  • 列宁深入研了马克思和恩格斯的著作。
    Lenin made a deep study of the works of Marx and Engels.
  • 地方一级政府;研生阶段的学习
    the local level of government; studying at the graduate level.
  • 上下都要讲工作效率。
    People working at all levels should be efficiency-minded.
  • 协助及鼓励企业家利用国内科技实力作为后盾去发展高增值工业,我们亦会研不同方案,去协助以科技为本的公司在市场集资;
    to facilitate and encourage entrepreneurs to develop high-value added industries, and to leverage on the Mainland's technological and scientific strengths. We will study the feasibility of various options to help and facilitate the raising of capital in the market of technology-based companies;
  • 领导这一研的马丁·莱温说:"我们把这一现象称为'圣诞老人效应'"。这一研结果在《婚姻与家庭杂志》上发表。
    "We call it the 'Santa Claus effect,'" says Martin Levin, lead author of the study, which is published in the current issue of the Journal of Marriage and Family.
  • 语言学中研语言词汇部分的分支。
    the branch of linguistics that studies the lexical component of language.
  • 词汇学语言学的一个分支,主要研构成一种语言的词
    The branch of linguistics that deals with the lexical component of language.
  • 答案在研究中
    The solution lies in research.
  • 一辈子献身于科学研
    devote one's whole life to the study of science
  • 健康生活的价值体现在哪儿?新的研提示,可能是6到10年的性命。
    What's a healthful lifestyle worth? Maybe six to ten extra years of life, new research suggests.
  • 归根底,本人认为这主要是和我国大学生的阅读习惯与生活方式有关。
    I believe, in the final analysis, that this is related to the reading habits and lifestyle of our university students.
  • 部队装备如何减轻重量,也很值得研
    We should also study how to lighten the equipment of our troops.
  • 59.谨慎的航海员在出航前,会研航向,记录的灯塔的位置,以便对各种可能出现的情况做到有备无患。
    59. Before staring on a sea voyage, prudent navigators learn the sea charts, study the sailing directions, and memorize lighthouse locations to prepare themselves for any conditions they might encounter.
  • 不久以后这些设施很可能就可以被我们使用了;她很健忘;很适合作参观的地方;坏掉的翅膀很可能落下来;下雨是很有可能的;很可能的研话题;这项工作的很可能的候选人。
    these services are likely to be available to us all before long; she is likely to forget; a likely place for a restaurant; the broken limb is likely to fall; rain is likely; a likely topic for investigation; likely candidates for the job.
  • 之所以使用这些众数,是因为周详全面的众数计算量太大。研人员目前正在努力克服这一局限。
    They are used because full-blown models are too computationally intensive, a limitation that researchers are now working to overcome.
  • 国家卫生研院的克莱因指出,无论其缺点或优点如何,目前最明显的限制是它们还未上市。
    Whatever their drawbacks or virtues, points out NIH's Klein, the most obvious limitation is that they are not yet on the market.
  • 他们的研沿着正确的方针进行。
    Their research proceeded along sound lines.
  • 他们逐字逐句地研了这个文件。
    They studied the document line by line.
  • 语言学家们去实地研部落语言了。
    The linguist go to study tribal language in the field.
  • 专门研文法和句法的语言学家。
    a linguist who specializes in the study of grammar and syntax.
  • 影响语言表达的社会和文化因素的语言学家。
    a linguist who studies the social and cultural factors that influence linguistic communication.
  • 在语言学上,“台语”指的是包括现代泰语、中国南方傣族瑶族等少数民族语在内的语族,原籍昔阳的已故旅美语言学家李方桂教授,是台语研的现代权威。
    In linguistics, Tai Yu means a language family including modern Thai, and the native languages of the Dai, the Yao and other minority ethnic groups in Southern China. The late Professor Li Fang-gui, the linguist who hailed from Xiyang and worked in the US, was the modern authority on Tai Yu.
  • 中国主要语言研机构
    principal linguistic institutes of China
  • 中国主要语言研刊物
    principal linguistic periodicals of China
  • 语言学意义的专家。
    a specialist in the study of linguistic meaning.
  • 组成基本语言单位的规则研
    studies of the formation of basic linguistic units.
  • 为研者提供语言或文化方面信息的人
    One who furnishes linguistic or cultural information to a researcher.
  • 文学研从语言学方面的新见解中受益良多.
    Literary studies have been cross-fertilized by new ideas in linguistics.
  • 他从事于语言学的研
    He is engaged in studies in linguistics.
  • 英语专家英国语言的研专家
    A specialist in English linguistics.
  • 马先生是研语言学的。
    Mr. Ma is a man who studies linguistics.
  • 负责语言学教学和研的学校部门。
    the academic department responsible for teaching and research in linguistics.