  • 没有反对他所提的建议。
    No one stoke against what he had suggested.
  • 接受并售偷来货物的人
    Person who receives and sells stolen goods
  • 汗蒸发的行为或过程,尤指通过植物表面的气孔或皮肤孔蒸发
    The act or process of transpiring, especially through the stomata of plant tissue or the pores of the skin.
  • 是的,但是海滨石头多。找不任何一个地方的海滨沙滩能赛过渤恩慕的。
    Yes, but the beach be stony. You can not beat bournemouth for sandy beach.
  • 是的,但是海滨石头多。找不任何一个地方的海滨沙滩能赛过渤恩慕的。
    Yes, but the beach is stony. You can not beat Bournemouth for sandy beach.
  • 别为将来拟定确实的计划,那等于种下癞蛤蟆而期望长牛肝。
    Do not lie any certain plan for the future; it is like planting toad and expecting to raise toad - stool.
  • 他做得任何卑屈的事。
    He would stoop to anything.
  • 为了进一步向上爬,他什么事都干得来。
    He would stoop to anything to further his career.
  • 他无论多麽不道德的事都干得来。
    He'd stoop to anything, ie He has no moral standards.
  • 他们阻止我出门。
    They stopped me going out of the door.
  • 母亲试图阻止小女儿外与男孩子约会。
    The mother tried to stop her young daugher going out on dates.
  • 巡回演如马戏团或巡回演的一系列中途停留地之一
    One in a series of moves and stopovers, as with a circus or road show.
  • 当局已发指引,收紧向员工发放增薪的规定,并要求部门对工作表现未达标准的员工加强执行《公务员事务规例》中有关暂停和延期发放增薪的规定。
    The Administration has issued guidelines to tighten rules on the award of increments and reinforce the application of Civil Service Regulations on stoppages and deferrals of increments for officers with sub-standard performance at work.
  • 塞子会被冲出来。
    The stopper may blow out.
  • 他走出商店。
    He marched out of the store.
  • 名的作家的短篇小说。
    short stories by unrecognized writiers.
  • 他们国时把家具送到仓库保管起来.
    They've stored their furniture while they go abroad.
  • 突然袭击,其不意[强攻,使轰动]
    Take by surprise [storm]
  • 船已作好海准备,但因暴风雨而不能启航。
    The ship is ready for sea but cannot get away owing to the stormy weather.
  • 他把花瓶的碎片粘起来。她把在那场激烈的会议上所发生的一切拼凑起来,并把他们陈诉
    He pieced together the vase. She pieced together an account of what had gone on during the stormy meeting.
  • 门前你应该把房间收拾整齐。
    You should straighten up your room before going out.
  • 她把裙子拉拉直就走了去。
    She straightened her skirt and went out.
  • 随后他直起身子,露一副愁苦的脸色。
    Then with a forlorn look about him,he straightened up.
  • 她滤出了咖啡渣。
    She strained out coffee grounds.
  • 水正从沙土中渗出。
    Water is straining through the sandy soil.
  • 为证实自己的理论,七月份罗伊·亨利致信法国国防部,提要对拿破仑的一缕头发进行dna测试。
    To prove his theory, Roy-Henry wrote to France's Defense Ministry last month to request a DNA test on a strand of Napoleon's hair.
  • 船搁浅遇险后,船员立刻发求救信号。
    Stranded and in trouble, the crew sent out the S.O.S.
  • 说来也怪那位新选的理事在委员会中居然占有绝对的支配地位。
    "Strange enough, that new director has complete dominance of / over the whole committee."
  • 她与陌生人见面感到奇地不自在。
    She's been strangely hanging up about meeting new people.
  • 小女孩断断续续唱的这首歌异常优美。
    The song the little girl sang by fits was of a strangely sweet sound.
  • 他叫她害怕,而同时,他这样的呆望也叫她奇地愉快。
    He frightened her, and at the same time it was strangely pleasant to be so looked upon.
  • 接着,他意念其他所有的人都消失。医院里变得奇地安静---就算是医院也不应该这么静啊。
    Then he wished all other people out of existence and the hospital became strangely quiet even for a hospital.