  • 别总看人家的孩子了!
    Stop slavering over thatbaby!
  • 她在树底下静静地坐
    She sat very still under the tree.
  • 乌克兰语乌克兰人的斯拉夫语,和俄语有紧密的联系
    The Slavic language of the Ukrainians, which is closely related to Russian.
  • 此人是个矮胖男子,有一张斯拉夫人的宽脸庞,目光敏锐,连赌博行家都为之称羡,但是一切都深藏不露。
    He was a short,overweight man with a broad Slavic face and eyes that would have done a professional gambler proud.They revealed nothing.
  • 可怜的珍妮!她一直在辛辛苦苦地干
    Poor Jane ! she has been slaving.
  • 你们在外面享福,我却一直在这里辛辛苦苦守火热的炉灶。可我又得到了什么报答呢?
    Here I've been slaving over a hot cooker while you have been out enjoying yourselves, and what rewards do I get?
  • 和塞而维克语有关的印欧语系的一个分支;波罗的语被认为还保留原印-欧语的很多古老的特征。
    a branch of the Indo-European family of languages related to the Slavonic languages; Baltic languages have preserved many archaic features that are believed to have existed in Proto-Indo_European.
  • 下滑的斜坡可以乘雪橇顺滑下的小山或斜坡
    A hill or other slope down which one may coast, as on a sled.
  • “你们男人带上狗和雪橇,顺我的脚印去吧。
    “Go you men with dogs and sleds. Follow my footsteps.
  • 放学后,学生们三三俩俩地离开了,边走边说即将到来的圣诞节:家中的圣诞树旁将发现自己心系已久的自行车和崭新发亮的雪橇。
    After school the children left in little groups, chattering about the great day yet to come when long-hoped-for two-wheelers and bright sleds would appear beside their trees at home.
  • 穿昂贵的衣服的讲究的外表。
    sleek figures in expensive clothes.
  • 羽、翼或鳍状结构羽、翼、鳍或类似的悬
    A feather, wing, fin, or similar appendage.
  • 最后,艾米丽雅驾驶一架流线型洛克希德织女座飞机飞上蓝天,取代了她原先的客机。
    Eventually Amelia was flying a sleek Lockheed Vega instead of an Airster.
  • 弗兰基两岁时,毛色油亮,长6叉茸角。4月的一个早晨,它没有露面。
    When Frankie was two years old--a sleek creature with six-point antlers and a shiny coat--he failed to show up one April morning.
  • 这人长一双漂亮的腿,也多少以此自豪,因为他那质地上乘的褐色长袜穿在腿上裹得紧紧的,闪光,鞋和鞋扣虽不花哨,却也精巧。
    He had a good leg, and was a little vain of it, for his brown stockings fitted sleek and close, and were of a fine texture; his shoes and buckles, too, though plain, were trim.
  • 的处在睡的状态的;正睡
    In a state of sleep; sleeping.
  • 醒的没眠或无法进入睡眠的
    Not sleeping or not able to sleep.
  • 安眠药片不久就使她睡了。
    The sleeping pills soon put her off to sleep.
  • 阿兰在睡袋里翻了一下身,背对她说:“我很好,我们再睡一会儿吧!”
    Alan turned over in his sleeping bag. “I’m fine.”he said.“Let’s get some sleep.
  • 哭得睡着了
    Cry oneself to sleep.
  • 他不知不觉睡着了。
    He dropped into sleep.
  • 这些树林里经常栖息各种鸟类。
    These woods are frequented by all kinds of birds.
  • 她哭累睡着了。
    She-ied herself to sleep.
  • 翻来覆去睡不着
    Toss in one's sleep.
  • 他轻移脚步,以免吵醒睡的人。
    He trod quietly so as not to disturb the sleepers.
  • 这是沉闷的星期一,亨利对书本打瞌睡。
    It was blue Monday and Henry nodded sleepily over his books.
  • 夜里,他因极度困倦睡了,手臂还在机械地划水,手拍到水面上,人惊醒了就继续向前游。
    At night, he fell into sleep because of extreme sleepiness and exhaustion. His arms still thrashed mechanically. His hands smacked the water surface and he would awake and continued to swim ahead.
  • 她凝视镜中的自己。
    She stared at herself in the mirror.
  • 她似乎睡了;这个似乎是一个很困难的问题。
    She seems to be sleeping; This appears to be a very difficult problem; This project looks fishy; They appeared like people who had not eaten or slept for a long time.
  • 他把那个睡的孩子弄醒了.
    He awoke the sleeping child.
  • 他因烦恼而睡不着。
    He was sleepless with worry.
  • 他躺在床上睡不着。
    He lay sleepless on his bed.