Chinese English Sentence:
  • 廿四年前,我可英俊得奇;在圣弗兰西斯科的雨季里,我常被错当作天气晴朗。
    Twenty four year ago I am strangely handsome; in san francisco in the rainy season I am often mistake for fair weather.
  • 他发现有个陌生人进院子。
    He spied a stranger entering the yard.
  • 他发一声受扼的叫喊,随即倒在地板上。
    He gave a strangled cry and fell to the floor.
  • 他发一声受扼的叫喊,随即倒在地板上。
    He give a strangle cry and fall to the floor.
  • 绞刑最先在西班牙现的一种绞死人的方式,使用一种拧紧的铁环去使罪犯窒息或将其脖子勒断
    A method of execution formerly practiced in Spain, in which a tightened iron collar is used to strangle or break the neck of a condemned person.
  • 例如,第一次大革命是我党积蓄了力量干的一个轰轰烈烈的大革命,可是被大革命后期不长时间的陈独秀机会主义领导断送了。
    Take the First Great Revolution, for example. It was a vigorous revolution launched after our Party had gathered some strength, but it was strangled under the leadership of Chen Duxiu's opportunism, which was prevalent for a short time towards the end of this revolution.
  • 货物应该用坚固的口木箱包装,并且牢牢加箍。
    The goods are to be packed in strong export cases, securely strapped.
  • 对这些“一家之主”伸援手,相信没有人反对,现在的关键是选择怎样的帮助途径。
    I am sure no one will object if we suggest that something be done to help these financially-strapped families. The issue is: how do we help them?
  • 总体分成阶层后由各阶层抽选来的随机样本。
    the population is divided into strata and a random sample is taken from each stratum.
  • 它切割一块表面光滑的圆柱体石头,从这石块上可以看钻头在切割的岩层。
    It cuts a clean cylinder of rock, from which can be seen the strata the drill has been cutting through.
  • 他们已经想了攻击敌人的策略。
    They have worked out the stratagem to attack the enemy.
  • 俗话说:“眉头一皱,计上心来。”就是说,多想智慧。
    A common saying goes, "Knit the brows and you will hit upon a stratagem." In other words, much thinking yields wisdom.
  • 这个问题在男孩中间尤为突,政府教育家们正在想方设法使教育赶上潮流。
    The problem is more acute among boys, and Goverment strategists are looking at ways to make education trendy.
  • 我想我们应该制订一项行动计划,用来对付这种情况。
    I think we should work out a strategy to deal with this situation.
  • 最后他们想了一条计策。
    Finally they hit upon a strategy.
  • 为了更好地保护我们的国家,抵御今天和明天的威胁,我的政府已经制定了一套新的国家安全战略,台了新的辅助性战略,以使我们的国家更加安全并对抗大规模杀伤性武器。
    To better protect our country against the threats of today and tomorrow, my Administration has developed a new national security strategy, and new supporting strategies for making our homeland more secure and for combating weapons of mass destruction.
  • 施特劳斯住在靠近皇宫的一所豪华别墅里,越来越少进行巡回演了。
    Strauss, living in an expensive villa near the royal palace, toured less and less.
  • 施特劳斯名传遗迹,并在西欧的大多数首都进行巡回演
    Strauss's reputation spread, and he toured most of the capital cities of western Europe.
  • 一位在轻音乐领域的友好对手,奥芬巴赫向他提一项建议,促使他开始朝新的方向迈进。
    A suggestion from his friendly rival in the field of light music, Offenbach, started Strauss off on a new trend.
  • 我一看见那条迷路的狗,就认它是我邻居家的。
    The minute I laid eyes on the stray dog I recognized it as my neighbor's.
  • 当我要找人帮助洗碗碟时,孩子们一溜烟地全都跑了屋子。
    When I asked for some help with the washing up, the children all left the room tike a streak of lightning.
  • 他飞快地跑了学校。
    He streaked out of school.
  • 我打开门时那只猫飞奔而
    When I opened the door, the cat streaked out.
  • 拖靶机准时现,在它的后面远远地拖着一个带翼的小靶子,急速地在空中飞行。
    The towing aircraft appeared dead on time, and far behind it a small winged object streaked across the sky.
  • 人潮从火车站涌出。
    Streams of people were coming out of the railway station.
  • 泪水从她的眼中流
    Tears streamed from her eyes.
  • 人们涌出了车站.
    People were streaming out of the station.
  • 这场表演确实滑稽,人人都捧腹大笑,笑得眼泪都淌来了。
    It was really a funny show. Everyone was rolling about with teas of laughter streaming down their faces.
  • 人们从大厅里涌来。
    Streams of people were coming out of the great hall.
  • 这个地区只有一条河曾经淘过金。
    Only one of the streams in this area ever panned out.
  • 这是从湖里流的小溪之一。
    This is one of the streams that issue from the lake.
  • 为此,党除了应该加强对于党员的思想教育之外,更重要的还在于从各方面加强党的领导作用,并且从国家制度和党的制度上作适当的规定,以便对于党的组织和党员实行严格的监督。
    Therefore, apart from strengthening the ideological education of its members, the Party has an even more important task, namely, to strengthen the Party's leadership in every way and to make appropriate provisions in both the state and the Party systems for strict supervision over Party organizations and members.