  • “我要叫你喪失掉,”她說,“你那誘惑了我的丈夫的美貌。”一下子卡利斯特的腰身就屈了下去;她想伸臂懇求一番,但那雙臂眼看着就要長滿了毛。
    "I will take away," said she, "that beauty with which you have captivated my husband, " Down fell Callisto on her hands and knees; she tried to stretch out her arms in supplication-they were already beginning to be covered with black hair.
  • 親近人之人羨慕和支持人及其文化的人
    One who admires and supports Black people and their culture.
  • 對於這些有着巨大質量的洞,最近可利用射電天文學來測量它們的質量。
    The mass of one of these suppressive black holes has recently been measured using radio astronomy.
  • 她們遊泳離開下沉的大船,但是女孩不擅長遊泳,她抓住梅米的腳纔死裏逃生。
    They swam from the sinking ship, but because the black girl could not swim well, she kept herself from drowning by holding on to Memmie's foot.
  • 歡迎光臨天鵝餐廳。
    Welcome to the Black Swan.
  • 羽紅嘴的澳大利亞大型天鵝。
    large Australian swan having black plumage and a red bill.
  • 水手被熱帶的太陽曬得黝黝的
    The sailor is swarthy from the sun of the tropics
  • 他沿着暗的街道迅速地走回傢去。
    He walked swiftly towards home down the dark street.
  • 與竊賊有關的屬於或有關小偷、騙子和社會人物的
    Of or relating to thieves, swindlers, and underworld figures.
  • 貝剋郡豬一種養殖的中型色豬,腿、腳和臉上有白色斑紋
    One of a domestic breed of medium-sized black swine with white markings on the feet, legs, and face.
  • 1992年8月,雲南省政府組織歷時83天的武裝掃毒行動,一舉搗毀了在雲南省文山州平遠鎮形成的具有社會性質的特大販毒販槍集團。
    In August 1992, the Yunnan provincial government organized an 83-day armed drug elimination operation, in which a massive drug- and weapon-smuggling ring which had been operating in the town of Pingyuan, Wenshan Prefecture, Yunnan Province, with the characteristics of a criminal syndicate was smashed at one fell swoop.
  • 頂林鶯歐洲一種體形小的鳴禽(頂林鶯),其雄性為灰色並有色肉冠
    A small European warbler(Sylvia atricapilla), the male of which is gray with a black crown.
  • 鑰匙長度為40位的對稱算法可以、並且已經給客破譯。
    Symmetric algorithms whose key-size is 40 bits can be and have been cracked by hackers.
  • 社會老大,頭目有組織的犯罪辛迪加的一個部門頭領
    The head of a branch of an organized crime syndicate.
  • 謀殺是社會聯合進行的。
    a murder carried out by an underworld syndicate.
  • 其做工精細:領子是天鵝絨的,商標是第五大街的,價錢讓人難以置信,衹賣28美元。
    The coat had a black velvet collar, beautiful tailoring, a Fifth Avenue label and an unbelievable price of $28.
  • 穿衣服的那個高個子。
    The tall man in black.
  • 簡在太陽下很快就曬了。
    Jane tanned quickly in the sun.
  • 布滿表面的圖案;全身上下都曬了。
    an allover pattern; got an allover tan.
  • 我衹是想曬黑一些。
    I just want to get a tan.
  • 因暴曬在太陽下而變
    get a tan from being exposed to the sun.
  • 蘇格蘭品種,色和棕色皮毛。
    a Scottish breed with a black-and-tan coat.
  • 色、棕色、深棕色、深褐色及白色。
    Black, brown, dark brown, dark tan and white.
  • 他在海邊脫去衣服以曬皮膚。
    He disrobed to get a good sun - tan on the beach.
  • 在海邊度假之後,她的皮膚曬得的。
    She had gotten a good tan after the holiday at thesea.
  • 德國血統體型中型到大型的品種,皮毛為閃亮的棕色,用作看門狗。
    medium large breed of German origin with a glossy black-and-tan coat used as a watchdog.
  • 艾爾達犬一種大型獵犬,腿長、毛硬直、皮毛呈帶斑的棕色
    A large terrier of a breed having long legs and a wiry tan coat marked with black.
  • 他那被太陽曬了的臉表明身體非常健康。
    His sun-tanned face suggests excellent health.
  • 那個姑娘被太陽曬了的臉表明她身體非常健康。
    That girl's sun-tanned face suggests excellent health.
  • 他的臉曬得很,他的雙手大而有力。
    His face is tanned and his hands big and strong.
  • 某些紫檀屬樹木分泌的紅色或色的汁液或樹脂,用於醫藥和製革。
    reddish or black juice or resin from certain trees of the genus Pterocarpus and used in medicine and tanning etc.
  • 土耳其帽一種通常為紅色的、頂部有垂下的色流蘇的、平頂的圓筒形男式氈帽,主要在地中海東部地區佩戴
    A man's felt cap in the shape of a flat-topped cone, usually red with a black tassel hanging from the crown, worn chiefly in the eastern Mediterranean region.