  • 嚮電燈提供電的配綫。
    wiring that provides power to electric lights.
  • 告訴我關於電匯費的問題嗎?
    Can you tell me something about the wiring fee?
  • 銅綫與soi技術一起將處理器的速度做到1ghz以上。
    Together, copper wiring and SOI technology will bring the speed of the processor itself well over 1 GHz.
  • 他不是一個有處世纔的人。
    He is not a man with worldly wisdom.
  • 愚人不從智者那裏學到什麽;而智者卻從愚人那裏學到很多。
    Fools learn nothing from wise men;but wise men learn much from fools.
  • 古代的中國人充滿着智,他們有一句格言,你應剪下來,貼在你帽子裏。
    The ancient Chinese were a wise lot - wise in the ways of the world;
  • 對於信息係統部門而言,需要明智地選擇萬服務器,積極地瞄準戰略機遇,並馬上開始計劃實施方案和建立實施方案的原型。
    As for IS, it needs to choose a Universal Server wisely, target strategic opportunities proactively, and begin planning and prototyping implementations immediately.
  • 我們如何纔順利地應戰,將取决於我們對人的投資多寡,同時也將取决於我們怎樣巧妙地利用新技術的學習工具。
    How successfully we respond will depend on how much we invest in people and how wisely we employ the learning tools of the new technologies.
  • 如果我們做出明智的選擇,我們就償還債務,解决(二戰後出生的)一大批人們的退休問題,對未來進行更多的投資,並減輕稅收。
    If we choose wisely, we can pay down the debt, deal with the retirement of the baby boomers, invest more in our future and provide tax relief.
  • 除非聽人忠告有所收斂,他很有可陷入麻煩。
    He's likely to land in hot water unless restrained by wiser counsel.
  • 時間最明智,揭一切密。
    The wisest thing is time, for it brings everything to light.
  • 所以,人得理性思考、正確判斷,聽取相左的意見並盡可做出最明智的决定。
    One uses reason and good judgment; listens to the opposing points of view and makes the wisest decision possible.
  • 我真希望你能來幹。
    I wish you would.
  • 他說他大學畢業後肯定找到工作,但這也許衹是他的如意算盤而已。
    He says he's sure to get a job when he leaves university, but it may be just wishful thinking.
  • 他們從一種僥幸心理出發,希望用幾個臺兒莊一類的勝仗就打敗日本,免得在持久戰中動員人民力量,危及自己階級的安全。
    Indulging in wishful thinking, this clique hoped that a few more victories of the Taierhchuang type would stop Japan's advance and that there would be no need to mobilize the people for a protracted war, which would threaten the security of its own class.
  • 旅遊者期望在導遊中得到真正的體驗
    Tourists wishing for a real experience while on the guided tour.
  • 不要指望找到十全十美的幸福那衹不過是鏡花水月.
    You shouldn't hope to find perfect happiness it's just a will o' the wisp.
  • 不要指望找到十全十美的幸福--那衹不過是鏡花水月。
    You shouldn't hope to find perfect happiness it's just a will-o'-the-wisp.
  • “它非常高興出來了,”瑪麗若有所思地說,“我想我們再也見不到它了。”
    “He’s so glad to be out,” Mary said wistfully,” I don’t think we’ll ever see him again.
  • 那巫婆聲稱衹要想着它,就用意志消除任何形式的痛苦。
    The witch claims to be able to will away any form of pain, just thinking about it.
  • 應當註意到,確盤與報價不一樣,它雖然不受法律約束,但可以被接受,而且一旦被接受就不撤銷。然而,一個有聲譽的賣主是不會冒犧牲自己聲譽的風險而在所約定的或共同商定的時間以前撤銷他的報盤。
    It is to be noted that unlike a quotation, a firm offer, although not legally binding , is capable of acceptance and once it has been accepted it cannot be withdrawn, but no reputable seller would risk his reputation by withdrawing his offer before the stated or agreed time.
  • 這種藥物因為可有副作用而被停止銷售。
    The drug, which is suspected of having side effects, has been withdrawn from the market.
  • 我有時候可不說真話,但事實際上我不至於到說謊地步。
    I may withhold the truth at times, but I stop short of actually telling lies.
  • 沒有你的幫助,我不做這件事。
    I can't do it without your help.
  • 抵擋風吹日曬,不受傷害。
    able to withstand exposure to weather without damage.
  • 政治傢必須經得起公衆的批評。
    A politician must be able to withstand public criticism.
  • 夠忍耐住突奔欲望的,用於馬
    Able to withstand an attempt to break. Used of a horse.
  • 這種材料既不經受高壓,也不經受高溫。
    This material cannot withstand high stresses , neither can it bear high temperature.
  • 第二,實踐證明中國有抵抗製裁的力。
    Second, experience has proved that China has the ability to withstand these sanctions.
  • 每根主繩索經受180,000,000磅的重量。
    Each main cable of the GW Bridge can withstand the pull of a hundred and eighty million pounds.
  • 即使可控硅夠經受高壓,但由於dv/dt效應也可導通。
    Even though a thyristor is able to withstand high voltages, it could turn on due to dv/dt effects.
  • 在面對新的環球威脅時,這種社會“強力膠”將幫助我們團结一致剋服睏難。
    This social “super-glue” is crucial if we are to withstand new and global threats together as a united people. It is not impossible.