  • 为加强全线全过程施工期环境保护监督检查,国家环保总局和铁道部联合下发了《关于加强青藏铁路建设生态环境监督管理工作的通知》,对施工期内的环境保护和监督检查工作做了专门部署。
    To strengthen such supervision and inspection work, the State Environmental Protection Administration and the Ministry of Railways jointly issued the “Notification on Strengthening the Supervision and Management of the Eco-environment in the Building of the Qinghai-Tibet Railway,” setting out specific requirements for the environmental protection and supervision work during the construction period.
  •    国防和军队建设迈新步伐。
    New strides have been taken in strengthening national defense and army building.
  • 他为阻止她作了极大的努力。
    He made strenuous attempts to stop her.
  • 1.太阳来时,不做剧烈的户外活动;
    1. When the sun's out, avoid strenuous exercise outside.
  • 要成为一名杰的运动员需要多年艰苦的训练。
    It take many year of strenuous training to is an outstanding athlete.
  • 要成为一名杰的运动员需要多年艰苦的训练。
    It will take many years of strenuous training to be an outstanding athlete.
  • 在一个长时间的繁重的脑力劳动后去散步是一个好习惯。
    It is a good practice to take a walk when you have done strenuous mental work for a long time.
  • 经过20年的艰辛努力,中国己初步形成了社会主义市场经济体制,现了以公有制为主体,多种所有制经济共同发展的格局。
    After 20 years of strenuous efforts, China has initially formed a socialist market economic structure, and developed a pattern with the public ownership as the main form and the joint development of diversified forms of ownership.
  • 当作重点挑选来强调。
    to stress, single out as important.
  • 有相同的发音(尤指元音)现在连续重读的音节中。
    having the same sound (especially vowel sound) occurring in successive stressed syllables.
  • 我们过去,也曾经严重地提了这个问题。
    In the past we, too, have stressed this as a serious point.
  • 如果你好好想一想,你便能悟:坐在椅边竭力去猜测你面前的人(或电话线那端的人)将要说什么,你好噼里啪啦地回应一番话,要花费你很大的精力,也是很令人紧张的事。
    It takes pressure from you.If you think about it,you'll notice that it takes an enormous amount of energy and is very stressful to be sitting at the edge of your seat trying to guess what the person in front of you (or on the telephone) is going to say so that you can fire back your response.
  • 当你通读自己列的紧张压力一览表时,找生活中一两种你能够较容易改变、并且能对你产生影响的情形。
    As you read through your list of stressors,identify one or two things in your life that you can change easily and that will make a difference to you.
  • 他伸手臂去拿一本书。
    He stretched his arms for a book.
  • 我可以伸展去到这个两个空位上吗?
    Could I stretch out on those two empty seats?
  • 有人提:鸟能感觉到从地球北极通向南极的磁力线。
    It has been suggested that birds can sense the magnetic lines of force stretching from the north to the south magnetic poles of the earth.
  • 有人认为,鸟类能觉察得地球自北向南磁极的磁力线,因而能为自己导向。
    It has been suggested that birds can sense the magnetic lines of force stretching from the north to south magnetic poles of the earth, and so direct themselves.
  • 的确,如果我们向每一个普通的党员都提了严格的要求,那末,我们就需要向党的干部提更严格的要求。
    If we make strict demands on every rank-and-file Party member, we need, indeed, to make still stricter demands on Party cadres.
  • 放宽,放松从拘束、压力或严格要求中解脱
    To free from restraint, pressure, or strictness.
  • 他在大厅里大步走来走去,寻找口。
    He strode the halls of the building , looking for exit.
  • 他急急戴上帽子很生气地从大厦里走来。
    He clapped his hat on and strode angrily from the building.
  • 市政府的钟敲了七下,可在楼下的市场上,还没现乔的身影。
    There town hall clock chimed seven times but there was no sign of Jon striding across the market place below.
  • 此外,它有自我挑战能耐的味道,在广开言路上,跨一大步。
    Moreover, it is a challenge to the government's tolerance towards different views, a big stride forward in promoting free speech.
  • 梦里欧罗巴看见两个大陆为了争夺她而相斗,一个是亚细亚,另一个是远方的那片海岸,双方都呈现女人的形象。
    In the dream Europa beheld two continents at strife for her sake, Asia and the further shore, both in the shape of women.
  • 但是,政治智慧是在复杂政治斗争中锻炼来的,香港主权全由中英政府谈判包办,香港人只能靠边站,这样,香港又怎能产生李光耀?
    Yet it takes the tempering in fierce political strifes to bring about political wisdom. While the negotiations over Hong Kong's return were monopolised by Beijing and London, how could the territory expect to produce a Lee KuanYew of its own?
  • 外出罢工
    To go out on strike.
  • 砍打或砍;劈出
    To strike or cut; cleave.
  • 通过敲击钟奏(音乐)
    To produce(music) by striking bells.
  • 你有一次曾因为打人犯规而被罚场外。
    And you once fouled because of striking.
  • 和音指通过轻触展开的或停止颤动的弦乐器琴弦上的特定位置,从而使两部分弦同时颤动而发的声音
    A tone produced on a stringed instrument by lightly touching an open or stopped vibrating string at a given fraction of its length so that both segments vibrate.
  • (音乐)指弦乐器;通过拉弓发声音。
    (music) of a stringed instrument; sounded by stroking with a bow.
  • 麦克仍然偶尔同洛娜一起去,但是我认为他只是保留着与她的友情而已。
    Mike still occasionally goes out with Lorna but I think he's just stringing her along.