  • 我们教士兵如何使用刺刀和怎样在短兵相接的战斗中生存下来。
    We taught soldiers to bayonet and to survive hand-to-hand combat.
  • 他们用刺刀逼着我们他们修碉堡。
    They drove us at bayonet point to build blockhouses for them.
  • 教授指出,雅片贸易是以武力强加中国人的。
    The professor spoke of the opium trade, as imposed on the Chinese at the point of the bayonet.
  • 我一文不名,因此不能付钱你。
    I haven't a bean, so I can't pay you.
  • 医生站在他的床边他作检查。
    the doctor stood at her bedside.
  • 我从几个了解她临终情况的朋友那里听说,玛格丽特在她长达两个月的无比痛苦的病危期间,谁都没有到她床边过她一点真正的安慰。
    Indeed Marguerite, as I had learned from friends informed of the circumstances of her final moments, had seen no true consolation settle at her bedside during the two months when she lay slowly and painfully dying.
  • 睡前故事(孩子临睡前讲的故事)
    A bedtime story, ie one read to a child at bedtime
  • 我父亲总在我们临睡前我们讲故事.
    My father always used to tell us bedtime stories.
  • 孩子们恳求她他们念一段上床时讲的故事。
    The children begged her to read them a bedtime story.
  • 没时间在睡觉之前你的孩子讲故事吗?
    Don't have time to read your preschooler a book before bedtime?
  • 假使你现在就上床睡觉,我就念个睡前故事你听。
    If you go to bed now, I have read you a bedtime story.
  • 我们一生应该这样地生活和劳动,使予我们的种子能在下一代开花,使予我们的花朵能在下一代结果,这就是我们所说的进步的意义。(比彻)
    We should so live and labor in our time that what came to us as seed may go to the next generation as blossom, and what came to us as blossom may go to them as fruit. This is what we mean by progress.( H. W. Beecher)
  • 我来一盘牛排加土豆和豌豆。
    One beefsteak with potato and pea for me, please.
  • 买了一盒套装的内多芬交响乐唱片。
    L buy him a boxed set of Beethoven's symphony.
  • 买了一盒套装的内多芬交响乐唱片。
    L bought him a boxed set of Beethoven 's Symphony.
  • 预先某人一个肯定的印象。
    make a positive impression (on someone) beforehand.
  • 在先的,居先的提前发生、做或予的
    Taking place, done, or given beforehand; prior.
  • 他们热心照顾这个年轻的姑娘,她吃的,她住处。
    They befriended the young girl, providing her with food and shelter.
  • 他们热心地照顾这个年轻的姑娘,她吃的、她住处。
    They befriend the young girl, providing her with food and shelter.
  • 他帮苏姗与公共汽车司机成为朋友,以便他们能关照她,她预留座位。
    He helped her befriend the bus drivers who could watch out for her,and save her a seat.
  • 他把一枚硬币扔了那个乞丐。
    He tossed the beggar a coin.
  • 她把一枚一角银币扔那乞丐。
    She tossed the beggar a dime.
  • 他丢乞丐一枚硬币。
    He tossed a coin to the beggar.
  • 那乞丐一枚硬币吧,你是不在乎的。
    Give the beggar a coin; you won't miss it.
  • 一开始我们只能你区区二百英镑作为酬金。
    We can only offer you a beggarly two hundred pounds to start with.
  • “吹点什么我听吧,”她恳求说。
    “Play something for me,” she begged.
  • 初学法律者的第一个忠告就是买一本好的法律词典,经常参阅它。
    My first advice to the beginner in the study of law has always been to buy a good law dictionary and turn to it constantly.
  • 卡特吓得发出一声尖叫。“你险些把我毙啦!”他伸出的手里紧捏着一支已被子弹击的烟斗。“真是万幸”。(新手)迈克大惊失色,口中喃喃而语。
    Carter gave a sharp yelp. “You nearly shot me!” He pulled out a hand clasped round a shattered pipe. “Beginner’s luck,” Mike muttered, his face white with terror.
  • 他骗我把自行车借了他。
    He beguiled me into lending him my bicycle.
  • 这位教师常常她的学生讲童话故事,借以吸引他们的兴趣。
    The teacher used to beguile her pupils with fairy tales.
  • 他们受骗, 了他一大笔钱.
    They were beguiled into giving him large sumsof money.
  • 老师鼓励孩子们表现得好一些,不要集体丢脸。
    The teacher encouraged the children to behave well and not to be a discredit to the collective.