.
  • 我们提要搞建设,搞改革,争取比较快的发展。
    We have decided to engage in development and reform, striving for fairly rapid growth.
  • 用轻轻的笔触画出
    To draw with light strokes.
  • 由于采取了一系列人意料的果敢措施,这个国家幸免于战祸。
    By a series of bold strokes, the country was saved from war.
  • 出去遛遛。
    Let's go for a stroll.
  • 我猜她去遛湾儿去了。
    I guess she has gone for a stroll.
  • 人类在战争中强烈地表现这样的特点。
    Man strongly displays this characteristic in war.
  • 他擦出了亮光。
    He struck a light.
  • 他已经三击不中而局了。
    He has been struck out.
  • 她把球打了出去.
    She struck the ball away.
  • 病人挣扎着走房间。
    The patient struggled out of the room.
  • 我竭力控制不笑声来。
    We struggled to hold back our laughter.
  • 矿工们挣扎着从唯一的洞口来。
    The miners struggled along from the only hole.
  • 玛丽每听过一次音乐会,回到家里都能在钢琴上随意弹其中的每一首曲子。
    Mary can come home from any musical show and strum every tune on the piano.
  • 在他演的那天晚上,他似乎一点也不紧张。
    On the evening of his performance he didn't seem at all strung up.
  • 这些钉子不易拔来。
    These nails are stubborn.
  • 这固执的男孩拒听雨天不能门的理由。
    The stubborn boy refuse to listen to reasons for not go out in the rain.
  • "刀被卡在砧板上了,但她猛的一下就把它拔了来。"
    The knife was stuck on the chopping block but she pulled it out with a jerk.
  • [口]因缺乏某物而停顿;想不某物
    Be stuck for sth.
  • 他们认真研究了这一问题,然後才作决定。
    They stud the question carefully before they make the decision.
  • 风刮掉了护墙板,显露壁骨材料。
    The wind had ripped away the clapboards and exposed the studding.
  • 一开始就有很多著名的明星的参加,当即大获成功。
    The play opened with a star-studded cast and was an immediate success.
  • 我是个学生身的人,在学校养成了一种学生习惯,在一大群肩不能挑手不能提的学生面前做一点劳动的事,比如自己挑行李吧,也觉得不像样子。
    I began life as a student and at school acquired the ways of a student; I then used to feel it undignified to do even a little manual labour, such as carrying my own luggage in the presence of my fellow students, who were incapable of carrying anything, either on their shoulders or in their hands.
  • 海洋摄影室的生物学家指,不管海豚科动物多么聪明,
    Marine Studio biologists have pointed out that, however
  • 他向着我拨弄起来的火苗狠狠地望了一眼,把猫从它的高座下撵下来,自己安坐在空的位子上,开始了把烟叶填进三寸长的烟斗里的动作。
    He cast a sinister look at the little flame which I had enticed to play between the ribs, swept the cat from its elevation, and bestowing himself in the vacancy, commenced the operation of stuffing a three-inch pipe with tobacco.
  • 办公室里十分闷热,由于知道主任去了,这个秘书脱得剩衬衫。
    The office was so stuffy that, knowing the Chief was away, the Secretary stripped to the shirt.
  • 当下属无法执行好上司的命令时,公司的经营管理就会现严重失误。
    When troops below fail to respond to orders from on high, company performance may stumble badly.