  • 自从我婚后,我母亲一直是我最近的亲属。
    Since I got divorced my mother has been my next of fin.
  • 开房子前做的最后一件事是锁门。
    The final thing she did before she left the house was to lock the door.
  • 我参加期终考试只有一个星期了。
    It's only a week before I have to sit for my finals.
  • 斯末考试只有2个星期了。我必须认真努力复习功课啦。
    Finals are only 2 weeks off. I've really got to start setting my shoulder to the wheel.
  • 在大多数婚案中,女方在社会地位和经济地位上都会处于劣势。
    In most divorce cases the woman is left with the dirty end of the stick both financially and socially.
  • 就是通过探求而有所发现,"ranging"就是测量出精确的距
    "Detection" is finding something as the result of a search; "Ranging" is finding the exact distance. "detection".
  • 分析报告对这种分或确定的结果的陈述
    The stated findings of such a separation or determination.
  • 现在仆人衣着华贵地走在前头,王子谦恭地紧随其后,保持着一个仆人适当的距
    Now the servant, dressed in finery, led the way, and the prince humbly followed at a servant's appropriate distance.
  • 他的很多最优秀的作品自己从未听到有人演奏过。他开人世时脑子里还装满了创作规划。
    Much of his finest work he never heard performed, and he died full of projects.
  • 甲真菌病手指甲或脚趾甲从指甲床分或松脱
    The separation or loosening of a fingernail or toenail from its nail bed.
  • 指甲上的肉刺一小片坏死的,游于其余皮肤外的,悬挂在指甲侧面或根部的皮肤
    A small piece of dead skin at the side or the base of a fingernail that is partly detached from the rest of the skin.
  • 在一响之后开地面然后再响的一种爆竹。
    a firecracker that (like the whizbang shell) makes a whizzing sound followed by a loud explosion.
  • 消防人员叫人群着火的房子站远点。
    The firemen asked the crowd to stand back form the burning house.
  • 她站得壁炉太近了, 衣服烧著了.
    She was standing too close to the fireplace and her dress caught fire.
  • 壁炉太近啦,当心你的衣服!
    You're too close to the fireplace. Be careful of your clothes.
  • 她站得壁炉太近了,衣服烧著了。
    She is standing too close to the fireplace and her dress catches fire.
  • 一些人开营地去寻找木柴。
    One group left the camp to forage for firewood.
  • 在每年的11月5日盖伊·福克斯的夜晚,我们都应该别忘记自己的宠物,应把它们关在房内,远烟火声。
    We should all remember our dumb friends on Guy Fawkes night, and shutthem indoors away from the sound of fireworks.
  • 他决定离开伦敦。
    He fixed on leaving London.
  • 1995年除云南省从外籍过境来滇就医的一名脊髓灰质炎患儿粪便中分到一株野病毒外,全国尚未从急性弛缓性麻痹病例中分到脊髓灰质炎野病毒。
    In 1995, only one strain of a wild virus was found in the stool of a child suffering from poliomyelitis who came from abroad to Yunnan for medical treatment. No other poliomyelitis wild viruses were found in Acute Flaccid Paralysis cases.
  • 开弗拉格斯塔夫时,没有人比我更高兴了。
    Nobody was as happy to leave Flagstaff as I was.
  • 我从机场回到家,便一下瘫倒在我最近的沙发上了。
    When I got home from the airport, I flaked out in the nearest armchair.
  • 客人们去,杯盘收拾过后,我们坐在扶手椅里,简直累垮了。
    After the guests had gone and the dishes were cleared away, we simply flaked out in a couple of armchairs.
  • 老式短枪有大口径和引人注目的枪口的短枪,以前用于近距散射
    A short musket of wide bore and flaring muzzle, formerly used to scatter shot at close range.
  • 当暴露在子辐射中时发出火花。
    light flashes when exposed to ionizing radiation.
  • 见于地平线附近的、范围广阔的、无雷声的闪电;尤指见于夏天傍晚时刻的、高云层所反射的远距闪电。
    bright flashes of light near the horizon without thunder (especially on hot evenings); usually attributed to distant lightning that is reflected by clouds.
  • 进行这项研究的芝加哥大学的研究生约翰·索哈说:“它用来铺平身体的肌肉可能与完成波动的肌肉是分的。
    According to University of Chicago graduate student John J.Socha, who conducted the research, "whatever muscles it using to flatten are probably decoupled from the muscles it using to undulate."
  • 他们哪里知道要得到这一套并不容易,有些人就是一辈子也没有共产党员的气味,只有开党完事。
    Some will never have the slightest Communist flavour about them as long as they live and can only end up by leaving the Party.
  • 他想吻她,但她却让他碰了“钉子”,怏怏去。
    He tried to kiss her, but she sent him off with a flea in his ear.
  • 他杀死了敌人之后逃了这个国家。
    He killed his enemy and fled the country.
  • 惊恐的人们纷纷逃火场。
    The frightened people fled from the fire.
  • 他逃离敌人。
    He fled from the enemy.